Its been three weeks since me and Damian had are interactions in the bathroom. He has also been busy with meetings and other things I am not completely sure what he is doing. I don’t ask, because Kristin doesn’t tell me anything. Either does any of the boys.
So, here I am just sitting on the bed flipping through tv channels.
There really isn’t anything I feel like watching. I want to go shopping or for a walk. Some where away from the masion for awhile would be great.
As I hear a knock on the door. My attention goes from the TV to my door.
I watch Kristin peek into my room.
” Are you dressed?” She asked in a low tone.
I give her a questioning look, ” No, I am sitting in here naked.” I say my voice dripping in sarcasm.
” Good.” She says with a shrug and just walks all the way in. She walks over to the foot of the bed and stares at me. ” You look like a mess.” she says bluntly
” My messy bun isnt that bad. Plus Damian’s shirts are actually very comfortable.” I tell her with a nod of my head.
She laughs, ” Your hair looks like a birds nest! It is not cute at all. That shirt has ketchup stains from the hamburger you ate yesterday.” She points out causing me to look down at the stains.
I shrug my shoulders, ” I got ketchup for later.” I tell her.
Kristen shakes her head, ” Get up and go shower. We are going to town.”
” Last time I checked. We had to ask Damian before I can leave the house.”
I watch as a smile spreads across her face. ” He already knows we are going to town. We need to get dresses for tonight’s event.” She informs me.
Event!? I was never told about any event!
” What are you talking about? I was never told about this!” I said as Kristin takes the remote out of my hands and stands me up on my feet.
” I know, I was only told about twenty minutes ago. However all Virgil had to do was mention shopping and I was all in. He even give me his credit card. So hurry up and take a shower. I want to get out of this house.”
She didn’t have to tell me twice. Getting out of the house didn’t sound like a bad idea. It was better than sitting in here and trying to find something to watch.
I head off in the direction of the bathroom and take a quick shower.
Once I am all clean. I walk out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my body. I see Kristin sitting on my bed texting on her phone.
She glances up at me and gestures towards the clothes she picked out for me thats laying beside her on the bed. ” We are kinda in a hurry and you take forever. Especially when you are looking for something to wear.”
” I do not.” I tell her as I slip on the black laced underwear, before dropping my towel and putting my bra on.
I roll my eyes when I hear Kristin whistle at me. ” I have dressed infront of you before.”
She smiles, ” Yeah I know, but you are still hot.” she says with a wink
” Whatever..” I saying putting on the dark blue skirt and black tanktop.
” It is true and you know it.” She says going back to texting her phone.
Brushing my hair and throwing it into a ponytail. I put on deodorant and spray some of my perfume that smells like Roses. Giving myself a quick look in the mirror. I stare at Kristin, ” We can go now.”
I thought about doing some makeup, but since I would have do it again. Once we got home I just decided not to do it. Seemed like a waste of time and energy. So I will just save the make up for tonight.
I do find it annoying that I am just now being informed of this event. However there isn’t anything I can do about it.
Kristin gets up off the bed and walks out the door with me trailing behind her.
Once we get to the mall the place is packed and swarming with people.
” Lets check out the new dress store that opened up. I heard they have a bunches of cute and gorgeous dresses. People keep raving about it on Instagram.” She tells me as she intertwines her arm into mine. We walk side by side, as she leads the way.
Looking up at the sign above the store that says, ‘ Mean Girls Fashion’. I stare over at Kristin, ” This seems like a teenagers store.” I tell her.
Kristin smiles, ” It’s not I promise.” She says as she gently pulls me inside the store.
My jaw drops open at all the beautiful dresses as far as I could see. Kristin laughs, ” Careful, you don’t want a fly to go into your mouth.”
I close my mouth and send her a glare. Kristin only giggles and starts snooping through the rack of dresses.
I decided to check out the dresses in the back of the store.
I was currently trying to decide between the black off the shoulder dress that had black feathers flowing down to the bottom with a slit down the middle.
I am not really sure what kind of event this is. I turn around and wave Kristin over to me. She already had a dark blue dress with had a small black ribbon around the waist section. That she was carrying in her arms.
