Chapter 19

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Dean POV
Speeding down the street I hit my palm against the steering wheel, ” Shit! Shit!” I yell out of anger.
I swear I fucking told her not to have men over. When she has our daughter!
I slam on my breaks as I reach the apartment complex and get out. Slamming the door behind me as I run up the stairs and find James standing outside, ” You told me to let you know if something was doing on. There is a sketchy group of men inside and the music is blurring.” He says having to yell over the noise.
” It’s fine, just get out of here. I got this.” I tell him as the anger starts to build.
Kicking open the front door the smell of weed, and sex is in the air as I walk inside. I scrunch my nose at the smell and find Rachel in the bedroom.
She bent over getting ramped from behind while another dude had his cock in her mouth. A few other men in the room just standing around watching. As she sees me from the corner of her eyes. I can see the panic starting to set in as she struggles to get free.
I just clenched my jaw and walk off father down the wall way. I stop in front of a pink door with flower on it. As I open it there is a strong scent of feces and urine.
Stepping inside I find my daughter in her crib just sitting in the bed in dirty clothes.
” Dada!” She says he little face lighting up when she sees me. I lean down and pick up, ” Come on, your coming with daddy.” I tell her softly and kisses her forehead softly.
No wonder she cries when I bring her to her mother’s. I didn’t know she was being treated badly. I guess this explains why she always has a diaper rash.
” What are you doing here!” Rachel snaps as I turn around and sees she is wearing a dark blue bathrobe.
” I think the better question is what the fuck are you doing! You have our daughter in here covered in her own filth. While you are getting gangbanged! The fuck is wrong with you! She is to come first!” I yelled at her.
” I do take care of her I wanted to have a bit of fun. She not even that dirty!” She snapped back and crosses her arms over her chest.
I laugh, ” Not that dirty! She in the same clothes I dropped her off in two days ago! Are you fucking kidding me right now!” shaking my head I push pass her.
” Where are you going with my daughter!” Rachel yells as I hear the thumping of her bare feet behind me.
” I am taking her home with me!” I tell her as I exit her apartment with Luna in my arms.
Luna starts to cry from all the yelling and I rub her back gently, ” It’s okay baby.” I say softly and I kiss her forehead again.
Approaching my car I open the backseat and gently put Luna in her carseat. I buckle her in and make sure the chest strap is in the right position before I shut the door. I hit the lock button on the key fob to lock the car. As I noticed Rachel coming downstairs with her group of sex toys.
” No! This is my week to have her!” Rachel snaps at me.
I glare at her, ” And this is the last time you will have her too! Now you can gang bang all you want. Party all you want, and get fucked up you want! Because Luna is not coming back here or being left alone with you ever again.”
I watch as one of the men that was shirtless step up me, ” Just give the lady back her daughter.” He says puffing out his chest to try an intimidate me.
Great an asshole that thinks he knows everything.
” I suggest you go fuck off and mind your own fucking, because that little girl is my daughter. I’m not giving her back to someone. who rather be a whore than a parent!” I snap back in a pissed off tone.
I watch as he balls his fist and throws a punch in my direction. I catch his fist in my hand and bounce his head off the hood of my car. I watch as he hits the concrete a little dazed.
His friends look at each other before running towards me all at once.
Great more fucking idiot this is getting old.
I dodge a punch and catch ahold of a crowbar one of them decided to swing at me. I thrust the crowbar forward causing is to hit the person that swung it at me hard in the nose. As he let’s go in pain. I slap him upside the head with it causing him to fall to the ground and groan in pain.
I drop the crowbar to the ground and watch as the next guy lifts his leg up high to kick me in the face. I catch his foot in mid-air and kick him right in the balls.
I watch as he hunches over in pain and falls to the ground. I look at the rest of the men that stand around not knowing what to do.
” Are we done? cause I am getting bored.” I tell them as Rachel pushes past them.
” Give her back!” She says with tears in her eyes.
I shake my head, ” No, I am not! you aren’t taking care for her. She cries everytime I drop her off here. Now I know why, because of this shit right here. You are welcome to come visit Luna at the mansion when I allow you to come over. Other than that this shit ends.” I tell her as I unlock my side of the car using the key. I climb in and shut the door.
I can hear Rachel banging on my window as I start the car. I ignore her and back the car up before pulling out on to the street and driving away.
Luna was in her carseat crying again, ” It’s okay, baby girl. We are going home.” I tell her softly.
I’ll have to give her a bath and clean clothes when I get home. Not to mention a new carseat. I’m not even going to try to scrub the carseat she is sitting in clean. I can’t believe Rachel had her sitting in her own filth like that. If she hasn’t changed her clothes. She probably hasn’t changed that diaper in two days either.
Nothing like this is ever going to happen again. My daughter deserves better.