Chapter 39

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV

It has been two days since Damian had saved me from those wolves and brought me back to his mansion. He hasn’t spoken to me since that night.
I can’t help but feel a little guilty. He did rescue me but it doesn’t change the fact that he enjoyed the pain he was causing them.
Hearing a slight knock on the door. I take my eyes off the tv and watch as Kristin walks into me room.
“Hey, girl how have you been?” She asked me as she shut the door behind her and walks over to the edge of the bed.
Letting out a sigh, ” I been feeling terrible. I know they went to save me, but it doesn’t change the fact they enjoyed crushing them. Not to mention Damian is being ridiculous about not letting me leave the mansion. I tried to go out for some fresh air and the guards were blocking my path.” I rant out to her.
” Okay, okay slow down.” Kristin says as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed.
She gently takes my hands into her own and stares at me softly.
She takes a small breath in before letting it back out. ” Willow, they are men and demon men at that. They are going to enjoy beating the crap out of people or hitting their opponent until it stops moving. As fo-”
Cutting Kristin off I speak, ” That should be an issue!” I snap at her.
Kristin lets out a loud sigh, ” Willow for crying out loud! They were in enemy territory its either they crush the enemy or the enemy would crushed them! Those wolves should be grateful that Damian left a few of them a live. Cole’s wolf pack is done and over with.” She informs me.
” I get they were in enemy territory bu-”
Kristin cuts me off, ” There is no buts! They risked their lives to save you! Yet here you are sitting and judging the way the saved you rather than being thankful that they found you on time! I can’t do this with you!” She snaps angrily and pulls her hands away from mine as she stands up to her feet.
” Also I was going to tell you that Damian is just trying to keep you and his baby safe!” She screams out at me as she storms out of the bedroom.
I sit there in complete shock as I bring my hand up to my stomach.
Kristin words still ringing in my ears.
‘ Damian is just trying to keep you and his baby safe!’
I can’t be pregnant….
Slowly getting up from the bed I walk into the bathroom and shut the door.
Locking the door I start searching the bathroom for pregnancy test. After searching for a few minutes I find the white box with blue letters in the very back of the cabinet.
Pulling the box out I stare down at the box filled with pregnancy test.
I open the box with shaky hand and pull out a package with a pregnancy test inside.
I should probably take three test in total just in case the first one is wrong.
I need to find a cup to pee into I won’t be able to pee on all three of these at once.
Looking around I see the empty shaving cream bottle in the trash. I take the lid off the empty shaving cream and give it a good wash before walking over to the toilet.
Pulling me pants down I hover over the lid and do my business before carefully walking over to the counter.
Placing the lid full of my pee gently down on the counter. I open all the pregnancy test and dip them into the pee until it shows its full.
Once that is done I set all the pregnancy test down on the counter and dispose of my pee that I had in the shaving cream lid.
I swear waiting has to be the most nerve wrecking thing!
How could Kristin blurt something out like that!
I pace the bathroom impatiently as I wait for the results to come in.
After waiting a good five minutes even though the box said the results would be ready in three.
I nervously look down at all three pregnancy test.
All three say positive I stare at them in complete shock and slowly sit down on the marble floor.
She was telling the truth..
If course she was I had forgotten that demons can smell when you are pregnant. Just like how they can smell when you are aroused or on your period, but I am pretty sure they ignore the last part.
Placing my hand over my stomach as I hear a loud knock at the door.
” Willow open the door!” Damian says in a worried tone as he starts banging on the door.
I don’t move to open the door or attempt to move from my spot as I stare blankly at the counter.
Hearing the door crack and Damian bust inside.
I stare up at Damian and look at the shattered wooden door that was now in pieces all over the floor.
Watching as he has a panicked looked on his face. He relaxes as he examines me and sees the pregnancy test on the counter.
He kneels down in front of me and gently creases my face with the back of his hand. “Willow, it will be okay.” He tell me in a gentle tone.
I stare at him and can feel tears streaming down my face. ” I don’t know how to be a mom.” I tell him as I start to cry.
How am I going to raise a child! let alone a child that will be a half demon!
” You will be fine. I will be here every step of the way I promise.” Damian tells me.
” I’m sorry I was a bitch about how you went on to save me.” I sobs as I bury my head into his chest.
Feeling Damian’s strong arms wrap around me and hold me tight against his chest. ” It’s fine. You are still adjusting to everything.” He says softly as he gently runs his fingers through my hair.
My body shakes as I sob into his chest and clench my fist into his shirt.
” Kristin shouldn’t have told you the way she did. You aren’t very far along so you don’t have the symptoms yet. The only reason the pregnancy test picked it up is because this isn’t going to be a normal pregnancy. Our child will be part demon so the human test will pick up faster than demon tests will.” Damian says softly.
” That doesn’t make me feel better!” I sob out to him.
” I have seen what other demons do to half demons! The world won’t be kind to him or her!” I tell him clenching his shirt tighter.
Half demons are treated badly and aren’t accepted by humans or demons. My child will be treated less than dirt and that what is scaring me more than anything. I’m not mad that I am pregnant. I am upset because I know my child will have a hard life ahead of them. Not to mention I won’t be around for very long. Demons live a very long time. While humans lives can come and go in a blink of an eye.
” When I get old and die will you promise to always protect our child?” I whisper out as tears continue to flow down my face.
I feel Damian tense up at my words.
He stays quiet for a moment before answering, ” Yeah, I promise…” He whispers back to me softly.