I stayed close to Damian as we walked to the back of the ballroom to an empty table.
Once at the table a servant with chains around her wrist. Wearing a bright red bra and matching red underwear. Walks up to us before we can sit down. She offers Damian a glass full of blood.
Watching as Damian reaches his hand out and takes one of the glasses. The servant bows her head at Damian, and quickly walks away.
Damian pulls out the chair for me, ” Sit.” He says in a stern tone.
I do as he says and takes a seat. While he sits next to me and takes a sip of the blood.
Kristin sits across from me with Virgil to her right, and Boyd to her left. Dean sits on my right side with little Luna in his lap.
I watch as Luna was just happily drinking a blood packet.
” I didn’t know that she also drank blood.” I said, a little shocked as I am watching her.
” We do need blood to survive. It doesn’t necessarily have to be human blood. In fact what Luna is drinking is elf blood.” Dean tells me casually as he gently pats Luna’s head.
” So, If demons can use different blood for food. Why eat humans?” I ask him
” A lot of demons find human blood to be more pure.” Boyd says as he is looking down at his phone texting.
I look over a Damian who is drinking his glass of blood. ” So, is that what you are drinking human blood?” I ask him.
He takes the glass away from his lips and stares at me, ” Yeah, actually it is.”
I was kinda hoping it was elf blood like Luna was drinking. But he is actually drinking human blood.
“So, Wha-” Is all I can get out before I could sense this strong dark aura behind me. A well build man with long red hair that goes down his back, with tattoo sleeves on both arms is standing by the table.
” I thought that was you Damian. How nice of you to finally show up.” He says is a cold tone.
The man basically screamed danger and when his eyes make contact with mine. I feel a shiver go up my spine.
Right, get a hold of yourself Willow. You are in a room filled with demons. If you show fear, they will consider you pry.
” What’s with the pet?” He asked with sudden amusement in his voice. His eyes roaming over my body.
” She isn’t a pet. She is my women.” Damian says irritated not even bothing to look at the man that is now standing beside him.
” Why are you over here anyway? Came to stink up the place?” Boyd says making eye contact with the man.
” Thats not a nice thing for a watch dog to say to someone. Especially to someone with higher rank than you.” He says coldly with a smirk plastered on his face.
I jump when I hear Dean start to laugh.
” What’s so funny?” The red headed man says as he starts a Dean.
” Well, a while back I requested for more bitches be invited to this event. And here you are.” Dean says laughing harder.
Jared chokes on his on his glass of whiskey. While Kristin covers up her laugh with a cough.
This only seems to infuriate the redhead man, ” Very funny!” He snaps out of anger before storming off.
Jared shakes his head, ” I can’t believe you said that. You know he going to run back and tell his daddy.”
Dean smirks, ” So, at least I don’t need my old man to back me up. Like I said he is a bitch.” He says in a cocky tone.
I shake my head, ” Is it a good idea to start fights with other demons?” I questioned them.
” You don’t have to worry. We can handle it. If something were to happen. However the most we are going to get is shit talking from the others. We aren’t exactly low ranking demons.” Dean says confidently.
” But he said he out ranked Boyd?” I said confused.
” It’s because he does, but only by a few numbers. Doesn’t actually mean he can take me.” Boyd says back downing his drink and slides his chair back. He gets to his feet. ” I’m going to the bar.” He says as he walks away.
” Did I say something wrong?” I asked
” No, you didn’t do anything wrong. He probably just needs to get a drink to calm himself down. We aren’t very well liked by other demons.” Damian says as he slides his chair back and stands up.
” Stay here with Dean, Jared, and Alex. I have business to take care of while I am here.” Damian says softly before leaving the table and disappearing into the crowd of demons.
“So, what are we doing here?” I asked everyone.
” Every year a party event is held for all the high ranking demons. It’s a way to socialize, make allies, friends, or even enemy’s. However this event is just a small gathering of near by demon clans. That Damian father had setup. The actual big events happens in six months.” Dean tells me.
So, Damian is here to socialize and make allies. I guess that makes sense I guess.
” So, who is Damian’s father? I haven’t seen anyone with Damian’s clan tattoo.”
” It’s probably for the best you don’t run into them just yet. Especially since Damian hasn’t marked you yet.” Virgil says as he takes a sip from his glass of blood.
Marked me? What does that mean?
Before I can question Virgil he suddenly gets up from the table without warning and leaves without a word.
I look at Kristin, ” What did he mean by marking me?” I asked her
Kristin gives me a warm soft smile, ” It’s when he bites you and the clan symbol appears on you skin. It not only shows that you are taken, but it holds a lot of power in the demon world.” She says and moves her hair to the side to show me the right side of her neck.
” Virgil marked me a few days ago.” She says.
