Willow’s POV
I can feel that I am being carried in strong arms against a rock hard chest. The feeling of warm air blowing across my skin.
I guess we are outside and it’s most likely Damian carrying me. Since he pretty much chased off any man that came over to close to me. All night he was chasing men off that got to close to our table. It wasn’t just him either all the boys at the table would scary men off that go to close.
I open my eyes slowly as I look up at Damian.
” Where are we going?” I ask him tiredly
” We are heading home. Just close your eyes and go back to sleep.” He tells me a Iow soft tone.
I was too tired to agrue. So I just nodded my head and closed my eyes to go back to sleep.
They last thing I felt as I dozed off to sleep was my body being jerked. Along with the sound of the wind in my ear.
When I woke up for the second time. I was laying in bed by myself. Looking at the clock it read two o’clock in the morning, but it felt later than that.
As I tiredly sat up in bed. I notice that I am in one of Damian’s long gray shirts and a fresh pair of underwear.
He must of changed me while I was sleeping. But why does he keep using his clothes? This might be comfy but I do have my own clothes.
I get out of bed and head for the door. peaking out into the hallway. I notice a few guards are lingering around. They don’t pay me any attention, as I step out of the bedroom. Making my walk to the stairs and going down them.
I find Kristin and Virgil in the kitchen.
They smiles at they both notice me.
” Surprised to see you awake already. You were only sleep maybe an hour or two.” Kristen tells me as she stares at the clothes I am wearing with a smirk plastered on her face.
“I guess that explains why. I still feel a little groggy.” I tell her as I lean against the table.
” You should really get some sleep.” Virgil tells me as he sips on his drink.
” Yeah, I know.. Do you know where Damian is?” I ask them.
Feeling strong arms wrap around my waist and warm air fan against the back of my neck. I know its none other than the man in question.
” I am right here. Did you miss me?” Damian asked in a cocky tone.
” Not at all. I just messed my foot warmer.” I tell him back
Damian chuckles, ” Yeah, sure.” he says kissing the side of my cheek.
I feel my face warm up as I start to blush.
” Come on, lets go to bed.” Damian whispers in my ear.
Nodding my head, I tell Kristin and Virgil goodnight. As I go back upstairs with Damian.
Once we are in the room. I climb back into bed, ” So, why do you keep putting me in your clothes?” I asked him.
A sly smirk spreads across his face, ” Because you look sexy wearing my clothes. And it also puts my scent all over you. So, other demons know who you belong too.”
I roll my eyes, ” Possessive much?” I ask as I lay my head back against the soft pillow.
He shrugs his shoulders, ” I don’t like people touching what is mine. So if they touch you. when my scent is all over you. What happens after is on them, because they were warned.” he says walking into the bathroom.
” What do you mean by they were warned?”
” My scent on you is a warning for others not to touch you. They touch you. They die.” He tells me in a serious tone from the bathroom.
He wouldn’t actually kill someone for touching me would he?
I watch as he walks out of the bathroom and climbs into the bed with me.
” You wouldn’t actually kill someone for touching me would you?”
He stares at me with a serious face, ” Yeah, I would.” he says pulling me close to his chest. ” Now get some sleep.” he says kissing my forehead.
We should probably have a conversation about that later on. Right now I am too tired to agrue with him.
He rubs my back gently until I relax against him. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
When I wake up Damian isn’t in the bed with me. I look at the time and see it is the middle of the day.
I groan as I slowly get up.
Why didn’t anyone wake me up?
Walking into the bathroom I quickly do my business. I even brush my hair and teeth before leaving the bathroom to get dressed.
I decided to wear a loose light green dress that stops just above my knees and pair it with matching green flip-flops.
I give the dress a look over in the mirror, before heading down stairs.
walking into the kitchen I am taken by surprise at seeing Jake leaning against the countertop talking to Virgil and Kristin.
” I was wondering when you would get up.” Kristin says with a smile.
” Why didn’t anyone wake me up?” I asked and look at Jake, ” And what are you doing here?” I asked confused
” Damian told us to let you sleep.” Kristin informs me.
” And here I thought you missed me.” Jake adds as he sips his coffee.
” I have actually missed you and your burgers.” I admit to him ” Does this mean the diner is no longer open?”
Jake chuckles, ” You missed my burgers not me. And to answer your question. The diner is still open. I agreed to help Damian, but the diner will be open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from six in the morning until three p. m” He says setting his mug down.
Thats great to hear, now I just have to talk Damian into letting me go back to work. I haven’t been to work since I started living here.
Which I am hoping he says yes, because I am getting tired of doing nothing all day.
” So, do you want to go shopping? I was thinking about going to the mall.” Kristin asked me.
I smile, ” Shopping actually sounds pretty fun at the moment.”
” You might need to ask Damian before you go. I don’t want to hear him bitching about you leaving without his permission.” Virgil adds with a serious tone.
” Where is he?”
” He is in a meeting, but since its you. He won’t mind.” Jake tells me.
I hesitant before going down the hallway. I remember seeing Damian office a few times when exploring.
walking up to the door I can hear people talking inside. I hesitant a little before knocking on the door.
” Come in!” Damian says in a stern tone.
I peek inside slowly seeing two strong men sitting across from Damian.
His face softens when he realizes its me.
” Come here.” He says more in a commanding type tone.
I walk over quickly to him and sit down on his lap. It feels a little awkward because there are two people I don’t know staring right at me.
Damian must have sense that I felt a little uncomfortable. Because all Damian did was give them a certain look, and the two men left the office.
” So, is something wrong?” Damian asked me in a worried tone.
I shake my head, ” No, I was just wanting to go to the mall with Kristin. Is it okay if I go?” I asked him softly.
Damian stays quiet for a moment almost like he is considering the idea.
” You can go.” Damian says after a few long minutes.
I was honestly thinking he was going to tell me no.
” Really?” I asked a little surprised
He nods his head, ” Yes.” as he lets out light chuckle. He pulls out his wallet and gives me his sliver platinum credit card.
” I can’t take that.”
” It’s fine. Go have fun.” He says putting his credit card in my hands.
” Are you sure?”
” Yes, I am sure. Go have fun buy some new stuff.”
I give a questioning looks before I finally agree to take the card.
He gives me a soft kiss on my lips, before I leave the room. As I am leaving the two men from earlier go back into the office.
As much as I want to be nosy and eavesdrop on whats going on. I really just want to spend time with my best friend. It just seems like we haven’t been hanging out as much. Since we both moved in here.
Walking into the kitchen I give Kristin a thumbs up. I watch her give Virgil a quick kiss on the lips before walking over to me.
” Finally get to have a girls day!” Kristin says excitedly.
I am happy for this also. It was starting to feel like me and Kristin were drifting apart. This could be exactly what we both needed. Not just to spend time together, but to get some space from the men.