Willow’s POV
” Here you go.” Jake says handing me a cup of fresh tea.
Even since those teenagers left earlier more people have been showing up both demons and humans. It’s like they just turned up to stare at the freak. I feel very uncomfortable at work and I even texted Damian to come get me.
” Thanks.” Taking the cup with shaky hands I slowly take a sip to calm my nerves. Hearing foot steps approaching I am hoping it is Damian but feel disappointed when its just Dean and Kristin.
” More people are still coming in but there are no more available tables to seat everyone.” Dean tells Jake.
I roll my eyes, ” They didn’t come to eat anyway. They came to stare at me like I am so kind of freak.” I say irritated.
Kristin kneels down beside me and takes me hand. ” You aren’t a freak Willow. It’s just that you are the first human in a long time that anyone has heard about having a relationship with a demon. You’re child will be like a new beginning for this clan.”
I shake my head, ” No, Kristin! You don’t get it! They will bully my child I have seen what demons and humans do to half demon children. They treat them lower than dirt! I seen them use half demons like slaves and beat them just because they have a human or demon parent! I seen them be starved to death or left outside chained to trees like a wild animal! Even that teenager said it wouldn’t be long before someone tried to kill my baby!” I snap at her as my eyes start to fill with tears.
I wouldn’t put it past them to try and kill my unborn child while him or her is still in my womb.
Placing my hand over my small baby bump I give it a gentle rub to try and calm down.
” No one is going to hurt your child. Especially when Damian gets here and makes it clear to everyone to leave you alone.” Dean tells me as he hands me some paper towels.
I sniffle as tears start streaming down my face. Taking the paper towels I wipe my tears and blow my nose.
” I j-just want t-to go h-home!” I cry out as I put my cup down on the table and start bawling.
“Shh. It will be okay.” Kristin says as she rubs my back gently.
” Why is she crying?” Virgil asked as he enters the room. ” Also your diner is packed I have ever seen so many people here. You selling some new type of food or something?” He asked.
” N-no.. They c-came to s-stare at m-me!” I sob out.
” What are you talking about?” Virgil asked with confusion in his voice.
” There were these teenagers that came in earlier today. They apparently said some hurtful things about Willow and her unborn baby. Ever since they left a bunch of people have shown up. They order drinks just sit and whisper about Willow.” Dean explains to Virgil.
” T-hat t-teen said that my b-baby wouldn’t l-last a year b-before someone tries to k-kill it! S-said h-half breeds are a d-disgrace to d-demon b-bloodline.” I sob out.
” What teen?!” Damian asked his voice booming in the break room as he enters and glares at everyone.
” It was a group of teens that come in for coffee and cappuccinos. They are are just normal citizens.” Dean tell him.
Standing up I walk over to Damian. ” P-please t-take me h-home.” I beg Damian.
He eyes soften as he looks down at me. ” Virgil take her home.”
” W-what about you?” I asked him.
He gently wipes the tears away with his thumb. ” I have to make an announcements to the citizens that live here. They have to understand to leave you alone. You just go home and try to relax. I will fix everything here so you can come back to work in the morning. If that is what you choose.” He tells me softly with a small kiss on the forehead.
Feeling a hand gentle on my arm. I look back to see it is Virgil. ” Come on, I will take you home.” Virgil says softly.
I sniffle and give a small nod.
Watching as Damian takes a step back.
Virgil gently pulls me to his chest before he transports me back to the house.
Damian’s POV
I am beyond pissed off at the moment. Not only did teenagers say hurtful about Willow and my unborn child! They told the rest of the citizen that are now piling into Jake’s diner to get a look at Willow and whisper hurtful things. Even standing in the back room I can hear all the things the citizen are saying about my unborn child and my future wife. I am grateful Willow is human and doesn’t have supernatural hearing, because hearing these things would break her heart more.
Walking out onto the lobby floor I watch as everyone’s turns pale at the sight of me.
” I am only going to say this once so listen closely!” I tell all of them in a cold tone. ” All of you are to leave my women and my unborn child alone!” I say through gritted teeth.
Watching all their shocked reactions I glare at them. ” If you continue to come here just to stare and make rude remarks! I won’t hesitate to kill everyone! I don’t care if I have to kill everyone in this town!”
Hearing a man in back mumble something it catches my attention.
” Say that a little louder!” I snap in the direction I heard mumbling.
Watching a demon with black horns stand up and walk to the center of the floor.
” I said that I lost respect for you! You decided to mix your bloodline with a weak human! Half breeds have no place being born here! You are a disgrace to other high ranking demons.” He spat out at me.
This weak low ranking demon is telling me I am a disgrace!
I let out a cold laugh, ” You are talking to me about being a disgrace to high ranking demons! Yet you aren’t even on my level!” Closing the distance between me and the lower rank demon. I grab him by his throat and lift him into the air.
He hits his fist against my arm and tries to kick me with his feet.
” T-that c-child w-will d-die!” He manages to gasp out.
Squeezing his neck and tilting his head until a hear a loud pop I smirk coldly as his body goes limp and toss him onto the floor.
I stare at everyone who has wide eyes as the stare at me and back at the lifeless demon on the floor.
” Anyone else want to expression their concerns?” I asked everyone coldly.
“No?” I question them as I look around the diner.
” Good… Now leave my women and unborn child alone.” I growl out at them.
Watching as everyone gets up from their tables in a hurry and leaves the diner with money left on the tables.
Now this small group will spread the word without me having to lift a finger but I will kill anyone who defy me. Willow is only a month and a two weeks pregnant I can’t risk her loosing our baby over stress. Not to mention I finally found out who is sneaking demons and thugs into my town without permission.
Now I just have to flush him out into the open.