Chapter 22

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willows POV
Once everyone left the room it was just me and Luna. She was leaning against my stomach just happily watching Paw Patrol.
I kinda don’t want to be stuck in this room all day. Maybe I can convince Luna to playing outside later on.
looking over at the clock is was a little past noon. I wonder if she has eaten any food eat other Chips.
looking at the little girl in my lap. It’s hard to believe something so small and sweet can live around dangerous people. I don’t know Dean personally, but the rumors about him are very scary.
Although he seems nothing like what those rumors about him say.
Hearing the door open, I look over to see Virgil walking inside with the diaper bag stuffed full of things.
I laugh, ” I don’t think she needed that much just for today.” Virgil shrugs, ” It’s better to have it and not need it. Than it is to need it and not have it.”
I nod my head, ” Yeah, that is true. Also do you know if Damian fed her actual food or just snack? I was thinking of taking her downstairs for lunch and than maybe outside to play.”
” No, I don’t know.” He says putting his hands in his pants pocket. ” But I can still make lunch if you are hungry.”
My stomach growls loudly as my face heats up in embarrassment. Virgil chuckles, ” I take as a yes. Come on let’s go downstairs.” He says and calls Luna name.
Luna stares over at him, ” Wut?” She asked not liking being disturb from her show.
I let out a small laugh, ” Let’s go downstairs and get lunch. We can finish Paw Patrol later.” I tell her.
She looks at me with her big brown eyes and tilts her little head to the side. As if she is considering the idea. ” Otay!” She says happily as she holds her little arms up towards Virgil.
Virgil smiles and walks over picks her up. She rest her head on Virgil shoulder and latches onto his shirt with her tiny hands.
I stand up and just smile at her, ” I can’t help it. she just so adorable!” I tell Virgil.
Virgil smiles, ” Yeah, she has that affect on people. To bad the affect doesn’t work on her mom.” I stare at him confused, ” Why wouldn’t it work on her mom?” I question him.
Mother’s are suppose to love and cherish their children. Is he saying that Luna mom is a bad person?
” It’s nothing.” Virgil says quickly before smiling at Luna. ” Let’s go get food!” He tells her as Luna cheers happily in response.
Walking into the kitchen I find a few sippy cups in the cabinet and get a few down. As I am looking at the cups I notice they have a different demon clan symbol on them. This symbol has a pentagram in flames with blood dripping off of it. Unlike Damian’s Demon Clan symbol that has a sword with a black dragon wrapped around it.
” What’s up these?” I says holding them up the sippy cups to Virgil. He looks at them as he sits Luna on the counter. She swings her little legs as she sits on the edge.
” Those are Dean’s, he isn’t originally from our clan. He just really good friends with all of us. He chose to stay and live here. Him being here signifies peace and friendship from his clan to ours.”
So demons really do merge with each other to show there alliances and friendship between the two clans.
” So, What clan is he from?” I asked as I poured apple juice into Luna’s sippy cup. ” He is from the Blood clan.” Virgil informs me.
The Blood clan is the first strongest clan in the whole world. While Damian’s clan comes in fifth. Demons have a ranking system and the weakest are often killed or used.
The fact that a Blood clan member is among Damian’s groups gives them a huge advantage against other demon clans.
” Wouldn’t his family miss him?” I hand Luna her cup and watch as she takes it happily, ” Tank you!” Luna says sticking her sippy cup into her mouth.
” He over two hundred years old. He can do whatever he wants. Besides he does go home every once in awhile to visit. Sometimes Damian goes with him to show respect for the Blood clan being are allies.”
He over two hundred years old! I know demons live a long time but he barely looks a day over twenty five!
” Hold up! He over two hundred years old! How old are you?” I ask in complete shock.
I hear him chuckle as he starts boiling water into a pot. ” I am four hundred and twenty six years old.”
” Dude! You look younger than me! I am freaking jealous right now!” I say as I hear him chuckle more. ” Yeah, well Damian is older than me.” He adds as he pours a bunch of cheddar cheese into a another pot and opens the refrigerator to get the left over chicken strips.
” I don’t think I want to know how old he is. it would be like dating my grandfather.” I says hearing him laugh again. ” When you put it that way I suppose it is kinda gross. However we aren’t humans, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be killed. Yea, we live longer than humans, can survive things humans normally wouldn’t be able to. We also maybe stronger than humans, but we only have one life just like you. We can be brought back to life, but that comes with a cost from Satan himself.”
I watch as he cuts up the chicken strips up and adds it to the cheddar cheese sauce. ” So the devil actually exsit and you can make deals with him?”
This is completely nuts and a lot of information to take in. I always thought Satan was just a figure of speech.
Virgil nods, ” Yes he exists and the rumors you humans have about him are all true and isn’t someone you should poke around or mess with.” He adds.
” Well, some humans do sacrifices to Satan.” I point out to him.
” Yeah, You are right. But it is still something I wouldn’t recommend doing.” He says adding spaghetti noodles into the boiling water.
