Damian’s POV
After leaving the mansion I stopped by the building that housed all of my men.
I was currently in one of my office flipping though employees flies manually. While Alex was searching on the computer next to me.
” If it’s a guard which is possible. What moron would do it on there shift? Besides we have to many people working for us to look through all who was on shift and who wasn’t.” Jared says tossing the file in his hand onto my desktop.
Jared is right, we aren’t getting anywhere. Even if we pinpoint who was all working and not working. No, person would be dumb enough to do during their work schedule. So, I am just going to have to shake things up.
” You are right this is pointless.” Placing the flie down I slide my office chair back as I stand up. Walking behind Alex and staring at the flies he was going through.
” Alex, instead of looking for who was and wasn’t working. I want you to send an email to every gaurd and tell them to come to the arena immediately.”
Alex gives me a questioning look, ” Why?” He asked with a raised brow.
” Because it’s time they remember who the fuck they work for.”
I hear Jared laugh, ” Well this should be fun. However what about the guards at the mansion?”
Right, I can’t leave Willow unguarded.
” Make sure to leave two guards there. I will deal with them last.” Alex nods his head and begins typing.
An hour later I am standing on the arena stage that’s in the center of the arena.
Watching as the arena gets crammed full of all the guards that work under me.
I have over nine hundred men working under me and that’s not counting their families that also live here.
I watch as they all look around each other confused. The area is full of men whispering to each trying to figure out what’s going on.
I raise my right hand and watch as the arena quickly falls silent.
” It as come to my attention that we have one or more traitors amount us!” I say my voice booming throughout the arena.
” I know it’s not a civilian they don’t have the clearances to get anywhere near the wall to allow outsiders in! I’m not talking about the bigger demons that sometimes manage to get. I am referring to the amount of weaker demons getting through without going through the checkpoint! So, this is what’s going to happen! Everyone that has a family member is jail will remain there until I say otherwise! No more special privileges! No, more kids using there parents as a way out! Twice the morning workouts and they will double by the day!” I snap out in anger.
Listening as the whispers become loud as they all start to disagree. Out the corner of my eye I notice a guard steps forward, ” It’s bullshit to punish all of us because of a few traitors are lingering among us!” He yells as a lot of the other guards agree with him.
” This Clan works as a team. So it will be punished as a team! Don’t like the rules, than I suggest you guys start searching a little harder! I am only getting started!” My aura fluctuates as I start seething in anger.
” This bullshit! I am leaving! And I quit!” A guard in the back yells as he throws his security card to the ground. A few other guards follow his actions and start to leave.
I smirk coldly, ” Fine, you may leave. However, you won’t be leaving alive.” I call out as Alex kills all fifteenth of the guards that had quit.
The arena goes quiet and everyone remains still.
” When you signed up for this job you were told it’s a lifetime opportunity! There is no quitting! There is no leaving! We are a team! So either listen to me or die just like they did, because their are plenty of demons waiting in line to take your spot!” I yell in anger at all them.
” Now! Get down and give me two hundred push-ups!” Watching as the guards slowly kneel to the down to get into position. While a small handful are standing refusing to get on the ground.
I don’t say a word. I just snap my fingers as Jared kills the men refusing to do push-ups.
” Disobedience won’t be tolerated!” I yell out as I jump down from the arena stage and begin walking down the rolls of men.
An hour later and twelve more gaurds dead. We haven’t even made it to hundred yet. I can tell they are getting tired and I can see the hate in their eyes.
Good, maybe that hate will light a fire under their fucking asses! There is no way people get snuck in and nobody fucking knows. Someone in here fucking knows something! I will call everyone of them to this arena every morning and night to do push-ups, situps, and runs until they throw up! Someone is bound to break.
” two minute break!” I yell out as I hear groans throughout the arena. I lot of them just lay face down in the dirt. while others choose to sit up.
Feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out to see Virgil’s name flashing across my screen.
Answering the call I hold it up to my ear, ” What!”
I can feel my blood boiling, ” Keep him in the dungeon alive until I get there! Let Dean know his ex took off with his daughter. I have to finish up here first!” I hang up before Virgil can say anything in response.
