Fuuucck Work: Ep4

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

“Ha! I guess you could say that,” I smile wide at the vast difference of images in our heads.
“Gross. What did he look like?” Jason asks, trying not to seem too intrigued.
“How do you know it was a he?” is all I offer, leaving a hint of mystery.
“Ok, you got me there. I guess I just assumed. You don’t hear many female flasher stories. Was it?”
“It was… both,” I say, revealing the essential details sure to change the conversation.
“Oh, b-both,” he repeats off guard.
“Yeah, and they sort of acted like I wasn’t there, and like they were at home… alone… in the bedroom… well, if they had a pole in their bedroom anyway.”
“hoooly shiiit,” he whispers, “What did you do?”
“What could I do? It was awkward, and a little… intriguing, I have to admit,” I lower my voice, “Jason, they wanted me to watch.”
The silence in the air feels exhilarating. His voice is low, as if Kara is right behind him.
“They… they did? How do you know?”
“It was obvious. I was the only other person in the car, and they never stopped looking at me.”
“Ohhh, that’s siiick,” he says, but the way the word leaves his mouth betrays its literal meaning.
“Yeah, ‘sick’. And now I’m feeling ‘sick’ myself from having watched them. All the time actually,” I insinuate.
“Oh,” he says, and then realizes what I mean, “Ooooh! So, that’s why you’ve been calling in… ‘sick’ for work?”
“Pretty much. I can’t stop thinking about it. I may be scarred for life here.”
“Have you thought about getting help?”
“Of course I have, and I will. I think I’m just trying to see if I’m really sick in the head or just horn… um, adversely affected.” My slip is unintentional for sure, but I’m okay if he gets my gist.
“Oh… I see.”
“Do you Jason?” I breathe.
“Are you… feeling ‘sick’ now?”
I lower my voice into a deep husk, “you better fucking believe I am.”
“hoooly shiiit,” he repeats.
“Sorry if it’s weird Jason,” I ease up, “I can’t really control it. It’s like I’m in heat or something and it won’t turn off. It’s not like I have anyone to take this out on either, if you know what I mean.”
“I, I see. I’m not sure how much help I can be in this situation, to be honest Becca.”
“I know that, and I appreciate you putting yourself out there to talk about it,” I continue, “I feel relieved to have finally told someone, but I also feel like having you describe your cock for me.”
“Becca! Geez.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not actually asking. I’m just being honest here. Sorry if it’s too real buddy.” I hear Jason sigh on the other line.
“I honestly don’t think there’s anything you could say to actually offend me, but Kara might have a different opinion about it,” he says honestly. “Maybe you should talk to her about this?”
“Maybe,” I admit, “I know you and I are close friends, but it’s never been like that. Do you think you can talk to her for me, gently open the door? That might be a better solution. You do not want to know what I’m picturing right now.”
“I think you’re right about that Becca,” he exasperates, “I’ll have Kara give you a call soon, okay?”
“Yes, thank you Jason,” I say, “you’re a wonderful friend… with a sexy ass. Damn it.”
“Yeah right, sister.”
It’s not long before I’m fully nude in my apartment and climbing the walls, hoping for someone to kick down the door and give me a good, raunchy fuck.
Tingles radiate from every pore and my brain is going bananas. This isn’t me. I wear beige for god’s sake. I’m an actual accountant. I don’t even have enough adventure in me to get a dog, and yet here I am; horny as a goat lying around with my pussy out.
My phone rings and I panic, suddenly realizing I’m on the couch masturbating to nothing. It’s Kara for sure and I want to seem aloof; not ready to entertain a basketball team.
“Hello?” I venture into my phone.
“Hi Becca,” comes Kara’s familiar, but impatient sounding, voice, “what’s up?”
Okay… didn’t he tell her anything?
“Hey Kara, I appreciate the call. I just need someone to talk to, and while I love both of you immensely, I just don’t think Jason is the one I should be confiding in here.”
“O-kay…” from her tone she seems a little put out, and maybe Jason did tell her but she had her own reservations or prejudgments about me. “Why me?” she asks, her icy demeanor frozen solid.
“Um… if you don’t feel like talking Kara, why don’t we just chat some other time. It’s fine.” I decide anyone put off by my personal condition would be ill suited to pass along any sage advice beyond, ‘why don’t you just buy a big pickle and go fuck yourself?’
Silence stretches out, and I hope I haven’t offended her. Then her voice is back in my ear again.
“I’m sorry Becca,” she says, a little more softly, “I think Jason may have given me the wrong impression when he asked me to call. I honestly thought he wanted me to call because you were hitting on him.”
I stifle a laugh, mostly because I know she is being serious. It’s a ridiculous notion.
“You know me better than that Kara, don’t you?”
“Yes. It’s just… ”
“Well, sometimes when I see the two of you joking together, I feel a connection and a kind of friendship I wish we had.”
“What? You and me? Or you and Jason?”
“Both actually. I love your jokes and the way you guys get along, and I always thought if I hadn’t come along… the two of you might have ended up together. So, when he told me about your… um, predicament…”
“Valid word choice.”
“Yes, well… I thought it was finally coming to the surface.”
“Kara, you have nothing to worry about. Ever. I was just asking him to describe his cock for me, that’s all.”
“Becca! Geez.”
“Ha! That’s exactly what Jason said. See how perfect you two are for each other? I was mostly kidding, but honestly something’s come over me and I can hardly control it.” I press my swollen clit with a fingertip, sending a wave of desire up my naked body.
“What, like a sexual thing?”
“God… yes! A sexual thing Kara. Even hearing you say the word ‘sexual’ gets me feeling more sexual. Maybe I should ask you to describe your vagina for me.”