” Do you know what kind of event this is? So, we are dressing accordingly.”
She shrugs, ” I don’t know. Just grab the dress you want. I will take a picture of both of them and send it to Virgil to see.”
Yeah, I guess thats is one way to be sure.
Reaching up I grab the black dress off the rack on the wall. I hold it up as Kristin takes a picture of it.
” I am going to try it on.” I tell her.
Kristin gives a nod as she is typing away on her phone.
Walking up to the counter I wait patiently for someone to help me.
After waiting twenty minutes for assistance. A lady around my age with red curly hair and long pink fingernails with little yellow flowers on the tip. walks up to me and gives me the stink eye.
” Can I help you?” She asked rudely.
Seriously, I don’t even know this girl and she is being rude. Not to mention those nails how does she wipe her ass? Maybe that is why she is in a bad mood. She cut herself wiping.
” Yes, I would like to try this on.” I say holding up the dress.
She sighs rather loudly and rolls her eyes. As she walks out from behind the counter and over to the dressing stalls. She unlocks it and moves out the way allowing me inside.
Shutting the door and locking it. I change out of my clothes and put on the dress. I smile in the mirror at the way it fits around my curves perfectly. It’s a little short, but its still pretty cute.
Taking the dress off and putting my clothes back on. I exit the stalls and find Kristin in the same spot I left her.
” We, need to find different dresses?” I asked her.
Kristin sighs, ” Yeah, he said we need something more classy.” She says putting her dress on a random rack.
I decided to be polite and walk to back of the store. Hanging the dress back in the spot I got from.
Since we need a classy dress for the event. We have to go to a different store. Everything here is either party, prom, or slutty dresses. None of the dresses scream classy and elegant like Virgil is wanting us to wear.
So, after going to six different stores and Kristin calling Virgil a few times bitching. We both managed to find dresses that both Damian and Virgil agree with.
Kristin choose a red silk dress that has a slit down the middle. I choose light blue silk dress that stops at the middle of my thigh and clings to my curves perfectly. I even managed to find a pair of matching shoes. Along with small matching clutch purse.
Now I was sitting in the car with Kristin as the cab driver drives us back to the masion. I was tiredly and worn out from walking around the mall all day. We still have to get ready for this event. All I really want to do at the moment is go to bed, but thats not really an option.
When the cab driver pulls down the driveway. He gets stopped at the gate. The guard looks inside, and when he notices it just me and Kristin. He throws up a hand signal and the gate begins to open.
The cab driver pulls inside the gate and stops at the steps at the front door. Where both Damian and Virgil are both standing.
Virgil opens the door and helps Kristin. While Damian walks to my side and helps me out. While a gaurd is paying the cab driver and sending him on his way.
” How much time do we have to get ready?” I asked Damian.
He looks down at his watch on his wrist. ” You both have four hours. So, there isn’t a reason to rush.” He tells us.
” What kind of event is this anyway?” I asked curiously.
Damian rubs the back of his head, ” It’s a family and business event wrapped into one. I almost forgot all about it.” He says giving me a sly smile.
” So, we will be leaving town?” I asked.
Damian gives a nod, ” Yeah, we will. Only we won’t be driving. It’s to far to drive. So, we will just transport there and back home. It will be a lot faster.”
Transport? I have only done that once with a childhood friend a long time ago. I ended up throwing up everywhere.
” I don’t think thats a good idea. I will throw up. I already know I will.” I tell Damian with a worried tone.
The last thing I want to do is embarrassed myself or them by throwing up.
Virgil chuckles, ” Relax Willow, We can give you something for that. It’s will keep you from getting motion sickness.” He tells me.
I relax a little hearing that. I just hope whatever they give me doesn’t taste bad.
” Come on, lets go get ready.” Kristin says a little too excited. ” And you guys!” She says pointing at Virgil and Damian. ” No, peeking until we are done getting ready. We will be getting ready in the guest bedroom.” She says in a stern tone.
” Okay, we won’t peek or bother you” Virgil says with a smile.
Kristin waits for Damian to agree before heading in the house. I follow along behind her.
Tonight is going to be long, but at least we can dress up and get out of the house.