The man holding me down by wrist drags me across the carpet, causing the dead man to slide off of me and into the floor.
” You are going to pay for that!” The one man says standing up from the couch.
I watch as him and the man to my right run towards someone in the direction of the front door.
The couch blocking my view as I lay in the floor still being held down.
I can hear the sound of bones cracking followed by a weird gurgling sound.
Two heavy objects hit the floor.
The man holding my down suddenly frees both my wrist.
He grabs me by my hair and forces me to stand on my feet, causing my shirt to fall back down to my thighs.
My eyes landing on the two lifeless men that moments ago were about to rape me.
” Make me move and I kill her!” He snaps coldly at the man standing in front of me.
It can’t be!
Damian’s in my apartment!
I cry out in pain as my hair is pulled hard.
Watching as Damian takes a step forward.
His eyes moving from me to the person behind me.
” I said don’t move!” He says as I feel cold metal touch my throat.
My eyes widen as I realizes there is a knife being held to my throat.
Damian halts to a stop and lifts his left hand.
He flicks something small in my direction.
It grazes my cheek and hits the man behind me in the head.
His body making a loud thud as it hits the floor.
Turning around I see a small hole in the man’s head as if he had been shot.
Lifting my hand up I wipe the small cut on my cheek.
My body trembles as I feel warm buff arms wrap around me.
” Your are safe now.” He says softly in my ear.
” T-thank y-you..” I stutter out as tears began to fall again.
He gently wraps away my tears with his thump.
” Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Picking me up, his right arm under my legs while his left hand rest gentle against the middle of my side.
Carrying me into my bedroom he shuts the door with his foot.
Walking through my bedroom and doing straight to the bathroom.
He sets me down in the tub. Without saying a word he takes my shirt off leaving me completely naked in front of him.
I use my arms to cover me breast as I squeeze my legs closed.
He stares at me intensity before walking out the door leaving me alone.
I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding until he left.
I shut the shower door and slowly stand up.
The water hitting my body and washing away the blood.
Once all the blood is off I grab the rag off the handrail. I lather it with cherry scented body wash and began to scrub my body with it.
Once I am down scrubbing my body I began to wash my hair.
A few moments later I hear a knock as a familiar voice speaks, ” Are you okay?” Kristin asked me in a worry tone.
I let out a sigh, ” Yeah, Damian saved me.” I tell her running my fingers through my hair.
” I knew I should have left work early.” She tells me as I hear her moving stuff into what I can assume is a bag.
I rinse the shampoo out of my her and open the shower door.
” What are you doing?” I asked as I quickly grab the towel hanging to my left and wrap it around my body.
” I am packing your things.” She says as she continues to tosses my things into a black trash bag.
” I can see that, but why are you?” I asked as Damian barges into the bathroom with clean clothes for me to wear.
” Because I told her to do it. You are coming with me.” Damian says in a matter of fact tone.
I cross my arms over my chest, ” I thanked you for helping me but I’m not going with you!”
He stares at me his face emotionless, ” I wasn’t asking you. I was telling you.”
pushing the clothes into my arms,” Now get dressed!” He snaps before leaving the bedroom.
” It’s best you do as he says Willow.” Kristin says as she finishes tossing everything into the black trash bag and leaves quietly.
I stare at my now empty counter top.
why do I get the feeling if I go with him. I won’t be free.
sighing I drop my towel and put on my underwear and bra, before looking at the clothes Damian handed me.
It was a light gray shirt with black shorts.
Putting the clothes on I step out into my room to find a bunch of men packing all my stuff into boxes.
” Excuse you! Why are you packing my stuff!” I snap at them.
They just stare at me unfazed and keeps packing everything up.
I can hear talking in the living room and walk in. I notice the dead bodies are gone and the only thing remaining was the blood stains.
” Why are they packing my stuff!” I snap at Damian who was calmly sitting in my blue chair.
I notice Kristin was sitting in Virgil lap not saying a word. As her head rested against his chest.
” I told you already you are coming with me. Since you will be living with me. You will need your stuff.” He says making eye contact with me.
” I am not moving in with you! This my apartment! So tell them to stop and get out!” I snap at him.
He suddenly stands up and storms towards me. I step back until my back hits the wall.
He puts both his arms next to my head blocking me in.
The scent of his cologne fills my nostrils.
He leans down his lips next to my ear, ” You are coming with me. Even if I have to drag you out of here.” He whispers coldly in my ear.
I put my hands on his chest and try pushing him away.
He grabs my wrist tightly and holds them above my head, ” Fighting me isn’t something you should do. I always win.” He says kissing me roughly on the lips.
when he pulls away I am gasping for air and a smirk spreads across his face.
” You are mine!” He says possessively
I stare into his eyes and not knowing what to say I just stare down at the floor.
I can’t fight him.
He is a demon and a strong one at that there is no escape from him.
” Good, looks like we have an understanding.” He says as someone clears their throat.
Damian releases my wrist and take a step back.
Dean has a soft smile, ” The cars here if you want to head home.” He tells Damian.
” You and Virgil will take the girls home. I have some stuff to take care of after I leave here.” Damian says as he walks into my bedroom.
Dean grabs a hold of my wrist and pulls me towards the door.
” N-no leg go!” I snap only for Dean’s hold to tighten as he drags me out the door.
” I don’t have shoes!” I yell out at Dean. He stops walking long enough to throw me over his right shoulder. I hit my fist against his back and kick my feet into the air.
As I struggle to get free only to sigh defeat.
looking at Kristin is walking willing next to Virgil. They are holding hands, but I notice Kristin looking down at the floor.
She looks sad, perhaps she is in the same situation I am in.
As we step outside the cool air blows softly against my skin.
” Dean, please let me go.” I tell him as he shakes his head.
” Sorry, no can do boss told me to take you home. So that is where you are going.”
Walking up to a black car he opens up the car door and gently lowers me down inside the back seats of the car.
I rush over to the door on the other side and pull the handle, but the door won’t open.
Dean chuckles, ” Nice try sweetheart, but the child locks are on.” He says as Kristin slides into the seat next to me.
Dean shuts the door and climbs into the passenger seat as Virgil walks around getting into the driver’s seat.
Virgil starts to car and begins to drive down the road.
I stare out the window in silence as I across my arms over my chest.