Chapter 38

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV

Watching as the wolf charges at Damian at full speed, it jumps into the air revealing it’s sharp fangs as it growls. It opens its mouth fully as it jumps on Damian and sinks its fangs into the side of Damian neck.
I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming. I ignore the ripe smell of the dead rabbits blood and entrails I have all over my hands.
It is taking everything in me not to vomit all over the place.
I gag silently as I continue to watch Damian.
He is just standing there with the wolf still latched to his neck.
Watching as cruel smirk spread across Damian’s face.
He lets out cold laugh,” Is that the hardest you can bite? You really should have stayed in your human form Cole because this is just pathetic!” Damian growls out.
His sharp nails extent and he plunges his hand into Coles side.
Cole lets out a loud whimper and removes his mouth from Damian’s neck.
Blood dripping from Cole fangs as blood starts pouring from Damian’s neck and running down his left arm.
He uses the hand that is still lodged in Cole side and shoves him off.
Cole goes flying through the air and slams into a nearby tree.
He hits the ground with a loud thud.
I watch as Cole slowly gets to his feet causing blood to start pouring from his side.
In seconds Cole is standing in a puddle of his own blood.
I have to admit demons are pretty amazing in a scaring way. Those type of injuries would kill a human like me.
Cole howls loudly causing me to put both my hands over my ears to block out the noise.
In the distant I can hear other wolves howling back.
” Calling back up so soon? I barely touched you.” Damian says letting out another cold laugh. ” Fine by me. I will just kill them along with you.”
I watch as Damian disappears from my view.
Where did he go?
I peek around inside my hole trying to get a better view and trying to see through the limps to spot Damian anywhere.
But it is no use.
I can only see in certain areas.
The rest is blocked by the giant tree branch I put in the way to hide myself.
Hearing a group of wolves coming closer.
I start to panic and start trying to search for Damian again.
Cole was still standing in view and keeps looking up into the trees as he spins around in circles.
I follow his gaze as I notice a fast blur moving from tree to tree.
That must be Damian!
He moving around so fast that my eyes can’t keep up. I just keep seeing a blurry figure move around causing leaf’s fall to the ground.
~ Damian’s POV ~
Jumping from tree to tree.
I watch as Cole struggles to kept up with my movements.
Out the corner of my eye I noticed a small group of wolves running up to Cole.
I even spot the other two alphas among the group of warrior wolves.
Dean was suppose to be fighting the two alphas. He either lost his fight with them or run away from him.
” Hey! Anyone seen two cowardly alphas? They give me the slip.” Dean says speaking into the earpiece.
I guess that answers my question.
Pressing the button on my earpiece I speak,” Yeah, they are over by me.” I inform him as I jump down from the tree I was in.
I land in the center of their little group and kick Cole into the other two alphas. While dodging the warrior wolves advances at taking a bite out of my legs.
Seems these warriors are a lot smarter than the last ones.
Aiming for my legs isn’t a bad strategy, but it isn’t going to work.
I dodge the warrior wolves second attempt at aiming for my legs, before I kick one wolf into the tree that had a huge branch in front of it. While the other six wolves managed to dodge my attack and charge towards me again.
A small scream catches mine and all the wolves attention.
I look around, but don’t see anything.
For a spilt second I thought I heard Willow scream.
Watching as the warrior wolf that I had kicked just seconds ago. Sniffing around the huge branch that seems to be jammed into the hole at an angle.
That is odd…
No tree branch falls that way into a hole.
I notice the blood and entails that are dumped all over it and the dead rabbit that was tossed a few feet from it.
That rabbit has clean cuts on it for it to have been attacked by a wild animal.
I have seen humans use those types of tactics to hide.
Suddenly it dawns on me.
So I wasn’t imaging it. She is hiding over there.
Quickly transporting over to the tree with the huge branch in front of it.
I kick the wolf away from the hole and send him flying into his comrades.
I do quick glance into the small opening and find Willow curled up into the corner of the hole with her both hands covering mouth.
It’s a good thing I kicked that wolf.
If I hadn’t it would have eventually noticed Willow. Although she was pretty smart with using the rabbits blood to hide her scent. She even made it look like a wild animal got a hold of it by spreading its entrails everywhere. However her mistake was making the cuts on the rabbit a little to clean.
