Willow’s POV
My body feels weak and sore as I wake up. My throat feels dry and I feel like I been asleep for days.
I whine a little as I slowly sit up in bed. The first thing I notices is my clothes. I am wearing one of Damian’s black shirts that go down to the middle of my thigh. My attention is than brought to the wounds on my arms, and legs that are bandage up. Pull my shirt up to see the deep wound on my stomach was completely gone, but my chest was bandaged up.
That’s strange I could have sworn that I got stabbed by a huge piece of broken glass there. Running my hand over my stomach and look in the direction of the door. As Kristin comes walking in with flowers in her hand.
She freezes at the door as she notices I am sitting up in bed. ” You’re awake!” She says rushing over to me. She sits the flowers on my night stand and pulls me into a tight hug.
I whine, ” You are hurting me.” I tell her my voice is low and scratching sounding. ” Oh! Sorry I forgot.” She says releasing me and stares at me with tears in her eyes.
” I am so happy you are awake. You been asleep for a week now.” Kristin informs me.
A week! What happened with Luna.
” A week? What about Luna? is she okay?” I asked in a worried tone.
Kristin nods with a smile, ” Yeah, she is doing just fine. Dean was able to get her back.” I sign in relief, ” That’s good. Also can you get me some water? My throat is really dry.”
Kristin laughs softly, ” Yeah, I can go get it. I will be right back.”
I watch as Kristin leaves the room. A few moments later she comes back with a cup of water in her hand. She walks over to the bed and hands me the cup.
I start off drinking the water slowly. It burns the back of my throat at first, but after a few seconds. The burning sensation goes away as the water moisturizers the back of my throat.
” That’s a lot better.” I say with a sigh and look at Kristin. My hand gently rubs my stomach again. ” I thought I had a huge wound on my stomach.” I tell Kristin.
” You did, Damian healed it before you were brought home.” Kristin says softly.
If he healed it why didn’t he heal the rest of my wounds? I guess that is something I would have to ask Damian.
” Oh okay… So did you get into a lot of trouble?” I asked her
Kristen nods,” Yeah, I did… Virgil was pretty pissed. Thats not including the beating Virgil got from Damian. He still has a black eye, busted lip and his face is swollen.” Kristin says staring at the floor.
I can’t help but feel bad. Not only did Kristin get into trouble. I got injured in the process and Dean didn’t even need help.
” I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have asked you for help.” I say regret laced in my voice.
Kristin sighs, ” It’s okay, can’t go back and fix it. If I could I would have stopped you.” She tells me.
I stare at her and I notice small brusing on her wrist. She notices me staring and pulls her sleeves down more.
” You got hurt because of me. I am really sorry.” I tell her.
Kristin gives me a softly smile, ” Don’t worry I will be fine, but let’s not do shit like this again.” I nod my head, ” Deal!” I tell her as we both laugh.
” Your awake..” Damian says flatly his face emotionless as he is leaning against the doorframe.
I hadn’t heard him open door. I didn’t even notice him until he spoke. I feel a shiver go up my spine as his dark blue eyes shift to me to Kristin.
” Get out.” He says in a cold commanding tone.
I watch as Kristin quickly stands to feet and keeps her head down as she passes Damian leaving the room.
” You didn’t have to be rude.” I tell Damian as he shuts the door. The clicking sound catches my attention as he locks the door.
He laughs, ” She is the reason you are injured to began with.” He snaps in a hush tone causing me to jump.
Watching as he approaches the bed and shoves me down. I whine a little as my back hits the soft mattress.
” Did it hurt?” He asked harshly as his hand reminds on my chest keeping me pin down.
” Yes!” I snap back at him. He only smirks down at me, ” Good, because your punishment is just beginning. I made sure to heal all your life threatening injuries just for this punishment.” He says coldly.
I feel the blood drain from me face. He is going to punish me! I am already injured. What can he possibly do that’s worse than the pain I am currently in?
He grabs ahold of my left wrist and starts undoing the bandage. Once the bandage is off. I stare at the deep cuts on my left arm, before staring up at Damian.
I watch as he leans down and pushes his lips against the cut on my forearm. At first I just feel the wetness from his tongue on my skin. Why is he licking me?
I start to say something out of confusion, but my thoughts are interrupted from the excruciating pain that shoots through me.
My eyes began to water as I try to pull my arm free away from his mouth. His grib only tightens on my arm as he continues to lick the wound.
