Chapter 24

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Dean POV
Running up the stairsway. I am half up to the third floor. When my path is blocked by two demons.
I don’t know what the hell Rachel is thinking taking our daughter to a place like this, but she is pushing her fucking luck with me.
” Stop! You are not getting past us!” The demon with sweatpants and no shirt says. While his friend next to him is wearing black shorts and a white t-shirt.
Seriously? How many times am I going to hear that?
As I get close the shirtless guy lifts his leg and does a high kicks in my direction to hit me in the face. I take this opportunity to kick him right in the crotch.
I watch as he hits the concrete holding his junk. ” You shouldn’t do high kicks. You left yourself right open.” I say stepping to the side dodging his friends punch.
As he swings at me again. I step to the side, grabbing the man by the head and bounce his head off the railing.
Watching as he falls to the ground unconscious. I kick the shirtless guy that was still holding his crotch hard in the face as I walk past him.
Heading up to the fourth floor. I let out an irritated sign.
Seriously? How many fucking people did this bitch lie too? She probably fucked all these men at one point or another. If this keeps up I am going to start killing them. Instead of just beating the crap out of them.
I can hear Luna crying from the apartment at the end of the hall. I look down over the railing to see more demons heading this way.
They probably called for backup. I guess killing them isn’t a bad idea. I am loosing my patience.
Damian’s POV
” What the hell do you mean you lost her!? You had one job, to keep Willow at the fucking mansion! Fucking find her!” I yell at Virgil and hung up on him.
Damn it! Virgil had one job! His girlfriend gets home and Willow disappears. I am sure Kristen helped her escape.
Doesn’t matter if Kristin helped her leave the mansion. She won’t be able to leave town.
However, Virgil mention she was wanting to go look for Luna shorty after her mother kidnapped her. Surely, she not dumb enough to go looking for her on her own.
Looking over at all my men that are laying exhausted on the ground from all the push-ups I had them do. I can’t leave to go look for her. I still have business here to take care of here.
I hand signal Alex over to me.
“Yeah?” Alex says with a yawn.
” I need you to go looking for Willow. I am thinking she went off to find Luna on her own. So go find her before she gets hurt.” I order him.
Alex just gives a tired nod before walking off.
I swear I am going to beat the crap out of Virgil. If something happens to Willow.

Willow POV

I had asked Kristin to distract Virgil so I could sneak out. I know Virgil said Dean could handle the situation, but I just want to help. I can’t help but feel responsible for Luna being taken.
I been walking around town for hours and I have no idea where to look. I let out a sigh and watch a group of muscular demons come running out of an alley. I quickly hide behind a dumpster and listen to their conversation.
” Screw that bitch! That guy is strong as hell and is taking everyone out! We should find somewhere to lay low for awhile until the red-light district is clear.” The demon on the left tells his friends.
The red-light district is full of dangerous people, but if that is where Luna and Dean are. I will swallow my fear and do my best to help.
After walking thirty minutes and avoiding demons along the way. I finally make it to the red-light district.
I look around in shock at the amount of demons laying dead in puddles of blood.
Did Dean do all of this? All by himself?
The commotion coming from the building on the far end catches my attention.
The amount of demons swarming that one building had my face go pale.
There is no way I am going to be able to through all those demons. I shake my head, No I have to try and help. It might be scary, but I need to try.
As I run towards the building. I watch as a few demons fall from the fourth floor, and crash to the ground in front of me.
Approaching the demons that had fell. I notice they have huge holes where there hearts and guts should be.
That’s a brutal way to die, but maybe it was a quick death.
Looking up at the building I see Dean fighting his way through the swarm of demons. I even see Luna in the window in the apartment at the end of the fourth floor. She has tears in her eyes as she bangs against the window with her little fist, before getting pulled away by a big man.
Don’t worry Luna your father is on his way and I am coming too!
I run towards the stairs and get halfway up the stairs before my path is blocked.
Okay, maybe this was a bad idea.
Looking at the amount of demons in front of me. I turn around to head back down. Only for me to come face to face with a huge fat purple demon. I scrunch my nose at the foul smell coming from him.
The purple demon smirks down at me, ” Came here to join the fighting. Only maybe now I will just play with you instead.” He says licking his lips and staring at every inch of my body.
This is just great! I am trapped in the stairway with nowhere to run. I completely screwed myself.
I gag as he takes a step closer to me.
As I back away from the smelling demon my left foot steps on a metal rod. I quickly grab it and swing it at the fat purple demon.
He laughs as he catches the rod with his bare hand’s, and throws me against the concrete wall.
The smell of dead animal and rotting fish fill my nostrils. As the fat demon is standing over me. I flinch and let out a whimper as I get grabbed by the hair.
He yanks my head back by my hair. I stare up at the fat demon and ball my hand into a fist. I lean forward and with all my might. I punch the fat purple demon right in his crotch.
He lets go of my hair and falls to his knees. I quickly get to my feet and run up the stairsway.
I push through the swarm of demons as fast as I can. Taking a few of them by surprise.
I somehow manage to get up to the fourth floor. It was more crowded than the rest of the building. I see a bright light and close my eyes due to it blinding me.
A second later there is a loud explosion. I can feel warm air hit my skin along with sharp objects being thrown in my direction.
The sound of demons screams and cries fill my ears as the wind picks up speed and becomes stronger.
The next second I know I am flying through the air and my back slams hard into the railing as I go over the edge.
I open my eyes and it’s like everything around me is moving in slow motion.
The bright light is engulfing the whole building killing many demons. While others like me get tossed over the edge.
That’s when reality hits me. I am falling! I was on the fourth floor one second, and falling to my death the next.
This is it! I was dumb to think I could help! I am sorry Luna, but I hope your dad can save you.
I close my eyes and wait for my body to smash into the concrete below.
As my body makes contact with something hard. I realizes it feels warm but the air blowing makes me shiver.
I than hear someone cuss, ” Fuck! He going to be so pissed!”
I jerk my eyes open and stare up at a familiar face.
Alex! He saved me!
I go to speak as pain suddenly shoots through me.
As I let out a scream. He gently set me down on the cold concrete. I watch as he takes his jacket off and adds pressure some where on my stomach.
My eyes water from the pain. I lift my head to look at my body. My eyes go wide at the amount of broken glass sticking out of me. My arms, legs, stomach and chest are all covered with shards of glasses.
I notice Alex has his jacket placed on my stomach with a huge piece of glass in the center. He was adding pressure to stop the bleeding.
I lay my head back as black dots starts to form in my vision. I look over at Alex. He is on his cellphone. He is talking to someone on the other end and seems to be panicking.
I wish I could hear what is being said.
As I turn my head to the right side. I see that the building is now on fire. A few demons were running around on fire.
While a few were running away with minor injuries.
My eyes grow heavy as I feel someone gently grab my chin and turn my head towards them. I make eye contact with dark blue eyes.
I know those eyes, It’s Damian.
He is saying something but I can’t hear him. I can’t hear anything it must be from the trauma. I wish I wasn’t cold. I give Damian a soft smile before welcoming the cold darkness.
Dean’s POV

