Chapter 11

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

…….. Damian’s POV
Watching my men pack up all of Willow’s belongings into boxes.
” It would seem those men belonged to the outsider group that snuck in earlier this morning.” Boyd informed me as he hands me a cup of coffee.
” Why aren’t you back at the house?” I asked him.
” I figured since Alex and Jared were already there. That I could come help you. They are fully capable of babysitting Williow and Kristin.” He says taking a sip of his coffee.
” I suppose you are correct. Now do we know how many are still running around my town?” I asked him.
Boyd nods his head, ” Yeah, there was twenty of them, but that numbers been cut down to eight. That’s me including the four you killed here.”
” Good, we will find the rest after we are done here.” I tell him.
It took an hour to get everything packed and put into a U-Haul trailer.
” Maybe sure you call a cleaning company to deep clean everything, and put the apartment up for sale.” I tell the apartment owner.
” R-Right away my lord.” He says respectfully as I hand him the money.
” That should cover the cleaning companies expenses. Whatever is rest you can keep.” I tell him
” But my lord this is way to much money. I can’t keep all of this.” He says trying to hand me some of the money back.
This is the first most would keep it without question. I never had someone try to give me some of it back.
” Keep it, I insist.” I says gently push his hand back to his chest.
His eyes start to water as he smiles, ” T-thank very much lord Damian.” He says as he bows his head in respect and walks back into his apartment building.
Boyd was smoking a cigarette. He takes a long drag before exhaling smoke, ” Can we go now?” He asked in a bored tone.
” You act like a child sometimes.”
walking down the street Boyd follows beside me.
” Well, dad I would like to cut people into pieces not watch a man kiss your ass.” He says in a teasing tone.
I roll my eyes, ” You are fucking annoying.” I tell him turning down alleyways.
I searched every alleyway and street for the past five hours. So far the only thing I found was citizens either doing drugs or having sex. I careless about the sex however the one selling drugs and buying drugs. I had a few of my guards take them down to the police station.
If they want drugs they can buy it from my men. The fact that citizens have drugs to distribute in the first place means that this goes deeper than just sneaking people in to attack my town. Someone is trying to push me out!
I ball my hand into a fist and punch the concrete wall causing it to crumble to the ground.
” Boss, maybe we should call it a night. where ever they are hiding. We aren’t going to find them tonight” Boyd tells me as he let’s out a yawn.
Yeah, he is right. I won’t find them tonight. ” Let’s head home.” I tell him as I turn around. My eyes landing on a man wearing black.
He was climbing out of an apartment building window that was across the street. I watch as he jumps down and starts walking down the street.
I use sign language to tell Boyd to check on the person that owns that apartment.
He gives me a nod and does a little jog across the street. I start following the outsider. I made sure to stay a few distances behind. I even kept my aura hidden so he wouldn’t know he was being followed.
He should lead me to the rest of his little group.
I can feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulls out my phone. I open Boyd’s messages.
Boyd: Would seem he killed the husband and raped the wife a few times before killing her out of bored.
me: Call the corner to pick up the bodied. After that call a cleaning company to have the mess cleaned. If the news comes sniffing around tell them it was a murder suicide.
Boyd: Will do.
Putting my phone back in my pocket I watch as the outsider walks into the abandoned chocolate factory.
I sneak into the factory using the hidden entryway. I go quietly up the stairs and go down the long corridor.
Following the scent of those flithy intruders. I find them in the old cafeteria area.
There was in fact eight of them like Boyd had said. Along with a few women that was being held against there will.
A women with blonde hair was stripped naked and bent over the metal tables. Tears streaming down her face as the man behind her was pounding roughly into her.
” Boss, Rex’s team hasn’t come back yet.” The man I followed says to the man pounding into the women.
He grunts, ” They probably got killed. which was why I said to have sex when you can. since you don’t know when you are going to die.” He slaps the women on the ass causing her to make a small yelp.
” After all we are trespassing in this town. Since all the exits are blocked there’s not away to leave. So might aswell do as we please until we die.” He grunts loudly as he slams the women hard into the metal table as he cums.
Once he pulls out of her he pulls his pants back up and grabs the women roughly tossing her next to the other three naked women. ” So, was it hard getting back here?” He asked opening a can of beer.
He shakes his head, ” No, I managed to get back here with out being seen boss.”
A man shirtless muscular man drinking a bottle of whiskey grabs a redheaded naked woman and forcefully bends her over. She screams and cries, ” Shut up!” He says slapping her bare ass.
I bend down and pick up a few rock pebbles laying on the ground. I use the commotion as cover as I flick three of the pebbles. They each hit the three man playing poker in the head.
I than pick up the last rock pebble I can fix and flick it as the man that was now pulling his pants down. It hits him in the head. He falls backwards with a loud thud catching the attention of the remaining four men.
” Damn it! I thought you said no one followed you!” Their boss yells as he grabs a gun off one of the tables.
” I didn’t know I was followed!” He says putting his hand up and his boss shoots him in the head causing the women to scream in fear.
” Shut up! You stupid bitches!” He says hitting a women with the butt of his gun. Her head snaps back from the force and her nose starts to bleed.
Grabbing her by the arm he lifts her naked body infront of her using her as a shield.
I come out from where I am hiding and walk to the center of the room. One of the man grabbed an ax and comes running towards me.
Well, at least one of the three has some balls. I dodge the ax and catch the man by the throat with my right arm. I lift him into the air. He drops the ax and hits my arms with his fists as he attempts to free himself.
I laugh, ” Is that suppose to hurt weak demon?” I asked as he struggles for air.
With just a slight flick of my wrist I snap his neck and drop his lifeless body to the floor.
I stare coldly at the remaining two.
” You got this boss!” The man yells as he runs away leaving into the kitchen.
” Come back here you coward!” He yells back as his subordinate runs away. He than grumbles something and pulls the women’s hair causing her to cry out.
” Why don’t you let her go? After all we both know you are going to die.” I tell him as I walk towards him.
He suddenly throws the women at me and runs in the same direction his subordinate run.
Catching the women in my arms I gently set her down on the concrete floor, before standing up and run after the man. As I go around the refrigerator I catch to the man. In front of him stood Boyd covered in blood with a body laying in a puddle of blood.
I grabs the man and slam his head hard into the metal refrigerator knocking him out. ” Take this flith to the a dungeon. We need to question him on how he got in. I will take care of things here.” I tell Boyd walking away before he can say anything.