She continued as if I hadn’t interrupted, “. . . for a while. You’re nothing. Just a bullheaded, self-centered, thoughtless asshole,” I felt her get right up in my ear “and tonight . . . I am going to break you.”
It was a simple threat. Large in scope and depth, but easily spoken aloud. The version of breaking someone I was most familiar with was a military one, and a far cry from any civilian understanding. There was no way this girl from the club was talking about that. I was sure her plan was something along the lines of turning me into some sort of obedient gentleman, rather than into a crying shell of a man on the cold wet floor of a prison cell. Still, she was starting to piss me off.
“Do your worst,” I stated in smug defiance. Her response was right in my ear.
“Oh, you think this might be fun in some weird way,” she said with a slightly slutty tone, “like maybe I’ll pinch your nipples really hard while I’m bouncing up and down on your stiff cock, is that it?”
I kept silent to let her game play out a little more.
“Maybe I’m thinking with your arms tied, I can be in control for once, instead of you holding down my body while you fuck my tight cunt; is that right?” Her tone darkened, “No, when I’m done with you, your arms won’t be working very well. The fire in your belly will have gone out, and the urge to ‘sex people up’ as you so eloquently put it last night, will be gone forever.”
“Those are some bold claims, bitch,” I snarled, testing my arms again and realizing my ankles were equally restrained. I didn’t want to be too aggressive, as she could have easily been a psychopath with a sharp knife, in which case the night would indeed end with any fire in me going out. I got the sense that she had some agenda however, so I resolved to let her get on with it.
“Oh, these aren’t claims,” she said airily, “they’re facts. But don’t worry,” she dropped into another sexy tone, “your big cock is definitely getting some action tonight.” I felt her hand run down my abdomen again and under the sheet where my flaccid guy felt her take hold.
“That’s right,” she purred, “we’ll make good use of this baby.” She rubbed me down there, and I felt a surge of pleasure course through my veins and inflate my cock into her hand. Somehow I was standing at full attention in mere moments. “Oh that’s nice, look at this fine fucking cock of yours Jerek. Looks like the medication is having an effect.”
“What??” I screamed, “what the hell did you give me!?”
“Oh don’t go getting all excited,” she said unflinching “it’s just an erection drug, well, besides the date rape drug I slipped you at the bar.”
“You bitch!”
“Jerek, you have no idea. And later, when you find yourself with this giant cock stuck in the worst place in the world you can imagine, I’ll be the furthest thing from your mind.”
“What did you say?” I was suddenly afraid on another level. Was she going to have some man in my room to have sex with me? Did she have a blender next to the bed? I started to sweat. “You better let me out of here bitch, or this is going to get real ugly, real fast!”
My years of military service and special ops training had given me a sense of ‘anything is possible’ when it came to captive/captor situations. I got the feeling this chick wasn’t messing around, which is why I was surprised to feel the blindfold loosen.
Her thin body came into view, exactly as I remembered it from earlier that night. Her short pink hair was spiky and punk, her eyes were heavily made up, and her lips were drawn into an evil smile. She was still wearing the tight pink tank top with no bra, and I remember admiring her tight nips in the flashing lights of the club. Her jean shorts were unbuttoned, and my cock lurched as it imagined getting up inside this girl.
I went to speak, and was interrupted with a quick, “Uh-uh,” as the blindfold was quickly cinched over my mouth and pulled tight.
“Hhuughmmrh!” I tried to yell, with a look of violence in my eyes. She just smiled.
“Oh Jerek,” she said almost giddily, “you still don’t understand. I am going to love this so much.” She stepped back and looked me over. My naked cock was at full strength and twitching in my lap. She pushed her hand in the front of her shorts and seemed to rub herself as she looked at it.
This was all a little wild for my tastes, but watching her rub her pussy was turning me on. That is, until she opened her fucking mouth.
“Katia, come in here would you?”
My heart dropped and sank to floor, and then kept falling. My kid sister. My angel flower and only source of sanity in the world. My Sweet Tia was about to walk into my bedroom and see me like this, tied up, naked . . . hard. Oh my god, no . . .