Chapter 26

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

I wake up to the sound of Luna crying. I slowly open my eyes to see Dean gently rocking her in his arms. While Damian tries to give her a stuff toy.
” N-no!” She cries out pushing the toy away. While Dean tries to quiet her down.
” Why are you making her cry?” I say tiredly as I sit up in bed.
Dean lets out a sigh, ” I was trying to take her back to my apartment without waking her or you up. However she woke up the second I picked her up.” He says in a tired tone.
I watch Luna try to wiggle her way free.
I let out a laugh and climb out of bed, ” Luna, why not go take a nap with daddy, and you can see me and Damian later on today.” I tell her softly.
She stares up at me with those big brown eyes. She sniffles and rubs her eyes tiredly, ” Otay!” She says in a tired tone.
Aw! She is so adorable! Who can say no to this cute little baby!
Dean smiles and mouths a thank you to me. As Damian holds the door open for him.
I watch as Luna clings to Dean as he walks out of the room with her. As she babbles softly to him.
He really is a great father to Luna.
I look over at the clock on the nightstands. Its only three o’clock in the afternoon. Its been a really long day. I woke up at Seven this morning to have my punishment around eight. My punishment ended around ten o’clock. Not long after that Dean brought Luna into mine and Damian’s room around noontime. Which means I was asleep for three hours.
“How does Dean know that Luna didn’t already have her nap? Besides isn’t it a little late for her to take a nap?” I ask him
Damian sits on the bed, ” I have a camera in the bedroom. After you fell asleep. She watched Disney movie after Disney movie. Until she got tired and cuddled up to you. As me and Dean were leaving my office.”
” What!? Why do you have a camera in here!?” I snap
Damian lets out a laugh as he lays back and stares up at the celling, ” Because, I couldn’t always be here with you. While you were unconscious, so I used the camera as away to keep an eye on you. Incase you woke up.”
Oh, I guess thats a good reason. Wait!? How did Luna pick Disney movies on her own?
” How did Luna pick her own movies?”
I can see a smile spread arcoss Damian’s face from where I am standing.
” She knows how to use a remote. She a cleaver little girl thats for sure.”
I nod my head, ” Yeah, she is very smart for her age.”
Running my hand through my matted hair. I let out a sigh, ” I need to take a shower. My hair is gross and I need to scub off all your slobber.” I tell him
Watching him roll over onto his side with a cocky smirk on his face an amusement in his eyes. ” I can just lick you again. When you get out.”
I feel my face heat up, ” W-whatever!” I stutter out. Which causes him to let out a laugh.
I storm off into the bathroom and lock the door. I pull my underwear down and it fall to the floor, before stepping out of them. I than grab Damian’s huge shirt and pull it off.
I am kinda glad his shirt was huge on me. Dean wouldn’t know if I was or wasn’t wearing shorts underneath. Since Damian’s shirts was so huge on me.
I turn the shower on and wait for the water to warm up. Once the water warms I climb inside.
The warm water runs down my back helping me relax and clear my head. I let out a sigh and pour some shampoo into my hand, before applying it to my hair.
As I am washing my hair. I can hear some loud yelling coming from the bathroom window that leads to outside.
I quickly wash up and step out of the shower. I grab the towel thats handing on the towel rack and wrap it around me.
Walking over to the bathroom window. I pull the curtain slightly back and peek outside. I see Kristin is having a heated conversation with Virgil.
I unlock the window and crack it slightly. So I can hear their conversation. I know, I probably shouldn’t eavesdrop on my best friend and her boyfriend. But I am rather curious on why they are arguing.
” No! I am not quitting my job! I have worked with Jake for years!” Kristin snaps angrily at Virgil.
Why is he wanting her to quit??
When Virgil shifted his position to the side that I could see part of his swollen and bruised face.
Damn, I know Kristin said Damian beat crap out of, but she made it seem minor. What I am seeing looks pretty bad.
” We need help to him us! He isn’t going to put his diner on hold until you quit!” Virgil snaps back at her.
He wants Kristin to quit her job. So Jake will put his diner on hold and help them with something? Its not a bad plan considering Jake is very picky about who he hires.
” So! Ask for help and stop trying to manipulate him! Thats what friends do! They ask for help!”
” Oh, yeah! You should know all about that! Willow asked you for help to sneak out! We all know how that went!” He says as Kristen throws a fire ball in his direction.
” shut up!” She screams at him angrily.
I guess Virgil is pretty upset with me. I got Kristin to lie for me and he got the shit beat out of him by Damian.
Watching Kristin continue throwing fireballs at Virgil in anger. I am taken by surprise when Virgil stops dodging them and starts catching them.
Only demons that can weld fire can touch or catch something like that. Does this mean Virgil is a fire demon?
” What are you doing?” A familiar voice behind me speaks, causing me to jump and put my hand over my chest.
