Willow’s POV
Alex had order cheeseburgers for everyone at the table.
The second I bit into it, I was instantly disappointed. It was good but it wasn’t as great as Jake’s cheeseburgers. I really miss working for him.
I let out a sigh as I eat my cheeseburger.
” I thought you liked cheeseburgers?” Alex says looking at me with his eyebrow rised.
” I like Jake’s cheeseburgers.” I admit with a sly smile.
Alex chuckles and nods, ” Yeah, his burgers do taste better than this.” He agrees as he takes another bite of his cheeseburger.
The sound of glass shattering following by rised voiced from across the ballroom.
I look in the direction all the commotion was coming from and realize its Virgil getting into with a bunch of demons.
” Um, Kristin..” I says staring at the scene in front of me.
Kristin who had ignored the commotion and continued eating. Finally looks up from her plate and follows my gaze to where Virgil stood about to get jumped by six demons.
” Fuck!” Kristin says as she starts to stand.
” I wouldn’t. You will just be in the way.” Alex says as he continues to eat like nothing is wrong.
How is he so calm?
Virgil POV
” How dare you call my daughter a slut!” The elderly man from the Stone clan sneers at me.
” I didn’t say she was a slut. I said she was acting like one.” I say in response as I start to get surrounded by his men.
Well, I fucked up. The Stone clan isn’t just a high ranking clan, but they are close with Kaiser. So, no one is going to help me when they move in to attack me.
I wouldn’t be in this mess, if that bitch would have left me alone. I already told her I was in a relationship. However she continued to rub herself all over me and kept pressing her boobs against my forearm. Then her grandfather just happened to walk over as I snapped her.
” No, ones gonna help you now. So, I hope you can hold your own.” Kaden who was the sluts older brother says with venom in his tone.
Kaden takes a step forward only to get knocked on his ass by Dean.
The stone clan members instantly back away.
” AW! What? you don’t want play no more?” Dean says with a smile plastered on his face.
I can’t help but to smile.
Dean is fucking nuts and has a reputation of fighting anyone from any clan. He doesn’t care who it is as long as he can get a thrill out of it.
He is the definition of a wild card. I don’t even think death itself can scare him.
I watch as Kaden scrambles to get to his feet and away from Dean.
” He called my granddaughter a slut!” The old man snaps at Dean.
” Well, he isn’t wrong” Dean blurts out bluntly as he pops his knuckles.
Eveyone in the ballroom gasps and I try my best to bite back a laugh.
” How dare you! My granddaughter is a respected young lady!” The old man says glaring at him angrily
” Respected in a whore house maybe.” Dean response back without messing a beat.
” Beside I heard she will suck a dick for a snickers bar” Dean continues.
” That is not true!” The slut in question yells.
” What? You change the paying arrangement?” Dean asked
” I am not a slut! You are spreading lies!” She screams at Dean.
” Bullshit! Your vagina is so loose, I bet you can use that sucker like a second purse” Dean says as I can hear whispers from the other guest.
” What exactly are you implying?” She sneered in pure disgust.
” I’m saying you been banged more times than a snooze button on a monday morning.” Dean says as I hear a few giggles and chuckles spread throughout the ballroom.
Watching as her face lights up in embarrassment, ” I have not!”
Someone says something in the back that I didn’t quite hear.
” I am not a Ho!” She snaps as she turns around to face the crowd behind her.
” Yeah, guys she not a ho! She more of a volunteer prostitute!” Dean says earning more laughter.
She stomps her foot and starts storming off towards the exit with tears in her eyes. Her grandfather, brother, and men all take off after her.
Once they are gone, I burst out into laughter. ” I can’t believe you told her that” I tell him
Dean shrugs, ” Their all talk and no bite.” He says slinging his arm around my shoulders.
” Lets go eat before our food gets cold.” He says walking us back over to where the girls are.
Kristin and Willow were both laughing as we walked over to the table.
” I haven’t laughed this hard in awhile!” Willow says as Kristin agrees with her.
I mindlinked Dean, ” Thanks, for the help.” I tell him.
” Don’t worry about it.” He says back in the mindlink before patting me on the back and taking a sit.
Damian’s POV
After eating dinner and looking around for anything suspicious. We didn’t find any clues or information from our closes allies to figured out who is allowing demons, drugs, and humans into are territory without my primission.
I currently had Willow resting in my lap.
I knew she must be tired, because she didn’t resist like she normally would have. When I put her in my arms. She normally struggles to get free.
Not to mention I have a headace dealing with the Stone clan. They were so pissed off at Dean that the interaction they had with Virgil was long forgotten.
He demanded I force Dean to apologize to not just his daughter but to clear up the hurtful rumors.
Which I tried to tell them that I couldn’t do that. Dean wasn’t apart of my clan. He is simply a family friend.
Finally I just got tried of agruing with the old fucker that I agreed to their terms and mindlinked Dean.
” They want you to apologize to Victoria.” I mindlinks Dean
As Victoria stands next to her grandfather with her arms acrossed and sporting a smirk like she won.
” They also want you to clear up misunderstanding around the rumors of her being a slut.” I finish telling him.
I watch as his a smiles goes across his face.
Yep, this isn’t going to go well.
” I like to apologize to you Victoria.” Dean starts off with, and I watch Victoria start to get all smug.
” You aren’t a slut or a prostitute . You’re a pocket pussy.” he says loudly.
The mug smile on Victoria face instantly vanishes and is replaced with anger. He grandfather gasps, ” Thats not an appropriate apologize!” He snaps at Dean.
” We are leaving!” The old man snaps as they all turn to leave.
” Everyone make way! You don’t want to trip on Victoria pussy lips.” Dean yells out after them.
To my surprise dad didn’t seem to really care. Mainly cause Victoria is in fact a slut.
I look down at Willow and see her eyes are dosing.
I should probably take her home and get her to bed. I was planning on marking her, but I will just do that in the morning.
I am too tired from all the meeting I had with allies trying to get to the bottom of the trespassing situation. Not even Dean could sniff out a traitor among us. So, either its no one here, or we just aren’t digging hard enough.
I am going to get to the bottom of this sooner or later.
Right now its time to head home.