Chapter 9

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

I was two o’clock in the after noon and I was laying in bed watching Family guy on Hulu.
” How are feeling?” Kristin asked as she walks in with a brown paper bag that has my cheeseburger and fries in it.
” I feel worse.” I tell her.
” Well, you look good.” She says with a soft smile.
I knew she was lying. I looked how I felt and I feel awful. Not to mention when I talk I sound like an old chain smoker.
Taking my burger out of the paper bag I looked at it. It’s not that I didn’t want it.
I just didn’t have an appetite. I am grateful she took time from her lunch break to bring me my food. Its at least a thirty minute walk here, so the least I can do is try to eat a few bites.
Holding the burger to my mouth a take a bite. The juices from the burger fill my mouth.
” Jake makes the best burgers, but for the first time. I am going to admit that I probably won’t be able to eat it all.” I say as I take another bite.
Kristin laughs, ” Yeah, you do love Jake’s burgers. However the fact that you are trying to eat is good enough for me.” She says taking sit next to me.
She leans her back against the headboard as she pulls her burger out from the bag.
” Not to make you worried or scared” She says as she takes a bite of her burger.
“But, there is a group of outsider that have snuck in going around attacking people. Four of them have been caught so far.” She says with her mouthfull.
She drops something this serious on me like I’m not suppose to not worry!
” In the middle of the day!” I asked my mouthful of fries.
” Relax Willow the guards are out thick now. So if the outsiders do anything. They will be caught. Besides hasn’t Virgil been stopping by?” She asked munching on her fries.
I nod as I take a sip of my sprite, ” Yeah, I was wondering why he kept popping in. I guess I know why now.”
checking the time on her phone she stands ups, ” I gotta get back before I am late for my shift.” She tells me.
Grabbing her purse and putting her cellphone in her pocket. I watch as she shoves the rest of her food into her mouth.
I laugh looking at her with her cheeks all puffed out like a chickmunk.
” By the way how is working with Dean?” I asked laughing as she holding her hand up and takes a big sip of her coke to wash down the burger she cramped into her mouth.
” Girl, he is so much fun to work with. Boyd wasn’t bad, but he kinda had a stick up his ass. Dean seems more relaxed and chill.” She explains and looks at her phone as Jake’s name flashes across the screen.
Sighing loudly she answers her phone, ” I’m leaving the apartment now!” She says grabbing her coke.
She waves bye before leaving the bedroom.
I laugh watching her trip over the coffee table. She stumbles a bit as she catches her balance and walks out the front door.
Getting up off the bed I wrap my half eaten burger back up and stick it back into the brown paper bag. I than gather up all the trash and walk into my kitchen. I throw the trash away and put my burger in the refrigerator for later.
Walking back into my bedroom and throw myself on my bed.
Rolling over I just stare up at my ceiling.
I am so bored and I don’t have the energy to do laundry. I’ll just take some medicine and take a nap. I haven’t even done anything today but I feel so exhausted.
Pouring medicine into the medicine cup. I stare down at the red liquid.
This crap really is gross, what can I do to make it taste somewhat better.
I look over at my sprite and I have an idea.
I pour some of my sprite into the medicine cup and I take it like I am taking a shot.
I shrug, it’s really not that bad. It actually made it taste better. Maybe they should make sprite flavored medicine.
pulling the blankets back. I slide myself under my covers and wiggle around as I get comfortable.
grabbing the remote I switch hulu off and scan through my apps on my TV, before just going to regular TV.
I turned it on the news and listened to the weather report.
At some point I must have fallen asleep.
I woke up in a daze and saw the news was still on.
It was now night time, and Kristin wasn’t back from work.
Um, they are probably still opened maybe.
looking at the time on my phone I can see it’s only eleven at night. So they still had an hour left of work.
getting off my bed and walking into the bathroom I do my business.
while I am inside I hear footsteps and a unfamiliar voice coming from the living room.
Maybe Virgil brought friends over with him, ” Virgil, Kristin isn’t back from the diner yet. She still has an hour.” I call out only for it to fall silent.
” Virgil?” I ask as I come out of the bathroom and head into the living room to find three well built men standing in my living room each one dressed in matching black pants and black shirts.
” Well, aren’t you a sexy little thing.” One of the men says with a smirk on his face.
” G-get out of my a-apartment.” I stammer and slowly back up hitting a solid rock behind me.
I freeze and slowly turn around to find a even bigger man smiling down at me.
” She very pretty.” He says as he looks at me up and down.
He licks his lips, ” It has been a long day. Why don’t we blow off some steam?” He asked as his friends laugh.
I feel a shiver of fear and disgust run right through me.
looking around I remember the baseball bat I have behind my bedroom door.
I bolt in the direction of room.
Only for a hand to grab ahold of my arm tightly, and throw me onto the floor.
My back hits the carpet hard and as I as scrambling to get up. I get pinning down.
My hands are raised above my head by one the men.
I look up as they are surrounding me.
” You are dumb thinking you could run back into your room.” One of them says coldly.
Another one bends down and starts lifting my shirt up.
” S-stop it! N-no!” My voice cracks as I struggle and kicks my legs.
I feel strong rough hands grab my ankles to hold me still.
Tears start to stream down my face as my shirt is fully pulled up exposing my bare breast.
They smirk down at me as I hear one of them whistle, ” She going to be fun.” one of them say.
As the one that lifted my shirt starts to touch my breast and squeezes them.
” S-stop! L-let go” I cry out as I try to get my hands free and wiggle around hopelessly.
A sharp pain is felt on the side my cheek, ” Keep quiet! Or we will kill you!” The man that slapped me says.
I can feel my pajamas shorts starting to be pulled down and off.
This is it, I’m going to be ganged raped by a bunch of strangers.
More tears began to fall as I hear one of them unbuckling and pulling the zipper down on his pants.
tears streaming down my face as I watch the kneel down in front of me.
His friend that’s holding my ankles smirk as he moves and sits on my couch to watch.
I keep my legs close as tight as I can manages.
Forcing my legs to spread open he gets a full view of my bare ass and my vagina.
I feel his hand slide between my legs.
He rubs his hand against my opening.
I try to pull away, only for his free hand to land on my hip and holds me in place.
” S-Stop!” I scream out as blood suddenly splatter onto my face.
The man in front of me puts his hand on his now bleeding throat as he chokes and gurgles on his own blood, before he falls against my bare chest. The warmth of his blood runs down my my body.
What was that?! It was like he got hit with air!
I scream and squirm to get the dead man off of me.