Chapter 40

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV
It’s been two months since Damian saved me from the wolf pack that kidnapped and since Kristin blurted out I was pregnant. I don’t know what her issue is lately it’s feels like I am losing my best friend.
I know I overreacted about how the boys chose to save me. That it was enemy territory and it was a kill or be killed situation. I just wanted things to end more peaceful without the blood shed, but I had forgotten that demon love blood shed. They kill anything and everything that gets in there way.
Hearing a knock at the door I snap out of my train of thought.
” Come in.” I tell whoever is on the other side.
Watching a maid step inside mine and Damian’s room with a tray full of food and walks over to the bed.
I haven’t been wanting to face everyone else being back. I feel bad for the way I acted towards them. I know they won’t hurt me, but they are all demons can you blame me for being hesitant towards them.
The maid places the tray on the nightstand carefully and bows her at me before quickly leaving the room without a word.
It is still weird having people serve me I am capable of getting my own stuff, but I know this is just Damian’s way of taking care of me.
Placing my hand on my stomach I give my small bump a gently rub.
I barely have a baby bump it honestly just looks like a small fat roll and it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach. It makes me happy I am having a child but it also makes me sad just thinking about what the future holds. My child will be bullied by both humans and demons along with being consider an outcast in both worlds.
All I can do is try to give my child the best life.
” You are thinking to much.” Damian says making me jump.
Letting out a sigh I glare at him,” Don’t do that! You scared me.”
He lets out a chuckle, ” I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just checking in on you before I head out. I have some business to take care of in town and probably won’t be back until later tonight.”
I nod, ” Okay, I will just wait for you.”
Even though things started out rocking between us and I am pretty sure he got me pregnant on purpose. Which don’t get me wrong I am upset about it and would kill him if I had a chance in hell at actually being able to kill a demon as powerful as him, but this child is innocent in all this and deserves to have a life. The past two months have been pretty good with us. He calls to ask me if I need anything before he comes home from whatever it is he is going.
Not to mention Jake told me I can start working at the diner tomorrow!
I am so excite to get back to work!
Watching as he starts to leave I panic a little. ” Wait! You do know I am working at the diner tomorrow right?” I blurt out to him.
He gives me a cocky smile, ” Yeah I do. Who do you think Jake cleared it with before you could go back to work.” he says before exiting the bedroom.
Aaaand that right there is why I sometimes just want to kill him!
So freaking cocky!
Not to mention he acts like a controlling dad!
I guess if we have a daughter he will be pretty good at saying the word no.
Walking into the diner around ten o’clock in the morning wasn’t my idea. I wanted to show up on time but Damian turned my alarm off and reset it for a little later.
His exact words were, ‘ You are pregnant and need more rest.’
He acts like I am weak and sick!
It gets really annoying sometimes.
Looking around I don’t see Kristin anywhere.
She is probably on break this is around the time she enjoy a cup of coffee or a snack.
Walking behind the counter and opening the door to head into the back.
I push the door open a little too hard and hear a loud groan.
I freeze for a moment before stepping fully inside to see that I had hit Dean in the face with the door.
” Damn girl! Maybe that baby is giving you super human strength cause that shit hurts!” He says rubbing his face.
I bite back a laugh, ” Why were you standing behind the door!” I say in a serious tone.
” I wanted to be the first to greet you.” He touches his face and looks at me. ” Am I bleeding?”
I can’t help but laugh, ” No crybaby you aren’t bleeding! The door barely touched you!” Shaking my head I head towards my locker with Dean following behind.
” Barely touched me?! That door hit me so hard my tan lines are gone!” He says with his voice full of sarcasm.
I laugh as I place my bag into my locker, ” What tan lines?” I ask him.
He gasps loudly and places his hand on his chest,” How dare you!” He says acting hurt.
” No, she right. What tan?” Kristin asked walking into the room.
” Excuse the fuck out of me! I am very tan.” Dean tells us as he rolls up his sleeves to show us his golden tan arm.
” Looks like makeup.” Kristin teases earning her a fake glare from Dean.
” Well if this is makeup I should give you some tips to hide the bitch look you got going on.” He shoots back.
Kristin laugh, ” Right, okay!”
” Knock it off and get to work! We got customers out front waiting! Socialize on your own damn time!” Jake yells out at us as he walks past the locker room.
” Man what a party pooper.” Dean say with loud sigh as he leaves the locker room.
Shutting my locker I take the apron Kristin holds out to me.
Putting the apron I watch as Kristin steps a little closer.
She rubs the back of her head, ” I am sorry for the way I acted towards you. I was just so mad that you went with those wolves after I told you to just stay behind me. When you got back all that just came rushing back to me. I am happy you are okay and I figured if you knew you were pregnant you wouldn’t do reckless things anymore.”
I let out a sigh, ” It was a very fucked up way to tell me and than you just left me there by myself!” I snapped feeling anger rise up inside me.
” I was having a panic attack and you just left!” I continue angrily.
I guess I am more pissed off at her than I realized.
” Look I don’t want to fight with you, but at this moment I don’t think I can forgive you. That was a huge mile stone in my life and you just blurted out and walked away.” Walking past her I head down the hall and out onto the lobby area.
Taking a note pad off the counter I walk over to my first table of the day.
I give the group of teenagers a warm smile, ” What can I get you boy?” I ask softly.
The group of boys seems to be staring at me with confused looks on their faces.
I make a small cough to clear my throat.
That seems to get all their attention and they give me a warm smile back. ” Just two coffees and three cappuccinos.” The boy wearing a blue hoodie tells me.
I nod, ” Anything else?”
They all shake their heads and speak at the same time, “Nope.”
I give them all a questioning look before heading back behind the counter.
Walking over to the coffee maker I notice it is empty so I start a new batch.
While that is making I walk over to the cappuccino maker. I grab three mugs from under the counter and begin filling them.
I will have to tell the two teens that wanted coffee that it will be a few minutes since I had to make a new batch of coffee.
Walking back over to the group of teens I can hear them whispering to each other.
” Dude, she pregnant and from the smell its going to be a half demon.” The boy in the blue hoodie says to his friends.
” I wonder what demon it was?” The boy in the red shirt asked.
” Does it really matter? That kid isn’t going to last a year before someone tries to kill it half breeds are a disgrace to our demon bloodline.” The boy wearing a black hoodie and has his ears pierced says to his friends.
I feel my heart skip a beat as I place their cappuccinos on the table.
The boys look at me in surprise not realizing I was next to them.
” The coffees will take a few minutes since I had to make more.” I say my voice coming out harsher than I intended.
This is what I was talking about.
There is a invisible line between humans and demons no one talks about but we all know it is there. Demons don’t like it when there kind mixes with humans it doesn’t matter what clan they are from. While there are humans that don’t like when other humans mix with demons. The hate comes from both sides but I will be damned if people talked that way about my child in front of me.
” Maybe you kids should learn how to be respectful and mind your own damn business! It’s demons like you that pass down the hate towards half demons! Now I will go get your coffee. Once your done pay for your shit and get out!” I snap at the teens that all have shocked expressions on their faces.
Walking away from them angrily I storm over to the coffee maker.
Grabbing two mugs from under the counter I pour the coffee into them.
” I will take them to the table. You just go calm down.” Dean tells me as he places dirty dishes on the window counter where Jake can get them.
” Fine…” I give Dean the two mugs full of coffee.
Today is my first day back and my unborn child is getting hate.
I will have to be strong and toughen up that is for sure.
God give me patients because if you give me strength I will start knocking people out.