Sweet Tia: Ep5

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

“They feel almost as soft as this little pussy does,” one hand ran down her stomach and slipped between her legs, holding her crotch tightly. The hand started to rub between Katia’s thighs, and a faint whimper emerged from beneath the veil of lifted dress.
“He’s looking at your body Tia,” April continued, “Your brother Jerek can see you. My god he’s finally seeing you as a woman. How does it feel?”
Thank god she didn’t answer. I did not want to know how she felt, unless it was outraged at this demanding pink-haired girl and her sick requests. I had the feeling this wasn’t the case however.
April ran her hands up my sister’s body and pulled her dress completely off. My baby sister Katia stood before me as naked as the day she was born, a day I still remembered quite clearly . . .
I shook my head, looking my little sister in the eyes, trying to show what, disappointment? Concern? Heartbreak? It wasn’t having any affect.
April took her by the hand and led her to my bedside. I kept my eyes on Katia’s but she looked away and gave her attention to her partner.
“Look at him Tia. He can’t even look at your body, he’s too ashamed. That’s okay, he should be, but not about seeing his sister naked. He should be ashamed that he treated you so poorly that it had to come to this.”
April glared at me some more, as if her wicked eyes would somehow hurt me. They didn’t, but her actions did.
“How many times have you had to see his cock Tia? He never let you out of his sight, even while his drunk girlfriends played with it and sucked him off.”
My heart wilted with visions of endless parties and outings where things got out of hand. They almost always did. I didn’t remember a specific time when I got sexual in front of her, but I could imagine there were a lot of things like that I didn’t remember.
“His look tells me he’s surprised. Surprised you remember things he doesn’t, and that his drunken actions could have damaged his little sister.
“Now look at his cock again Tia. This time you can really see it, and it’s not just hanging out the front of his shorts like a drunken ape. This time it’s fully on display, every solid inch of it, as it was meant to be seen. If you’ve ever wondered about it, thought about it, dreamed about it . . . and I know you have; it’s right here.”
As slowly as the dawn I saw Katia’s eyes make their way into my lap. She looked at my cock and I was mortified. I looked at it myself once her eyes connected and it was obscene. The full weight of my manhood was stretched out as long and hard as I’d ever seen it. It swayed of its own accord as if the actions happening in the room weren’t completely insane and out of control. It throbbed in place and the head bulged with arousal. God damn it, this is my sister!!
“Wow Jerek, you’re pretty turned on,” April mused with a sick humor, “if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were getting off staring at your sister’s tits. Go ahead Tia . . . touch it.”
My heart turned inside out as my eyes cursed this chick to hell! I looked at Tia and she seemed mesmerized by my cock. She stared at it and wouldn’t look away. I shook my head back and forth, hoping to snap some sense into her, but she seemed in a daze.
April leaned on the bed and almost sat down next to me, looking back at Katia. “It’s no big deal Tia, it’s just a cock.” With that she back handed my erection hard enough to send it wide to the right, and then it swung back as if on a spring.
I started to protest and April whirled on me, “Shut the fuck up Jerek, this isn’t about you!” She turned back to Katia, “Here, let me help.”
April reached up and took my sister’s hand, and slowly moved it toward me, toward my cock. I watched in horror as my sweet little sister was about to touch me in a very inappropriate way. April let go of Katia’s hand as it was about to touch me.
“You do it,” she breathed quietly and watched my sister intently. Katia’s hand remained where April had left it, hanging inches from my naked cock. I saw her swallow hard, her eyes never leaving the lewd pillar of flesh in my lap. Suddenly she made a decision and reached out for me. My heart skipped a beat as her fingers wrapped gently around me, and I saw my Sweet Tia holding my cock. My god what the fuck just happened?
It felt wonderful on a physical level, but grotesque on an emotional one. My eyes must have been bulging out of my head as I watched her hold me in her hand. April was eyeing her expression carefully.
“How does he feel Tia?” she asked, and my sister only nodded slowly, moving her hand ever so slightly along my cock. “Turn your grip. Hold him the other way.” She watched as Katia softly let go and grabbed on with her thumb facing down. “That’s it, feel him. Feel Jerek’s cock, all of it. Pull on it. That’s it. See why he gets so much attention? It’s big, isn’t it honey?”
Katia nodded softly while mindlessly exploring my body part. April reached up and rubbed an exposed breast while moving her gaze from my sister’s face to her innocent hand, which was now confidently rubbing my mass of flesh, sending waves of unintended pleasure through my veins.
“Squeeze him hard,” April continued, “he won’t mind. He’s your brother. What could he do?” I saw April grip Katia’s breast harder as she spoke, “Squeeze that fucking cock.” Katia did tighten her grip, but it was still gentle. April looked at me in silence with scorn. Then she spoke.
“She’ll do whatever I ask you know,” she said to me as if to brag about it, but I could tell she was making a point, “do you want her to suck your cock?”
My eyes squinted in hatred as my head shook aggressively and I made some sounds through my muzzle.
“Why not? She watched all those girls on their knees slurping and bobbing up and down on your filthy prick. Don’t you think she wonders what the big deal was? Do you honey? Do you want to try it?”
Katia thankfully shook her head slowly, but her hand was absentmindedly stroking me up and down in a steady rhythm.
“Would you suck his cock if I told you to?”
This time she nodded obediently, and my heart sank as I realized how dangerous this little bitch actually was.
“Let’s start slow baby. Lean over him and open your mouth.”