Willows POV
Waking up I can’t help but giggle on the inside watching Damian chase little Luna around the room.
She waddling as fast as her little legs can go around the room in nothing but her diaper. While Damian is holding a light blue onesie in his hand and is right behind her.
She giggles and dives under the the small table.
” Shhh!” Damian says trying to keep her quiet as he gets down on the floor. On his hands in knees to reach under the table for her.
Luna let’s out a happy scream followed by more giggles as Damian pulls her out from under the table by her little foot.
I let out a laugh watching them catching both Damian’s and little Luna attention. I laugh again at the scene in front of me.
Damian was holding Luna upside down by her foot staring at me like he had just been caught stealing from the cookie jar. While Luna was giggles again and her speaking snapped Damian out of his train of thought.
” Down!” Luna says with giggles as she wiggles around.
Damian gently set her down and holds the onesie up. Only for her to dart and waddle over to the bed with giggles.
Damian let’s out a sigh.
” I will get her dressed. You look like you need a break.” Picking Luna up and setting her on the bed. Damian nods, ” Yeah, at least I don’t need to go on a morning run now.” He says handing me the light blue onesie.
” It couldn’t have been that bad.” I say as he laughs, ” I feel like I ran in a marathon and she still has energy.”
Shaking my head with a smile, ” She probably just wanted to play with you. Isn’t that right Luna?” I asked her.
She gives me the cutest little smiles, ” Ya! Playing!” She says with a small head nod.
Aw! She is the cutest little thing!
Damian chuckles and shakes his head, ” Yeah, you are Dean’s kid that’s for sure.” He says grabbing some clothes and heading into the bathroom.
After I got Luna onesie on. I fixed her short brown hair into a small bun that sits neatly on top of her head.
I can’t help but to giggles. This girl is adorable not to mention sweet and polite. She shares her snacks and even shows me all her toys.
I hear a knock at the door and look down at Luna who was comfortable laying back against me watching Paw Patrol on paramount plus.
” Come in!” I call out and watch as Virgil and Kristin walk into the bedroom. Luna was so focused on her show that she didn’t notice Virgil until he spoke.
” looks like she likes you.” Virgil says getting Luna attention. Her little faces lights up and she crawls out of my lap. She stands up and waddles up to the edge if the bed. She giggles as Virgil picks her up.
” Yeah, she is really easy to entertain aswell.” I tell him and notice Kristin confused expression.
” That’s Luna, she is Dean’s little girl.” I tell her as Kristin nods, ” Oh!” She says and smiles.
” She is adorable. I thought at first Damian kidnapped a kid just to win you over.” Kristin says bluntly as Virgil gives her a stern look that causes her to go silent.
Would Damian actually kidnapped someone’s kids to get on my good side? Wait! What if watching her was his way of trying to get on my good side.
No, I could just be over thinking this. It’s probably nothing. Maybe I should ask Kristin what she meant.
” Where’s Damian at?” Virgil asked he sets Luna down gently on her feet. Luna waddles over to the bed and holds her arms up to me.
” He is in the bathroom.” I tell him as I pick Luna up and set her in my lap.
Luna gets comfortable and goes back to watching Paw Patrol.
Watching as Virgil knocks on the bathroom door and enters. I focus my attention back to Kristin. ” So, what were you saying earlier?” I asked her with a questioning look.
Kristin smiles at me as she takes a seat next to me on the bed. ” It was nothing. Just a really bad joke is all.”
It didn’t seem like a joke. It actually seemed like she was trying to suggest something.
I give her a weird look and just decide to shrug it off. Even if I do push I don’t think she will answer.
” Aren’t you going to work today?” I ask noticing she not wearing her uniform.
Kristin nods, ” I am heading over there in a bit. Jake called this morning and told me to come in later. Since he had things to deal with at home.”
Oh, I hope everything is okay. I can’t help but feel bad in how I reacted to Jake. When he told me to come back here. He knew the second I told him about Damian. He even warned me to go back to him. Instead I got stuck in a jail cell.
” He already knows you won’t be coming to work today.” She informs me.
” Yeah, I figured Damian must have told him. That I am still not well enough. Even though I feel perfectly fine.”
Damian’s POV
” So, how was babysitting?” He says with a smirk on his face leaning against the bathroom door.
” She like a little energy ball. I know he was messing around when he mentioned me babysitting. However he could have warned me. How much of a handful his kid is.” Pulling my shirt on over my head I check my phone for messages.
Damn it, What a pain the ass.
” I know that look. I guess your dad messaged you.” Virgil says moving around uncomfortable.
I can’t blame him for being uneasy. My old man is a cold hearted bastard. He is worse than me. He runs his clan by killing anyone that doesn’t do as he says. While beating the shit out of me, my cousins and uncles. He called it training and I called it hell. However he wasn’t completely wrong. If he didn’t beat the shit out of me. I would have died a long time ago.
Not to mention he does a lot of dealing in the underground. A lot of demon clans will sell humans or traffic them. Other choose to sell weaker demons off as slaves. It mainly depends on the demon clan.
However my old man has his hands in pretty much everything and knows everyone. So I’m not surprised he knows about demons and humans breaking into my territory.
However if it keeps happening he going to show up here and try to take what took me half a century to create out from under me.
He motto is to take from the weak and with the constant trespasser. It won’t be long before he tries to test me.
” Yeah, we need to get things under control here. If we don’t he going to pay a visit very soon.” I says crushing my phone with my bare hands and tossing the broken pieces into the trash.
” What about Willow?”
I look at Virgil, ” I expect you to keep an eye on her. I am going out to do some house cleaning. Someone is a traitor and if I have to start killing people than so be it.” I say coldly as I walk past Virgil.
Opening the door my eyes land on Willow. She was cuddling Luna in her arms. While little Luna was just watching Paw Patrol happily and snacking on her baby chips.
That is a beautiful sight to see. I can’t wait for her to have my kids.
Watching as Kristin was showing Willow something on her phone before she got a text message.
” Virgil, I’m going to head to work. Jake just messaged me and told me to be there in twenty minutes.” She tells Virgil softy.
” That remains me, wouldn’t I have to watch Luna the rest of the day. Since Dean also works at the diner?” Willow adds to the conversation.
” I don’t mind watching her. I was just wondering.” Willow adds.
Virgil nods, ” I mean I can help you watch her. Since I will be here with you. But I can always see if Alex will watch her.” He mentions as I shake my head. ” No, Alex and Jared are coming with me. If you are having a hard time you can give her to one of the maids.” I tell Willow.
I watch as Willow shakes her head, ” No, I can do. I just might need more supplies for her. So she doesn’t run out.”
” I can get the supplies.” Virgil tells Willow as he picks the bag up. He than pulls Kristin up from the bed into his chest and gives her a deep kiss, ” Go get ready before you are late.” He says smacking her on the ass.
Kristin let’s out a giggles, ” Bye Willow, I will see you later.” She says with a wave before going out the door with Virgil right behind her.
I chuckle hearing Luna babble and look over to see her climbing off the bed. She lands on the ground with a small grunt before standing and waddling up to me.
She tugs gently on my pants leg and I pick her up. ” I got to go little one, but you be good okay.” I tell Luna.
Luna smiles up at me and nods, ” Otay!” She says happily as I place her in Willows arms.
” Have a good day at work.” Willow tells me with a soft smile.
She is really making it hard to leave her right now. All I want to do is have sex with her again.
” I will be fine.” I ruffle Luna’s hair before heading out the door.