Melody’s limp body was on the bed with a soft blanket wrapped around her. Her pale face is enough to make Damian want to leave. Not because it’s ugly but because it makes him angry with himself.
He closes the door slowly. Finally, after Victor has confronted him many times, he dares to come and see her.
Damian stands beside her bed, “Look at you…” he mumbles.
His hand reaches to her cheek, gently caressing it. “You probably hate me a lot right now.”
“Well, I didn’t blame you. I deserve it. I promise something that…I broke in the future. I fail…how ashamed of me.”
He chuckles a bit. His thumb didn’t stop caressing her cheeks. “Because of me, we lost this baby. The thing that both of us have been waiting for. If not me brought you into this world, you wouldn’t be here.”
Celestia was shocked to see him in the ward. She was holding a wet cloth ready to wipe Melody’s body.
“I didn’t expect you to be here,” Celestia speaks up.
“How is she?” Damian inquired.
She walks toward Melody, “Well, the doctor said she is in a good state so she probably wake up soon.”
Damian watches his strong member gently wipe his wife’s face. He has to admit that Melody looks clean because of his friend. They take care of her very well.
“Do you think she will hate me…” he mumbles.
His question caught her off guard. Celestia looks at her boss slowly. “Um…I…I’m not sure, sir. But, I believe that Melody will understand you.”
“Yeah, right,” he mumbles.
Suddenly, the door bursts open, and both of them turn around stunned. Gabriella and Flavio are standing there, catching their breath. Their eyes move to Melody, who’s in a hospital bed.
“Dad? Mom? What are you doing here?” Damian frowns.
They didn’t say anything. Instead, Gabriella walks toward him. Without saying anything, a hard slap hit Damian’s cheek.
Celestia gasped and closed her mouth in shock. The slap echoes in the ward making the atmosphere become tense. Damian touched his cheek gently, looking at his mother with disbelief.
“Melody is miscarriage…it all your fault. She lost her baby because of you, Angelo!!” She yells.
“If you had not been too selfish and acted so confidentially, all of this wouldn’t happened!! She lost her baby, Angelo. You ruin everything that she has!!”
Gabriella holds his collar. “You said you would take care of her, but where? What? Now you want to say it is not your fault!? You know you have a lot of enemies, and yet, you still act like it’s nothing to worry about!!”
“You don’t deserve to be a husband!”
Everyone fell silent.
“I didn’t ask for a marriage! But you and Dad force me to get married! You guys know I will do anything to take over the clan but have you guys asked if I’m ready to be a husband!? No!”
“I can’t predict the future, Mom, Dad. I know this is my fault…” his hands trembling, “I know I’m not a good husband. I can’t protect her…”
“I can’t do a simple thing. I keep ruining her life. I can’t even make her happy. Not even a minute,”
Tears welled up in his eyes. The scene stunned Flavio and Gabriella. After so long, they finally saw emotion in their son. Celestia, who is in an awkward position, slowly stepped out of the ward.
Damian frowns, “Do you know how much it hurt me to see her in this state? To hear that she loses something precious?”
“I have been stressing myself out thinking about this! I…I just…can’t lose her,” he sighs.
“You this will make you lose her…” Flavio added.
“I know, Dad…”
“I don’t know what to say…” Gabriella holds her head with tears streaming down her cheeks. “We almost lose Melody…”
She lifted her head, “We will take Melody and care of her starting today.”
“What? Mom!” Damian looks at his mother stunned.
“I don’t believe in you anymore, Angelo! All of this happened because of you! You bring danger to her life!!” She yells.
“Dear-” her husband about to speak.
“No! I don’t care what you want to say! Melody is coming with me! I will make sure she is far away from you!” Gabriella points at her son.
Damian didn’t know what to say. He looks at Melody who is still unconscious on the bed. He can’t lose her. He can’t be far away from her again. Not again.
“You can’t…” he speaks with a pleaded tone.