Can’t fucking believe this shit! That bitch breaks into my fucking house and had her goon assault my women. I’m going to enjoy torturing the fucker that dare lay a finger on her!
Dean’s POV
” What is there to drink that doesn’t have sugar in it?” The fat lady wearing a red dress says is a snobby tone.
” Water..” I answer back flatly.
Watching as she rolls her eyes at me she looks down at the menu, ” I am going to go with the pancakes with extra syrup. I am treating myself.” She says is the same snobby tone.
Great, the giant walking period wants a drink with no sugar. Than turns around and wants pancakes.
” Can you make sure the cook adds extra syrup to my pancakes? or do I need to write down for you?” She says causing her skinny friends to fake laugh like the bitch was funny.
” Yes, I can ask the cook to add extra diabetes to your plate. Will you also like me to call an ambulance ahead of time for you? Because we both know that cup of water isn’t going to help you any.”
The women gasps in shock as she stares at me, ” Excuse me!” She yells rather loudly.
” What? did you fart?” I say calmly.
I had a long shift at work just to come to the diner and deal with snobby people. I swear I keep getting stuck with bitches.
” How rude! We will be leaving!” She says shooting a glare at me.
” Oh, no.. don’t go.” I say my voice full of sarcasm.
They scoff and storm out the door.
Rolling my eyes and head back to the counter. I can feel my phone vibrating in my pants pocket. I Answer it, ” What? Luna driving you nuts?” I ask and feel my heart drop and feel a rush of anger wash over me.
” I will handle it!” Hanging up I walk into the back where Jake is cooking. ” I am leaving my stupid ex took my kid.” I say taking off my apron.
” Is someone going to cover your shift?” Jake questions pushing my anger over the edge.
” No, they are busy! So either shut down the diner for a few hours or manage without me! I’m going to get my kid! I told you out of courtesy” I snap walking out of the kitchen and throwing my apron into the break room. As I walk past it and head out the back door.
That bitch would most likely go somewhere that she thinks I can’t reach her. So, instead of going to her house. I should check the crackhouses that hold all the drug, and sex addicts. That’s the only place Damian doesn’t crack down on, because the whores give our men a good fuck. While the drugs keep the money flowing around town.
We make sure to keep all that in the red-light district. So it doesn’t flood the whole town. Every now and than we have to destroy a few buildings to keep it the drugs and sex from spreading all over the place.
Instead of driving my car I choose to just transport myself there.
Looking at the six building that are each four stories tall. I know, I have to use my sense of smell to determine which building Rachel is in. I don’t have the patience to check each one.
I sniff the air and look over at the building on the far end. So, she went into that building.
As I am walking up to the building three demons step in my way. At first glance the one on the right looks human, but his blue dragon scale arms give him away. The one on the left has the head of a crocodile. His green scaled skin looks sharp but it’s nothing I can’t handle.
Than you have the guy in the middle. Compared to the other two he looks somewhat normal.
At least that was what I thought until he opened his big mouth. His mouth expands to the size of a giant black hole. He inhales sucking up everything that’s not nailed down.
I stand my ground not budging from my spot.
” Why the hell aren’t you being sucked in!!?” The guy with the crocodile head spits out in anger.
” Shut up! You over grown the lizard! Do you think I like smelling this guys bad breath?!” I snap as transports behind them.
I swipe big mouths legs out from under him causing him to fall onto his back. Once he is down I punch him hard in the stomach. Everything he sucked in comes out and hits the dragon man in the face leaving him unconscious on the ground.
While big mouth is hunched over on side whimpering in pain. Out the corner of my eye I notice crocodile head is swinging his green scaled tail at me.
Weak demons are annoying!
I catch his tail with one hand and fling him into the concrete wall behind me. As he hits the wall it makes a loud smack, followed by a thud as he slides off the concrete wall onto the ground.
Stupid lizards, all they do is stink up the damn place. looking up at four story building a pop my knuckles.
I hope you are ready Rachel, because you pissed me off for the last time.