” I wasn’t going to try it. I was just saying.” I tell him in a matter of factly tone.
” Downise, please!” Luna says wanting in the floor. I walk over and set her down gently on the floor.
I watch her waddle around looking at everything in the kitchen. ” So, what are you making?” I ask him looking at the chicken and cheddar cheese sauce and the boiling noodles.
” Cheesy chicken spaghetti. It’s the only thing I can think of that Luna will eat off the top of my head. Besides the chicken needed to be used before it went bad anyway.”
Looks like Kristin has a man that can cook and he even took into consideration of what Luna would eat.
” Well, it does smell good and I have never known a kid to turn down cheese.”
Watching as he takes a fork and pulls out a spaghetti noodle and taste it. He shrugs his shoulders, ” Seems, good to me.” He says as he picks the pot up with the noodles in it and pours it into the spaghetti strainer to get all the water out, before he takes the strainer and adds the spaghetti noodles into the cheesy chicken sauce.
Watching him give the noodles a good stir into the cheesy sauce. He gets a small green rubber bowl from the shelf to his left and loads the bowl up with cheesy chicken spaghetti.
” Luna highchair.” Virgil tells her.
Watching as Luna climbs up the steps on her highchair and climbs inside of it.
Once she is positioned correctly in the seat. Virgil pushes the table part towards her and makes sure it latches in place before he sets her bowl down.
Luna looks at her bowl before looking at Virgil, ” Fuck!” She says causing me to look at her in disbelief in what she just said.
” Yeah, yeah.” He says unbothered by what she said and digs around in the drawer for a few moments before he hands her a fork.
Oh! she meant fork no wonder he didn’t seem shocked.
” Why didn’t you correct her?” I asked him.
Virgil smiles at me, ” Because it doesn’t work and she is still a baby. It’s also kinda funny.”
He makes me and himself a plate before sitting down at the table to eat.
We eat in a peaceful silent.
When I am helping Virgil load the dishwasher there is a loud commotion coming from the front of the house.
A few seconds later the front door bangs open and a woman with dark brown hair wearing a tight blue dress that barely holds her boobs inside. Comes barging into our direction.
She scoffs looking at me from head to toe, before glaring at Virgil. I can feel Luna holding onto my legs as she is hiding behind me.
” What!? You guys just let any whores in here? Dean’s on my ass but he letting a slut watch our daughter!” She snaps at Virgil while giving me dirty looks.
Whore!? Who the fuck is she calling a whore? I may have slept with Damian but I am not going around fucking everyone.
” Excuse you! I am not a whore!” I snap back at her.
” I wasn’t talking to you bitch! I was talking to Virgil!” The woman says in a rude bitchy tone.
” Rachel, I suggest you leave. You can not take Luna and I am not handing her over without Dean being here.” Virgil tells her back.
I can hear small whimpers coming from Luna. I look down at her to see she is shaking and has tears in her eyes.
I don’t know what’s going on but this little girl seems terrified of this women. She said she was here for her daughter. Could this rude women be this sweet little girl mother.
Watching as Rachel rolls her eyes. She shoves me hard out of the way and grabs ahold of Luna’s arm. Luna screams loudly and uses her free hand to hit her mother into letting go.
Only for her mother to smack her in the face. Luna screams and starts crying loudly.
Virgil goes to take a step forward only to be blocked by a giant buff bald headed man.
” You didn’t actually think I would show up here without back up did you?!” Rachel says with a cold laugh.
” She clearly doesn’t want to go with you! Not to mention you just barged into someone’s house unannounced!” I snap and look at Luna my heart breaks for the little girl.
She is crying hysterically and trying to pull free, ” Dada!!” She yells as the women yells at her, ” Shut up!” She screams into Luna’s face.
I feel anger run through me and I ball my hand into a fist. ” You are a horrible parent! What mother screams in her daughters face!” I snap and take a step forward.
I suddenly feel a sting as I hit the floor. Pain shoots through me and I see blood. The next thing I know Virgil is fighting with the big bald guy and throwing punches, as Rachel is running out the door with Luna crying in her arms.
Her little arms out stretched in our direction as she is carried away. My head is pounding as I try to stand. I put my hand up to my mouth to see there is blood.
I must have gotten punched in the face. It most likely must have been that bald guy.
A second later guards are surrounding us and forcing the bald guy to his knees. They cuff him and drag him away.
Virgil walks over to the table I was leaning against to support myself. ” Damn, he got you pretty good.” I shake my head, ” Don’t worry about me. we need to Luna from that horrible person.” I mumble out and whine in pain as I talk.
Virgil gets me an ice pack from the freezer, ” I will call Dean. You just take a sit. You took a pretty hard hit.” He says helping me sit down in a chair.
I hold the ice pack to my face and watch as he hold his phone up to his ear. He tells Dean what had just happen and he hangs the phone up.
” We should help him get her back.” I mumble out as Virgil shakes his head. ” No, Dean can handle it.” He insists as he makes another call.
I swallow hard knowing who he is calling next is Damian.