Dean POV
Pulling into the driveway I notice Boyd and Alex standing on the porch smoking.
I park my car next to Virgil bike and get out.
Opening the back door I unbuckle Luna from her carseat. She holds up her small little arms.
I smile down at her as I pick her up as I shut the car door.
I don’t see how Rachel could treated her so horrible. I want to kill that bitch, but she is still the mother of my child. As of right now Luna never being left alone with her again.
” You got little Luna.” Alex says tossing his cigarette on the ground and putting it out with the bottom of his shoes.
As he walks over I notice the way his nose wrinkles as he gets close. ” Don’t say it man I already know. I am taking her upstairs to get her cleaned up.”
As I start to walk past him Luna holds her little hands up to Alex.
” Aw! She missed me.” Alex says kisses her on the forehead. Luna let’s out a small giggle and babbles at him happily.
” Come on, you can see Alex later.” I tell her. ” Otay! Dada!” She says with a giggle as I walk past Boyd and enter the mansion.
Carrying Luna into my bedroom I switch on the light, before walking towards the bathroom.
grabbing the wet wipes off the top shelf and placing a towel on the floor.
I am kinda scared to see how bad this rash is going to be. When Rachel would drop her off. She always looked dirty but Rachel would tell me she had been playing in the dirt before bring her over.
Now I know she was full of shit.
I gently lay Luna one the towel and unzip her once pink onesie that was now brown.
My nose wrinkles as the smell gets worse. I have to peel her onsies off her skin slowly due the amount of feces caked to her legs, back, and all over the diaper.
Finally getting the onesie off. I toss it into the trash can and remove her diaper. I clean her up with wipes and turn on the bathtub. As I wait for the water to warm up I watch as Luna stands up and waddles over to her bath toys.
” Come here little one.” I tell her as she gives me the cutest smile. She grabs her toy duck and waddles over happily to me.
She is the sweetest little angle and probably the best thing to ever happen to me.
I put her in the tub and watch as she happily plays with her toy. As I wet her hair and apply drove baby hair shampoo into my hand and start washing her dark brown hair.
Hearing a knock at the bathroom I call out, ” It’s open just come in.” I say as the door opens and Damian is staring at me and glances down at little Luna who was just splashing away without a care in the world.
” Alex told me that you brought her home pretty filthy.” Damian says leaning against the door. ” Yeah, she was I can’t believe Rachel did this to her. She just left her covered in her own body fluid. In the clothes I dresses her in two days ago.” I was still fuming over the situation.
The more I think about it the more pissed off that it makes me. Not to mention how dumb I was not to notice the signs of neglect that was right in front of my face.
” She is safe now that is all that matters. So don’t beat yourself up. Since you have Luna. I can get someone else to take your shift.” Damian says as he starts to get ready to leave.
” No, I can do it. I kinda have anger I need to let out. Can you watch her for me?”
I watch as Damian stares at me and back at Luna. He holds his hands up, ” I don’t know a thing about kids.” I chuckle as I watch him.
I can’t believe the boss is starting to freak out.
” Boss, she easy to take care of and it might earn you some points with Willow. You also have to learn to take care of a baby anyway. If you are planning on having your own.”
I watch as he stares at me again and looks at Luna. He rubs the back of his head, ” Alright, I will take her.” He says agreeing.
” Okay, let me just finish giving her a bath and get her dressed and she is all yours.”
I rinse the shampoo out of Luna hair and finish washing her up, before getting her out of the tub. I wrap the towel around her and carry her in the bedroom.
I see Damian sitting in the chair next to the bed. As I set Luna on the bed and go to grab her diaper and a clean onesie.
As I was getting a orange onesie with a little fox on the front on it. I hear Damian,” Hey! No climbing! You don’t have clothes on.” I turn around to see Damian trying to keep the towel wrapped around Luna.
As Luna already has her little foot on Damian’s leg trying to climb into his lap. She giggles and babbles up at him.
I can’t help but let out a laugh.
” This isn’t funny!” Damian says glaring at me as I walk over to them.
” Actually, it was very funny! You should have seen your face.” I say as I lean down and pick Luna up. Her giggles fill the room as I give her a bunch of kisses all over her face.
I lay her on the bed gently and place the diaper under her. I put cream on her rash, before strapping the diaper securely around her little waist and putting the orange color onesie on her.
Placing her in Damian’s lap. I laugh at how awkward he seems and unsure he is. ” Hold her or she will fall and I will punch you. I don’t care of you are my boss. My daughter comes first.” I say as I hear him let out a small laugh.
“If she falls and you punch me. That will be the only time I will let you hitting me slide.” He tells me as I smile.
” Sounds good to me.” I start packing diapers into the diaper bag along with several pairs of clothing, wet wipes, rash cream, a few toys, and her favorite bedtime story book. ” She really gonna need all that for one night?” Damian asked staring at the bag and back at me.
” Yes, babies are a lot of work. You will see that first hand.” I say handing him the bag. ” Hang on you need this too.” I grab Luna crib that is light pink and wheel it over to him.
” You said to watch her. Not move her in.” Damian says staring at me.
What? does he expect her to sleep on the hard floor?
” She has to sleep somewhere and she to tiny to be placed on a bed. she will roll off.”
Damian puts Luna and her diaper bag both into the crib.
I laugh watching Luna slowly stand up and her face lights up in excitement. As I open the door and Damian starts wheeling her out into the hallway.