I guess I will have to guard this area, but I can’t make it obvious or they will start to get suspicious.
The loud sound of trees cracking brings me out of my train of thought, as a giant oak tree comes hurling towards me.
I jump out of the way and watch as all the warrior wolves get side swiped by the oak tree and get pinned into other trees.
While Cole and the other two alpha friends managed to dodge the oak tree like I had.
Looking down at the hole Willow is hiding inside.
I let out a sigh of relief.
Good the oak tree didn’t expose her hiding spot.
I had moved on instinct and forgot all about Willow.
” Damn it! How do I miss a target with a giant ass head!” Dean says as he walks into view.
I glare over at him, ” You also most hit me.” I snap at him.
Dean just stares at me and gives me a sly smile, ” Relax, I knew you would move out of the way. I was just hopping the mutts would be to slow to dodge it.” He says rubbing the back of his head.
He is reckless like always, but it might work in my favor.
Watching as Cole and his two alpha friends shift into their human forms. I didn’t notice three wolves that walked up behind Cole and his friends until they were in view. The wolves each drop a pair of pants in front them.
I watch as they put their pants on.
” Finally realized you can’t fight worth shit in your wolf form?” I say with a cold smirk on my face as I stare at the wound I made in his side.
Even though the wound has somewhat healed. I can still see the faint red lines and the smears of blood. Even the bite mark he left on my neck is almost healed all the way.
Cole lets out a laugh, ” No, I can take you in my wolf form. I just want to end this fight quickly so I can marry my new women.” He says with a smirk on his face.
I ball my hand into a first, ” She isn’t yours to marry!” I tell him through gritted teeth.
” Seem I hit a nerve!” Cole says laughing more.
I transport myself in front of Cole. I can’t help but smirk as I watch as his eyes go wide in surprise and fear.
I hear his friends growl and I sense their movements as they take steps towards me.
Before they even get close to touching me. I hear a loud shot ring out from a gun and the alpha to my left falls to the ground with a loud thud follow by a growl in pain.
I than hear the gun click followed by a laugh. “Damn! I’m out of bullets.” Dean says tossing the gun onto the ground.
I noticed the alpha he shot was still alive but bleeding from his leg.
He struggles to stand and glares at Dean.
He lets out a snarl as he shifts back into wolf form and charges at Dean with his friend right behind him.
I see his plan was to pissed them off on purpose to get them away from me.
Not that I couldn’t handle the situation.
I stare back at Cole and realized he is no longer in front of me.
I was distracted by Dean that Cole managed to slip away.
Not that running is going to save him from what I am about to do to him.
He a coward with a big bark and no bite.
Taking a branch I found on the ground.
I hide behind a tree and listen as Coles foot steps get closer.
I swing the branch hard and hear Cole let out a groan as the air gets knocked out of him. He hits the ground hard with a loud thud and lays on his back as he stares up at me.
” You had me chasing you for three fucking hours!” I snap at him angrily as I kick him hard in the ribs.
He lets out a groan and coughs up some blood, ” Yeah, well I realized how dumb it is to be fighting over some stupid whore!” Cole snaps at me.
He is calling Willow a whore!
I kick him harder in the ribs and smile coldly as I hear the sound of ribs cracking on contact.
Cole groans in pain as he shifts into wolf form and makes a run for it.
I catch up to him within seconds and kick him hard into a boulder.
The boulder cracks as Coles body makes contact and he lets out a loud whimper.
The fucking asshole kidnap’s Willow than runs away because he realizes he is losing!
No wonder his father wouldn’t give him the alpha position. He isn’t qualified to lead anyone let alone be the leader of this fucked up little pack he created.
At least his friends that are fighting Dean have more balls than this worthless piece of shit.
I pop my knuckles as I approach Cole in his wolf form.
He stares up at me as I extent my nail and jam my hand into his head.
He lets out a loud whimper and his paws kick up dirt as he squirms in my hold.
” Don’t worry Cole. I won’t kill you, but I will make you wish I fucking had!” I snap angrily as I dig my nails deeper into his skull.
His whimpers get louder.
