Chapter 32

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willows POV
On the way to the mall I do notice people are rushing around.
Must be something big happening somewhere.
A few times people have almost crashed into us.
” Nice, blinker asshole!” Kristin yells out even though the window is up. She gives them the bird as we drive pass them.
As we pull into the mall parking lot. I notice the place is packed with demons and humans rushing around in a hurry to get in the mall.
An old man even yells something at us. We can’t hear him due to the windows being rolled up. We just shrug it off as a nutty person bothering us.
It isn’t until me and Kristin get out of the car. That we realize they aren’t rushing to mall to shop.
They are running away from a pack of demon wolves.
screams and cries are filling the air.
” Run!” Kristin yells out.
She doesn’t have to tell me twice as we both run towards the mall entrance.
People are screaming and pushing there way to the mall entrance. The howls from the wolves get louder and I can hear the sound of paws hitting the concrete behind me.
The sound of their paws drawing closer makes me quicken my pace and I push myself to run faster.
This is the hardest I had ran in awhile.
My lungs are burning and my heart is beating so fast. It like its going to burst of my chest.
Just as we reach the door a wolf jumps on the person behind me, causing them to push me forward.
The screams from of the person is loud. Followed by the sound of flesh being torn.
I close my eyes and brace myself for impact with the marble floor. But instead of hitting the floor. I hit a chest and look up to see its Kristin.
She had caught me. I don’t know what I would without her.
The sound of the person screaming behind me in pain brings me back to reality. I glance behind me and see a man getting mauled by the wolf.
Blood was starting to pool on to the floor.
I can’t hear Kristin screaming at me. My eyes are just glued to the gaint wolf.
Its grey and white fluffy fur is almost touchable. If it didn’t look so scary and have piece of flesh hanging out of its mouth.
The howls from the wolves outside get louder as I see a pack of them racing for the door entrance.
Kristin tugs on my arm hard, causing me to look away from the front entrance and at Kristin.
” We have to go now!” She yells at me.
Giving her a slight nod.
She runs down the hallway with me right behind her. Alot of the small stores were starting to close the gates and doors to keep the wolves out.
A lady standing in the doorway to Claire’s was waving at us frantically.
” Here! they are right behind you!” She yells.
When we each the door and slam it shut. A wolf slams into the glass door growling loudly cause the glass windows and door to shake.
It rams it into the glass door with its head, before going after a men that was still in the hallway.
Watching it jump on the man. Biting into his neck as it knocks him to the ground. The man screams and repeatedly hits the wolf with his fist.
I have to look away before I throw up.
” What do we do?! This glass isn’t going to keep them out for long!” Yells an older women.
” Hopefully it holds until helps comes.” Says an elderly man.
I was close to getting eaten at the mall entrance. Than again just before the door was shut.
I survived death by mere seconds. I don’t know if I should consider myself lucky, or if I just have dumb luck.
When I look beside me. I realize Kristin isn’t standing next to me. She standing in the back corner on her phone.
Walking over to her, I can hear Virgil voice.
” We will be there soon. In the meantime you need to arm yourselves with anything sharp. If they get in aim for there necks.” Virgil says in a worried tone before he hangs up.
” How long will it take them to get here?” I asked her
” He said it will take them thirty minutes. The whole town is under attack with wolves everywhere. Virgil didn’t even know they were this deep into town.” Kristin says me as puts her phone back into her purse.
Looking around the small store.
I shake my head, “What are we suppose to use as weapons? This is a jewelry store for kids.” I tell her.
” I’m not sure.” Kristin says rubbing her hands on her face.
” Hey!” I yell to the people up front.
” What can we use as weapons. Incase the wolves get in?” I ask them.
They all look around.
” The only thing in the store. We could probably use are metal rods.” Say the retail worker.
” Its better than nothing. We all need to all get a metal rod to arm ourselves with.” Kristin says as she takes a rod off the wall that held a bunch on necklaces on it.
She takes another metal rod off the wall and hands it to me.
Everyone else was doing the same.
The windows and door began to shake uncontrollably.
I cover my ears with my hands as all the wolves start howling together.
This bad! Since most of the stores in the mall have glass windows. All they have to do is shatter the glass to get in.
These wolves are smart.
I really hope Virgil is close, because I don’t think the glass is going to hold up any longer.
Not to mention its starting to make my head hurt. The howling is so loud I can’t even hear myself think.
The sound of glass cracking gets my attention as I stare at the glass with wide eyes.
This isnt good!
Panic rises up as the windows and door shatter from the pressure.
Everyone at the front of the store instantly runs towards the back were me and Kristin are standing.
The howling stops and the sound of screams fill the air again.
My eyes go wide when six huge wolves jump in the store through the shattered window.
There big yellow eyes piercing into all of us with blood stains all over their mouths and fur.
They let out a loud growl as they slowly stalk there way towards us.
Kristin moves infront of me as she light her metal rod on fire.
” Stay behind me.” Kristin tells me in a stern tone.
As a wolf with a scar over its right eye growls and charges right for me and Kristin.
It doesn’t even flinch when Kristin swings at it. It merely dodges her attack and charges at her again.
A scream rips through the store as the retail worker is the first to fall.
A few of the men move forward to hit the wolf to get it off of her. Only for them to get attack.
Hearing a loud growl behind me. I jump and my heart starts to beat faster.
Slowly turning around I see a brown in white wolf.
Looking for Kristin I see she is still fighting the one.
I hold up my rod with shaking hands and let out a scream. As the wolf jumps on me knocking me to the floor.
I quickly hold the rod up against the wolf throat to keep it from biting me.
Its growls loudy as it snips at my face. It’s breath is so close I can smell it.
Saliva hitting me in the face.
This is it! I’m going to be eaten!
I can feel tears starting to stream down my face.
” No, food for you!” A familiar voice calls out.
The weight of the wolf is suddenly gone.
” You okay?” Dean asked me as he helps me up.
I sniffle and nod my head.
I really thought I was going to die.
” Looks like we have more company.” Dean says as he pops his knuckles.
My eyes go wide at the sight of so many wolves piling into the store.
” Where’s Virgil!?” Kristin calls out to Dean.
” Busy outside. He told me to run ahead. Guess its a good thing he did. now everyone get behind me. I am going to make a barrier.” Dean tells everyone.
Those that are still alive quickly move over to Dean.
Once we are all together a red light starts to surround us.
” Now stay here. I will handle them.” Dean says stepping out of the barrier.
” Haven’t had wolf soup in awhile.” He says as he kicks one wolf and sends it flying to the wolves behind it.
That’s amazing! He knocked them all down with just one kick.
Hopefully he will be able to handle all of them.