My eyes began to well as Tia stepped in, an innocent angel. She wore a thin pale-green dress and her blonde hair was tied in bows. Matching ribbons fell almost to her shoulders, and she looked like sunshine come to light up the night. The look on her face was one of uncertainty, and she gave me a quick “sorry about this” sort of half smile.
“Yhhhu Bshtsss!” I tried to yell at April, but the material in my mouth was tight. My sister didn’t look at me for long, or even seem shocked at my current state. She only looked to April, or whatever her fucking name was, and waited.
“Good girl,” said the chick from the bar, “Do you see him now? This is as vulnerable as he’s ever going to get, unless we can talk some sense into him of course.”
I had no idea what the hell was suddenly going on. April turned to me with both hands on her hips and her eyes seemed to boil into flame.
“Jerek Dreeson, you think you’re some kind of fucking hero, don’t you? Always so great at everything you do. Saving the world from commies and women from their horny pussies. Such a man.” She walked over and looked down her nose at me.
“Yet the path of destruction you leave behind you is wide, and no one has been more trampled to death by your unchecked power then your little Tia here.”
I looked at my sister who was staring at the floor.
“Come here Katia,” April commanded, “come here and look at your big brother up close.”
I watched in horror as my baby sister started toward April, and I tried to stop her with my desperate eyes. “Nhhhuuu” I mumbled.
“Yes,” is all April replied. Katia neared the bed and looked to April when she stopped. “Look at him. No, not his face, you’ve seen that pathetic thing before. Look at his body, his bare chest, his stiff erection.”
I closed my eyes to avoid seeing my delicate little sister look on me in such a way. It was pure humiliating torture. Why was this happening? Why was Tia going along with this? What was April planning? I didn’t even want to think about that possibility as she kept talking.
“How many women have felt that cock in them Tia? How many? Hundreds?” She was right about that, I thought with a brief beam of pride. I felt a small hand wrap around my flesh. “This cock Tia, right in their pussies, pushing into them, like this.” She slid her fist down my length until the tip rose inches above her grip.
“He shoved his cock right in their tight vaginas and fucked them. Sometimes it was so big they begged him to stop, but did he?” I felt the tightest grip lock around my cock, sending stars to my eyes and a groan of pain to my vocal chords. “No Tia, he didn’t.” She released me all together. “He just kept fucking them.”
I opened my eyes and my precious Tia was looking at my lewd protrusion, which was twitching on its own from the combination of pleasure and pain.
“He fucked their pussies raw Tia,” she continued, now looking at my sister with a hand on her chin, the way a master might look at a puppy. “Raw. He’s not denying it. He’s proud of it, aren’t you, piece of shit.” She turned her head and spit at my face.
“Don’t,” Katia finally spoke, but April grabbed her chin again tightly.
“Please don’t tell me you’re feeling bad for him,” she stated forcefully, “after all he’s done to you? Here, let’s show him a little bit of that damage firsthand shall we?”
Katia nodded her head in submission as I looked back and forth between the two of them. “Lift your dress and show him your pussy.”
Fire exploded in my head and I shook against the bindings on my arms like a madman, which fittingly seemed to resemble those of an actual straight jacket.
I screamed into my gag and tried breaking the fucking bed with my weight as I used every ounce of muscle to try and break free. Nothing.
“Whoa,” April said, putting her arm out to hold Katia at a safe distance, “better back up here, he’s getting violent. Who would have guessed that, hmmm?”
Casually and infuriatingly they stepped two paces toward the door to watch me struggle. Without warning or another word, Katia obediently lifted her dress up, which urged me to fight harder. The floor shook as the bed rocked, and my arms seemed to get held tighter the more I fought against my restraints.
“It’s no use Jerek,” April said with mild amusement, “you’re going to be looking at your sister’s pussy tonight whether you agree to it or not. Lift it high honey.”
Katia’s pale green dress rose further into the air, and her panties were there, matching the dress but with a cross hatch pattern. I looked immediately away and struggled some more. It was no use, and my arms felt as if they’d break if I kept yanking them away from the bed. I couldn’t stop however, and I screamed again in red hot anger and frustration, until I heard a soft sound.
“Please stop Jerek,” said Tia, and her voice was like that of an angel calling. My angel. How could this be happening?? All at once I felt an urge to regain my self-control, even if it was just for her. I had no idea what this was about, but breaking free and getting all violent was the last thing I wanted for my sister to see. So I settled down, but my breathing was still heavy.
“See how much control you have over him?” April said, watching Katia’s eyes plead with mine, “This whole time you thought he was controlling you, but you’ve actually had the power all along. Now show him your pussy.”
My eyes cried out to my sister not to do it, and my moans across the tight fabric in my mouth did the same. It was futile however, as she seemed to be under a spell; a spell cast by this bitch of a captor who seemed to have set this all up.
April held Katia’s dress at her waist and nodded. My heart stopped as my innocent little sister reached for her underwear with both hands and slowly pushed down. I closed my eyes.
“Open your fucking eyes asshole,” April snapped in fury, “For as many times as she’s had to see you with your fucking greedy cock hanging out, you better take a good long look!”
My eyes snapped open in question, as her words surprised me. April’s eyes were ferocious as she glared at me. “Down here asshole,” she pointed to where my sister held the front of her panties down, and I painfully saw my little sister’s exposed V, as bare as they come, with a tiny slit peeking out the bottom.
“There it is Jerek,” she taunted me, “Tia’s pussy. Isn’t it cute? She’s so special, isn’t she? Such an untainted flower, my Sweet Tia.”
What?! That’s what I’d always called her. I didn’t know who this girl was or what kind of game she was playing, but I was seriously getting steamed, and a little scared of where this was going.
“Take them off Katia,” she commanded, letting go of the dress, “you won’t be needing them tonight. Give them to me.”
I watched my sister bend at the waist and push her underwear down and off. She stood with her panties in hand and held them out. April just looked at me as they hovered in front of her; it was a look of disgust.
“See how easily she follows commands? You did that. Of course, you lost that power when you just left her without warning years ago, but I’ve since filled that empty hole in her life,” April looked at Katia again, “didn’t I Tia?”
Katia just stood deathly still with a handful of her underwear held out. I had a sick sense of what their dynamic was. April’s eyes bore into mine and I couldn’t look away. Even though Katia looked fully clothed with her dress back in place, knowing better made it excruciating to even glance her way.