“Yes, I can. I can’t lose someone precious anymore. I lost Damien before and now…not Melody. I’m sorry, Angelo. But I just…can’t,” she cried.
“Divorce her…”
Gabriella’s words make everyone’s eyes widen. Including her husband. Flavio looks at her with a frown.
Celestia who is standing outside the ward hears everything. She sighs and pushes her hair backward. She couldn’t believe what she heard. Does that mean, they will be away from Melody?
The door opens making her startled. She steps aside with her head hung low. Gabriella and Flavio step out and walk away.
Damian slowly closed the door. His expression is nothing but filled with regret, sadness, and anger.
“Sir…” Celestia softly called.
“You hear it, right?” He asks.
“Yes, sir…” she mumbles.
“Prepared the divorce paper,” Damian demands before walks away.
Celestia clenched her fist. She looks at Melody’s lying figure from the small window on the door.
They stomp to the car. Before Gabriella could reach the car door, her arms were grabbed by Flavio.
“What was that!?” Flavio frowns.
“What was what? I did what is right, honey,” she sneers.
“You what was right? What have you been thinking!? You are asking our son to leave his wife!? Are you insane!?” He scolds her.
Gabriella scoffs, “You are right. I am insane. I should have listened to you. Our son is not a husband material and wouldn’t open up his heart.”
“It’s my fault to force him into this marriage. Now, because of our selfishness, we almost kill someone innocent, honey.”
“That didn’t mean you have to make them divorce…” he sighs.
“Like I said. I can’t bear it to lose anyone precious in our family anymore…and that is full-stop,” she said through her gritted teeth.
By that, she gets inside the car. Flavio sighs, rubbing his face in frustration.
Her eyes slowly open. Small grunts escaped her lips. Blurry vision covers her view and slowly fades away. She looks around and notices that she is in the hospital. Of course, after being shot.
She tries to sit up but flinches in pain, “Ahh…”
Gabriella who folded a cloth quickly turned around. She gasps to see her daughter-in-law already awake.
“Melody! Sweetie!!” She left the task and ran to hug her. “Oh my God, thank God!”
Her hands caressed Melody’s hair. “You finally wake up…”
“Mom…?” Melody looks at her.
“We have been worried that you wouldn’t wake up…” she cups her face. “How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain?”
“No. Just…a little bit of a headache. How long did I…sleep?” Melody frowns.
“Around…a few days like that,” Gabriella answers.
She nods slightly.
“You wait here, I will call the doctor right away, sweetie,” Gabriella pats her shoulder before she gets up.
Melody stays in her position. She tries to gain back from what happened before. She is being shot and then everything is dark. Even if she tries to stay conscious, she can’t. As if, something is holding her back down.
She didn’t wake up for a few days. She is shot in the stomach-
Her eyes widen when she remembers something. Her hands quickly touch her stomach. She kept pressing her stomach gently to find the small bump but she found none.
“Mom…” she called.
Gabriella who is about to step out of the ward stops. “Yes, sweetie? What’s wrong?”
“Where…is my baby?” She asks with a shaky voice.
The question is like a knife to Gabriella. She stiffened and couldn’t answer the question. But, the look on Melody makes her break out.
“Mom. I couldn’t feel anything on my stomach…” she kept pressing her stomach. “Where is my baby….”
Gabriella takes a slow step toward her. She takes a seat on her bed. Tears welled up in her eyes as she reached Melody’s hand to stop her from pressing her stomach.
Melody’s lips quiver, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Please…don’t tell me that…”
“I’m sorry…” Gabriella cried.
Melody starts to shake. That’s when she broke down. She clutched her stomach trying to think this all dream. She crying in Gabriella’s arms.
Without her knowing…
Damian is outside the ward. He heard the pain that coming out of his wife crying. His hands clenched into fists. He wanted to get in but his mother wouldn’t like that. After what she said to him, he only can look at his wife from afar.
His mother is right…
He can’t protect his wife. Once again, he makes his wife cry in pain. All of this is because of him.