” Don’t do that! And how did you get in! I locked the door!” I snap at Damian and take a step to the side. When I notice how close he is to me.
” I did knock, you just didn’t answer. Its also not that hard to pick a lock.” He says moving to curtain open more to see what I am looking at. He watches Kristin and Virgil a few seconds before shutting the window and pulling the curtain closed.
” Its not nice to eavesdrop Willow.” He says casually to me. His eyes running up and down my body.
I clenched my hand tightly on my towel. ” Not nice to be a pervert either!” I snap back.
I watch as his eyes flicker red, causing me to take a step back until my back hits the wall.
A smirk forms on his face as he walks up to me and traps me against the wall.
” I can look at you all I want too. You are mine.” He says in a soft whispers.
His lips press against mine roughly as I put my hands flat against his chest and try to push him back with all my strength. It’s useless, like pushing against a brick wall. He won’t budge no matter how hard I push.
He leans down and presses his lips to mine forcefully. My heart began to race as I manage to bite his bottom lip. He pulls his head back. Finally allowing me to finally breathe in air. My chest is heaving as I take big deep breaths. He lets out a soft chuckle as he licks the blood off of his lips with his tongue. ” That wasn’t very nice.”
” Move!” I snap and attempt to push him away again. He only laughs as he leans down kissing my lips and planting small kisses down my jawline to my neck.
I let out a moan as I feel him bite and suck on my neck.
Crap! I didn’t just do that!
I hear him let out a small laugh as he continues to suck on my neck. His right hand grabs ahold of my towel and rips it away from me. I instantly use my hands to try to cover up.
He grabs both my hands and forcefully removes them from my body. His eyes lustful wonder my body. As he takes in every inch of me.
I bite my lips nervously, ” Let go Damian. ” I tell him in a low tone.
” No.” He says as he pins both my hands above my hand with just his right hand. He brings his left hand up to his lips. He sucks two of his fingers until they are covered in his spit, before sliding his hand between my legs.
I let out a gasps as I feel his fingers enter to me.
” Damn, your as tight as the first time we fucked.” He says as he starts slowly pushing his fingers in and out.
I let a moan and arch my back against the wall. As I feel his fingers push deeper into me with every thrust of his hand.
His takes my right breast into his mouth and starts sucking. I moan louder in pleasure. When his hands suddenly release me. I feel cold wanting his warmth against me. I stare at him frustrated and horny.
He grins, ” I’m not leaving.” He says as he takes his shirt off tossing it into the floor. He than starts unbuckling his pants and takes them off. Only thing still on was his boxers. My eyes go wide at the huge bulge thats rest against the fabric of his boxers.
He gently grabs my hands and bends me over the bathtub. I rest my hands on the edge of the tub. Giving him a full view of my ass and vagina.
I turn back a little to see Damian pulling his boxers down and off. His huge cock springing free. ” Eyes forward.” He says in a stern tone.
I do as he says and stare at the gray color walls. I can feel his hand on my bare ass. He gives me a firm slap on the ass, as he thrust deep into me.
I let out a cry filled with pleasure and pain. He waits for my body to relax before he starts thrusting into me.
My grip on the edge of the bathtub tightens as Damian fucks me from behind. My breast bounce against my chest with every thrust.
Damian grunts and picks up his pace. I push my hips back against him wanting more. He thrust deeper giving me what I wanted.
I let out a satisfied moan as I can feel the pressure starting to build. ” I-I’m going to c-cum!” I moan out.
” Do it baby.” He says in a husky tone. As his thrust get rougher and deeper. I let out a cry as body shakes. My vagina walls clutch tightly around his cocky as I came.
My body shakes as I slowly come down from my high. Damian grunts as he slams hard into me. I jerk forward but his hands hold my waist firmly in place. As I feel his warm liquid fill me up.
” Fuck, I really need that.” Damian says as he slowly pulls out.
My knees wobble as I stand upright and turn around to face him. ” You are a jerk!” I snap at him.
He just gives my a sly smile, ” You enjoyed it. Besides this isn’t are first time having sex. Although now you will remember it.” He says back as he walks butt naked out of the bathroom.
He is right, but I wasn’t planning on having sex. Let alone have a quickie in the bathroom. I’m not even sure why I gave in. I let out a sigh and walk out of the bathroom to see Damian putting on a new pair of white sweatpants.
He maybe hot, but if thinks I am going to give into sex again he is mistaken. This was just a one time thing and he caught me at a vulnerable moment.
Yep! Not happening again! I don’t care how good it felt.
Walking over to my dresser I pull out a bra and a fresh pair of underwear. I put them on and grab a pair of black booty shorts and a matching tanktop.
Once I am dressed I sit on the bed watching Damian text on his cellphone.
” Sex isn’t happening again. This was a one time thing.” I inform him.
He scoffs, ” If I want sex. We have sex.” He say in a matter-of- fact tone.
I roll my eyes and across my arms over my chest.
He is a bossy jackass!