” Bye! Dada! Woves you!” She says waving her small hands at me.
” I also packed her some snacks and don’t let her stay up all night.” I watch as Damian nods and starts walking down the hall. Luna giggles and bounces up and down in her crib.
I laugh watching her and shake my head. I wish you luck boss she is going to be a handful. She even going to keep you on your toes. He going to get a good taste of parenthood tonight. I normally ask Alex to take her, but I never expect the boss to actually agree to take her. I guess he really wants to earn bonus points with Willow.
Eh, he will figure it out. Time to check in on my shift for tonight.
Willow POV……
Hearing knocking at the door I open it and move to the side to see Damian wheeling in a crib with a small little girl inside wearing a orange onesie with a fox on the front of it.
She excitedly looks around the room as Damian picks her up and gently sets her on her feet.
She giggles before waddling around the room excitedly. I give Damian a questioning look and as if reading my mind answers. ” She isn’t mine. She is Dean’s daughter. I am just watching her for tonight.” He explains as I nod.
I didn’t know Dean had a kid, but I also don’t know anyone here. I watch the little girl wiggle and grunt as she manages to climb onto then king size bed all by herself.
I let out a laugh as music starts blurring through the tv. Damian rushes over to take the remote from her.
As the music is turned off I watch as the little girl starts rolling around on the king sizes bed. Her laughter fills the room and I can’t help but smile.
I find amusement in what’s happening in front of me. The most dangerous demon clan leader in this whole town is trying to catch a toddler. So she doesn’t roll off the bed.
” Do you need help?” I ask with a smile on my face. Damian finally caught ahold of her little foot. She giggles and makes little fart noises with her mouth.
Damian gasps, ” You did not!” He says acting grossed out. The little girl laughs and makes more fart sounds. I laugh watching them and walk over to the bed. The second I sit down on the bed. The little girl was in my arms hugging me.
She is so tiny and adorable. It really makes me want to have kids at some point. Tonight isn’t going to be boring that’s for sure.
I hug the little girl back and move her soft brown hair out of her eyes.
” So, how long do we have her?”
Watching as she crawls back over to Damian and hugs his arm happily. ” I think it’s just for tonight.” He says as he cradles the little girl in his arms.
I nod my head watch as her let go of Damian’s arm and slowly climb off the bed. She waddles over to her crib and points at her bag. She looks back at us, ” Food!” She says bluntly.
I get off the bed and get her bag out of her crib. As I open it the little girl starts digging around in her bag. When she finds a bottle of baby sour cream and onion chips.
I open the bottle for her and she takes the little round chip out and pops it into her mouth. She than hands me a chips and waits for me to eat it.
Putting the chip in my mouth it taste like cardboard with a little bit of flavor added to it.
I have never had baby food before, but these baby chips kinda suck. I put on a fake smiles, ” Mmm, delicious!” I tell her as she giggles and waddles over to the Damian and holds her arms up.
Damian smirks at me knowing I was lying. As he sits her on the bed next to him. She sits in the center of the bed eating her chips happily.
” So, what is her name? I don’t think I asked.” I say putting her diaper bag in a empty chair and wheeling her crib closer to the bed. ” It’s Luna.” Damian says softly.
I nod as I take a sit and watch Luna munch on her chips. ” Maybe she needs food. She seems pretty hungry.” I tell him.
Damian nods, ” Right, one second.”
Watching him pull out his phone and text someone for a few minutes. ” Right, so I talked to Dean. He said he packed her a can of SpaghettiOs whatever that is.”
I laugh, ” Spaghettios, are basically soft foods for kids.” I get up and dig through the bag until I find the small can. Along with a baby bowl and cute little baby spoon.
All these baby items are so small and cute. I can’t help but giggle on the inside in excitement.
“So, is there away to warm this up?” I asked holding the can up.
Damian looks like he is in deep thought before answering, ” Yeah, I can warm it up. Hand it here.”
How exactly does he plan on warming it up? There isn’t a microwave in here. I was thinking more of walking downstairs to put it in the microwave.
He has been really sweet. Earlier when I was tired and came to bed. He brought me spaghetti, a drink, and more of that green medicine to take.
watching as he opens the can and pours the SpaghettiOs into the fixable rubber bowl. His hands starts to glow for a few moments before he stops.
The smell of the SpaghettiOs fills the room. ” How did you warm it up?” I asked as I watch him put the baby spoon into the SpaghettiOs. He starts feeding Luna who does a cute little happy dance as she eats.
He smirks at me, ” It’s easy to warm up food and it saved time from having to go downstairs.”
Yeah, he does have a point. Especially since I really didn’t feel like walking downstairs.
After Luna ate all her food and drank juice from her sippy cup that Damian had to ask Alex to get for us. She finally went to sleep and is snoozing peacefully in her crib.
I lay down in the bed and let out a small yawn.
Damian turns the light off and a feel the bed dip as he climbs in. A second later I feel his strong muscular arms wrap around my waist.
I feel my face start to heat up as he pulls me against his bare chest. ” Your shirtless.” I says a little awkwardly.
As he chuckles his breath fans against my ear. ” Yeah, I am also in my boxers. Now get some sleep.” He says as he snuggles into me.
I start to feel my eyes get heavy as my body relaxes against him. I stare at Luna crib to see her still snoozing with her mouth sighting open and a firm hold of her stuffed bunny.
I smile looking at her as I drift off to sleep.