” P-please stop!” I cry out as Damian lifts his head. His eyes are dark red as he stares at me coldly.
” No, I am just getting started. I will heal every wound on your body. That is your punishment.” He growls out as he begans licking another deep cut on my arm.
I cry out in pain with tears streaming down my face. No matter how hard I tried to pull away. I couldn’t get free from him.
” D-Damain P-please!” I sob out as he finishes healing my left arm and was currently undoing the bandage on my right arm.
” No, I won’t stop. I am healing every each of you. You could have died! So, to make sure you don’t do something so stupid again. I am punishing you.” He says getting the bandage completely off.
I try to pull my right arm free and lift my left hand to slap him in the face. Only for him to catch left hand. He glares down at me, ” Just for that. I will make this more painful for you.” He says coldly.
” N-no!” I cry out as my breathing hitches from the amount of pain that’s pulsing through my right arm.
The pain felt like a thousand needles being pierced into my skin over and over again. I scream loudly as I continue to sob.
Once all the wounds on my arms are healed. He gets onto the bed and begins to remove the bandage from both my legs.
” P-please stop! I won’t do it again!” I beg through my tears.
He ignores me and begins licking the wound on my right inner thigh. I cry as the pain rips through me again.
I know not to move or he will make the pain more unbearable. I hate him right now! My anger boils inside as I continue to cry.
The pain subsides as the wound is completely healed. I feel a bit of relief as he sits up. I watch as he licks my blood off of his lips. His red eyes staring at me intensity as he leans down to heal the wound on my left inner thigh.
I bit my botom lip as I wait for another around of excruciating pain to begin.
I let out another whimper as his tongue touches the wound and the pain shoots through me once again.
By the time he is done healing every each of my body. I felt numb and helpless.
I was currently laying in Damian’s arms under the blankets, as his fingers were gently going through my hair.
” I hate you…” I tell him my voice horse from crying.
” You can hate me all you want. It won’t change anything.” He says continuing to run his fingers through me hair.
He right, I am stuck with him. I know what I did was dumb. He didn’t have to punish me for it. Some people would think that me having injuries would have been punishment enough.
He did however ease up on the pain when he got to my chest area. Which he saved for last. It was both pleasurable and painful at the same time. Now I am just weak and tried. I can’t even get the strength to move away from him.
The sound of knocking at the front door pulls me out of my thoughts.
” Come in.” Damian says as Dean walks in with Luna in his arms. She was wearing a light pink onesie that hadhad the Blood clan symbol on it.
I am happy she is safe.
She smiles at me and I can’t help but smile back at her.
” I heard Willow was awake and figured I would bring Luna to come see her.” He says approaching the bed.
His eyes darting to mine and Damian’s. ” I hope your dressed under those blankets.” He adds.
Damian laughs, ” Yes we are dressed under the blankets.”
As if reading my mind Damian helps me sit up. I laugh as Luna jumps into my arms before Dean could lower her down into my arms.
I give her a tight hug. She lets out a little grunt, ” Too tight!” She says causing me to laugh.
I loosen my hold, ” Sorry little one. I just missed you.” I tell her.
Luna gives me the cutes smile, ” Me too!” She says giving a head nod.
I feel the bed shift as Damian gets out of bed. He was wearing grey sweatpants. I watch the way his muscles flex as he reaches for a white shirt.
” Me and Dean have somethings to discuss. Will you be okay in here with Luna?” He asked pulling his shirt over his head.
I nod, ” Yeah, we will be fine.” I say and look at Luna. ” We can watch some Disney movies.” I tell Luna.
Her litte face lights up, ” Little Mermaid!” she says excitedly.
Dean chuckles, ” Alright, but you be good.” He says gently ruffling her hair.
He really loves his daughter. I can see the love in his eyes when he stares at her. She really is his everything.
Luna nods her head, ” Otay! Dada!” She says as she tries to remove Deans hand from her head. Which only causes him to chuckle more, before he follows Damian out the door.
I get the remote from my nightstand and turn the TV on. I lay sideways with my head on the pillow as I turn the Little Mermaid on.
I smile as Luna lays down against me as the movie begins. Her excitement makes me laugh on the inside.
Sometimes I wish I could be a child again. Things always seemed so simple and care free with no worries in the world.
Atleast thats how things are suppose to be. I am happy she has a better life than I had. The world outside this town is brutal. Sometimes I wonder how I was able to make it on my own for as long as I had.