My eyes go wide at the sight of seeing a sword with a dragon wrapped around it on the side of her neck.
My best friend has Damian’s clan symbol on her neck!
” I don’t remember you leaving to get a tattoo.” I say to her.
Kristin giggles, ” Thats because its not a tattoo. Its the symbol that appears when a demon bites you. It’s in there blood.” She tries to explain.
However am only getting a little more confused.
I look at Dean, ” So, do you have to bite Luna?” I asked him.
Dean chuckles, ” No, Luna is my daughter. Her clan symbol will appear on its own slowly as she gets older. While those that are adopted or like youself and Kristin get the clan symbol by being marked. Its a way to keep track of family members and identify others. It also keeps everyone safe.” He explains
I guess that makes a little bit of sense. There are still a few things about demons I don’t know. Its always good to learn more things.
” Does it hurt?” I asked Kristin
She nods, ” It does, but I recommend doing it during sex. You know mix pleasure with pain.” She says with a wink.
I can feel my face warm up as I start to blush. This only causes everyone at the table to bust into laughter.
” N-not funny!” I stutter out causing more laughter.
” Not nice to tease someone so innocent.”
I jump a little having not heard him walk up. He was muscular and had Damian’s family clan symbol on his muscular forearm. His forearm was bigger than both my hands.
I thought Damian was ripped, but Damn!
Maybe this guy is a cousin. His dark hair matched Damian’s and they had similarities to one another.
Boyd quickly stands up, followed by Jared and Alex. I watch as they bow at him at the same time.
” Lord, Kaiser!” The greet respectfully at the same time.
Dean whoever stays unfazed by the mans strong presents.
” I believe Damian went looking for you?” Dean says calmly.
Kaiser smirks, ” Yeah, I saw him leave. I was curious about the human women my son brought with him. So, I figured I would come see.” He says not breaking eye contact with me.
Son? Wait this Damian’s fathers!!
” You’re Damian’s father?” I asked a little surprised and nervous.
” Yes, I am. I heard he had recently became infatuated with a human. I can see why. You are quite lovely.” He says in a way that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand.
” Father…” Damian says as he comes walking up with Virgil and Boyd tagging along behind him.
Kaiser stares at him with a cold smirks on his face.
I watch as Kaiser and Damian seems to have a silent conversation with each other.
Damian’s POV
I was talking with one of my cousins when I notice my father over by the table I had left Willow at.
Excusing myself from my cousin.
I give Virgil and Boyd who were at the bar a slight hand signal, before walking over to the table.
” Father..” I say to get his attention
He gives me a cold smirks and I choose to mindlink him.
” What the hell are you doing?” I snap
” No, need to get worried. I wasn’t going to eat her. If I did. I wouldn’t have a grandchild.” He says back
I am a little taken back by his words. My eyes glancing over at Willow before I stare at my father.
” What do you mean?” I asked him
” Right, I forgot your sense of smell isn’t very strong. Which means you haven’t been drinking enough blood. Its blinding your sense of smell a little. However the scent coming from this human women is in fact yours. Its a faint smell which means she isn’t very far along. In fact I bet she doesn’t even know that she is pregnant. Her body hasn’t had enough time to register that their is a baby there.” He says as he walks towards me and pats me on my shoulder.
” You should mark her soon.” He says ending the mindlink as he walks past me.
I already know I needed to mark her. I have been trying to make her adjustments to everything a little more pleasant. However her being pregnant does change things. I knew it was a possibility, but I was starting to think it would take a little longer.
I need to mark her tonight and pick up the pace on flushing out who is sneaking demons, drugs, and worthless humans into my land.
I know it is someone at this party or at least a high ranking demon pulling tthe strings.
I mindlink Dean, ” I need you to do your thing.” I tell him.
I watch a smile form onto Deans face.
” I thought you would never ask.” He says standing up with Luna in his arms.
Watching at he sets Luna gently on her feet. He holds her hand as he starts to mangle with the other guest.
I scoff watching him.
I guess that is one way to make it look less obvious on what he is doing. He is using Luna as a cover by introducing her to everyone. While sniffing out a wolve hiding among the sheep.
I should get back to looking as well.
” You guys can order food. I will be back after I make a few more arounds.” I Willow and the others.
I walk back into the crowd with Boyd and Virgil following behind.
” Man, you didn’t even need our help. I was close to hooking up with a slutty girl too.” Boyd mumbles behind me.
” You do realize this is also a family event too right?” I remain him
” Yeah, I know. I made sure it wasn’t one of your cousins.” He says
” Why? hasn’t stopped you before?” Virgil says with a small laugh.
I roll my eyes
” Shut up!” Boyd snaps at Virgil.
Tonight is going to be a long damn night.