April took the pale green panties from Katia and held them out, taking a step forward. “These are your sister’s panties Jerek. Your sister’s. How many boys wanted to get inside these, hmmm? How many? But you didn’t let them, did you? You stood in the way and saved your precious Katia from those horny devils, didn’t you?”
She took another slow step as she talked and brought them closer to my face. I wanted to rip her arms off.
“Such a symbol, isn’t it, Tia’s panties? The fabric acting as a barrier between your sister and the cruel world of men, hugging tightly to her soft treasure, cupping it . . . warming it . . . keeping it safe. What’s keeping it safe now Jerek?” She swung them back and forth on the end of her finger. “She’s bare and unprotected now, isn’t she? Anything could happen.”
She dropped the panties on my chest and my eyes followed them, crestfallen. I just looked at Katia’s underwear on top of me and felt too shocked to ever look up again.
April moved back to my sister’s side and slid behind her, glaring at me over a shoulder, but I couldn’t look up. Her arms wrapped around Katia in a gentle hug.
“When I first met your sister Jerek . . . Look at me you bastard,” I slowly dragged my gaze to connect, “When I met Katia, she was lost. A sad and lonely soul without any spark for life. No real friends, a disinterested family, and a heartbreaking story about a cocky older brother she still looked up to for some reason.
“Once I got to know her, the pure beauty I found was so amazing I couldn’t let it go.” April raised her hands to my sister’s chest and grabbed right onto her breasts and started squeezing them in front of me. “I had to know why she was so closed off. Why she had stopped caring. Why no one was currently tending to her gorgeous body and kissing her soft lips. Kiss me Katia,” she softly commanded.
I watched in amazement as my sister turned her head obediently and opened her mouth to April’s. The kiss wasn’t friendly, it was deep and passionate, as if they’d been held back from kissing for hours and were finally let loose on each other. Aprils hands came up to Katia’s face as they made out, and she turned my sister’s body toward her.
They stopped kissing and April wrapped her arms around Katia again and looked over her shoulder at me again.
“It took a lot of prying into her life to find out what was really going on, but once I put the pieces together, that you basically blocked her from having any kind of personal relationship with anyone, I knew she needed someone special to help her get her life back.”
My mind was racing as I tried to hear what April was saying, but quickly reeled in horror as April lifted the back of my sister’s dress up to her waist and her bare bottom came into view. Katia was unflinching, exposed to her brother.
“Look at this ass Jerek,” I kept my eyes on hers, “can you believe no one was worshiping this perfect ass?” She lowered a hand and cupped a bare cheek and squeezed, and then stopped. “Of course you can, you woudn’t have allowed it. Dick. Now you have to sit there and watch as I get my hands all full of your little sister.”
I couldn’t watch and looked down, seeing my sister’s underwear laying haphazardly on my chest. I closed my eyes and kept my head bowed, until I heard a sharp yelp of pain coming from Katia. My eyes snapped open and I looked to see April with one hand pinching hard into a bare cheek.
“You know Tia, I can never tell if you actually like being hurt like this. Oh well, it doesn’t really matter if you do or not. I’ll guess we’ll just have to see how Jerek responds tonight. If he watches us like a good soldier, then this could be quite pleasurable for you. If not, I’m afraid this could be a hurtful experience, in more ways than one.” She then glared at me with a challenging gaze.
“Yuuhhh fukmm bmphh!” I muffle screamed.
“Yes, yes Jerek, but I’m her fucking bitch, so you better keep watching,” she taunted, “You wouldn’t want her to end up with any deep marks on this flawless body would you?
“Let’s show him how flawless you really are Tia. Take your dress off. Let him see what treasures he’s been unconsciously keeping from everyone.”
I started to struggle again as my anger took over. One thing sat in my mind, and that was to punish this chick who was abusing my little sister. I yanked and pulled, the underwear on my chest falling to the floor.
“Ah-ahhh,” called April with a condescending tone, and I heard Katia cry out as a nasty flat-handed swat struck her backside. I stopped moving, but my breath was ragged and I saw red. April spun Katia around and my sister’s face was expressionless. There was no pain on it, no pleasure, no sadness, just the somber look she seemed to have always had.
“Let’s get this dress off,” April said from behind her. “I need you to do it though. Show him your body. He’s never seen you like this, has he? Are you kind of excited to show him? You’re in control baby, lift it up.”
I begged her not to with my eyes and an audible whimper, but she just looked down and reached for the hem of her dress. My heart pounded as she drew it upwards as if I wasn’t there.
I didn’t want to see. I felt horrible it was happening, but she was going for it anyway, showing herself to me. I watched the dress rise and my younger sister’s nudity came into view in front of me. This was definitely not the little girl I was expecting see. Her face was hidden by the fabric as the dress ascended, but her body was stark before me, as raw as the pain in my heart.
“Stop right there honey,” April said, as Katia’s arms held the dress high but still on her head. “Look at this gorgeous body Jerek. She’s all woman, right? Can you appreciate this lovely form without your sister’s face attached to it? Look at these perfect tits!” Her hands wrapped around and cupped her bare breasts from underneath, holding them loosely. She was truly a beauty, and only because her face was out of view could I appreciate her on a general human scale.