I let out a cold laugh, ” Next time think twice before fucking with me.” I say harshly as I get to work with curving him up with my bare hands.
After thirty minutes Coles whimpers die out as he lays on the ground unconscious covered in his own blood.
I admire the deep cuts I made into Coles fur I even curved my name into his side.
Him shifting into his wolf form actually give me more to curve up.
Hearing footsteps I look over at Dean as he comes walking over.
” Holy fuck!” He says laughing as he sees Cole. ” People call me insane and unstable.” he says staring at Cole and back at me.
” Why not kill him?” Dean asked me.
” Because I realized how weak he truly was and find no joy in crushing him. What about you? You kill those alpha friends of his?” I asked him as he hands my a hand cloth to clean my hands off with.
Dean shakes his head, ” No, after they stopped moving. I got kind of bored. So I just left them over by the tree that had the large branch in front of it.” He tells me as I tense up.
” You left them by the large branch alive!” I snap at him.
Dean stares at me confused,” Yeah? why?” He says confusion in his voice.
” Damn it! Willow is hiding over there! Did you not smell her!” I snap as I take off in Willows direction.
Dean follows behind me, ” I didn’t smell her over there. All I could smell was that disgusting rabbit that’s been died about three weeks.” He says running along beside me.
” That’s because she used the rabbit to hide her scent.” I tell him.
” She may have used the rabbit to hide her scent, but if she was still there I would have sensed her.” He tells me as I stop running.
He is right.
Willow can hide her scent, but she can’t hide her presence. If Dean didn’t sense her than it is possible she left that area at some point.
But where the fuck did she go.
~ Willows POV~

Watching as Dean was pounding one of the wolves into the ground with his bare fist.
Blood was spraying onto Dean faces as he is smiling widely with satisfaction.
Seeing this side of Dean has me kind of scared of him.
I slowly and quietly make a small gap big enough for me to squeeze out of.
Once I am out I quietly walk away from Dean and go deeper into the woods.
After walking around for hours I get a little lost and jump at the slightest sound and movements I hear.
I have no idea which way will lead me to the road.
Maybe I should go back to the river and just follow it.
Turning around I bump into a hard chest.
I feel strong arms wrap around me and I look up to see Damian with Dean standing next to him.
” We been looking forever for you, but its a good thing you smell so bad. It kind of helped us find you.” Dean tells me as I continue to stare into Damian blue eyes.
I start to pull away only to feel Damian grip tighten as he pulls me to his chest.
His puts his hand up to his ear and speaks, ” We found Willow. We can head back home now.” He tells whoever is on the other end.
I put my hand on his chest trying to pull away, ” I am not going with you!” I snap at him.
He only ignores me and holds me tight as he transports back to his territory.
My hair flies all over the place as it feels like we are flying through the air.
Once we are back at the mansion I look around and realize we are in Damian’s bedroom.
” Why did you bring me here!” I snap angrily at him.
Damian looks at me calmly, ” Because this is our room and I figured you wanted to take a shower to get the dead animal smell off of you.” He says strapping off his blood covered shirt reveling his muscular back.
I swallow hard and speak,” That’s not what I mean! I want to leave now!” I snap at him and jump when he slams his fist slams down on to the dresser.
” Didn’t we already have this conversation! You aren’t leaving and you agreed to be my girlfriend.” he snaps and storms towards me until my back hits the wall. ” I went to save you from those fucking wolves! And you aren’t even thankful for it! Instead you are whining about to leaving. New flash Willow! You aren’t fucking leaving!” He snaps at me as his eyes turn bright red.
I stare at him with teary eyes and look away from him, ” You are a jerk just like he is.” I whisper out to him.
He grabs my jaw roughly and forces me to stare at him.
He open and closes his mouth to say something. Only for him to let go and storm out the bedroom.
Jumping as he slams the door shut behind him.
Perhaps I should have been grateful for them saving me, but I saw a different side of him and Dean and it scares me.
I am happy they saved me, but I can’t just ignore everything I saw them do.
Especially Dean he was ruthless when fighting those two wolves. They didn’t even have a chance against him.
He just kept hitting them until they stopped moving and he enjoyed every moment of it.
Even Damian seemed to enjoyed the fighting from what I could see.
I don’t know what to do…