Son of a bitch!
That fucker set the whole damn building on fire!
If I hadn’t put my barrier up in time I would be on the ground. I would be pissed having to climb all the fucking way back up here.
That weak blast wouldn’t have killed me, but it would have pissed me off more than I already am.
I didn’t think demons with that kind of strength would be on this side of town. He people got a kick out of bossy around weaker demons and whores.
I kick down the door that the demon had ran inside. As I walk into the apartment smoke has already began to fill the apartment. I can hear Luna crying and Rachel screaming at her.
” Come on! You dumb little bitch!” She screams as she roughly grabs Luna arm and forcefully pulls her to her feet.
” N-no! Dada!!” She screams her little body trembling.
I grow angry at the sight in front of me and take a step forward. Only to get blasted back and slammed into a wooden table.
I stand up and spit blood out onto the wooden floor. As the demon from earlier appears in front of me. He has a cocky smirk on his face. He pops his knuckles and laughs, ” I don’t see why you are considered dangerous. I can throw you around like a rag doll.” He says with a laugh.
I pop my neck and stare at him coldly, ” You know the only thing you got on me is size, and that’s all. After all the bigger the target. The harder the fall.” I say coldly as I can hear commotion from the bedroom and Luna screams.
I clenched my jaw and disappear from view.
” huh? Where the fuck did he go?” The demon says looking around.
I whistle at him to get his attention. As he turns his body is my direction. I hit him hard in the ribcage and send him flying into what use to be the living room.
I hear him gasping for air. I smirk coldly knowing one of his ribs had punctured his lungs as he struggles to move. I crack my knuckles, ” Damn, I think I missed a few ribs. Those smaller ones can be a bitch sometimes.”
Walking closer to him I punch him again in the ribcage. I smiles in satisfaction when I hear more ribs break. The mans screams fill my ears.
I sigh, ” I only hit you twice and your crying. Not very manly of you. it’s actually very annoying.” I snap as I extent my claws and rip his throat out.
The sound of him gargling on his own blood fills the air. I watch as panic sets in as his hands desperately reach for his throat trying to stop the bleeding.
My attention is brought back to the room Luna is in when I hear a loud scream follow by a loud crashing sound.
Running back into the bedroom I find Luna laying on the floor surrounded by glass and blood soaking the carpet where she lays.
My blood boils as I look at Rachel who tenses at the sight of me.
” She give me know choice!” She explains as her back hits the wall.
Standing infront of Rachel. I watch as she gasps for air as I thurst my hand into her heart. I watch as blood starts to come out of her mouth.
” You really thought I wouldn’t kill you just because you give birth to our daughter?” I laugh coldly in her face.
” You were sadly mistaken, because she was the only thing keeping me for killing you. But the second you started hitting her. You signed your own death warrant.” I tell Rachel as my grip on her heart tights and I rip her still beating heart out of her chest.
I watch as Rachel falls to the floor. She continues to gasps and slowly crawls across the floor, ” It’s amazing how the body can still move after it’s heart has been removed. Death will be slow for you.” I tell her as I crush her heart in my hands and drop it infront of her face.
I turn around and walk over to Luna.
The sound of broken glass cracking under my shoes as I step closer to her.
The sight of blood has be a bit worried as I lean down and pick her up. I sigh in relief as I see the injures are minor. I look around to see the room is starting to get engulfed in flames.
Holding Luna close to my chest I began walking towards the exit. I glance over at the lifeless demon. He was still holding his hands over his throat. The fear in his eyes still visible as the flames are burning the lower part of his body.
You are safe now Luna. She won’t hurt you ever again. I kisses Luna forehead softly as I cover her with my jacket to keep the flames off of her.
As I step out of the the apartment. The flames are thick and the heat becoming unbearable. I jump up onto the hot railing and leap off the fourth floor down to the ground.
I notice Damian and Alex. I look at them confused as I walk closer I see Willow on the ground badly injured and unconscious.
Well, this day just keeps getting worse.