“GGGOD… that’s it… fuck her… yessss, fuck her good… OHH SHIT THIS IS HOT… UH UH UH UH UH UUUUUHHHHH NHHHNNNHHH.” I moaned aloud and slouched on the bench with my hand blurry as I poked my throbbing pussy hard.
“Oh that’s fuckin’ hot,” he groaned, “So hot. Look at that! Oh you feel gooood baby, here it comes. Oh shit… it’s comin’!”
I don’t know what came over me then…
I wasn’t… me.
I wasn’t that lady who works in an accounting office and writes articles on the side.
No, I was a commuter train tramp with my cunt hanging out, cumming in front of strangers.
I saw him about to unload, and for some reason I sank to my knees with my fingers still inside. “Right here,” I urged.
He looked at me with wild darting eyes, then a smile spread on his face. She looked to see me kneeling on the floor, desperate.
“Oh shit,” she said, sliding off his cock as her dress fell back in place, “Do it. Fucking cum on her.”
I looked at his shimmering cock, long and impending as it swung around and aimed at my face. The girl closed her fist around it, pumping him in my direction with a fiery look in her eyes.
I had never done anything close to this wild in my life, but I looked up at him; unsure but wildly aroused.
“Go ahead baby, spray it all over her. She wants it, look at her. Did you like seeing her pussy?”
His eyes were wild and intense as he nodded. She beat his cock, staring me down as his loaded gun prepared to fire. His squinting eyes signaled his impending…
A wad of cum launched out the end of his shaft, squirting me in the face, landing on my sweater and in my hair. This stranger on the train was coming on me… and I loved it.
“Yes,” the girl urged, pumping every last drop at me, “look at that cum-covered bitch.”
I wasn’t even offended.
I was a cum-covered bitch.
It was the wildest thing that ever happened to me, and apparently… I can’t get over it.
As I rub another one out thinking back to that day, I’m convinced its where everything started. And now I half expect everyone I see or meet to start fucking each other and… what? Cum on me? I’m in bad shape.
And now I have to get up and pretend to be normal. Just for a while anyway. I’ll be back girls. Behave today, would you? They won’t.
I finally escape my house, and by the time I get to work I’ve almost forgotten about my urges. It’s easy to pretend you’re a professional adult when everyone around you assumes you are. I mean, they’re right, I am; but I’m not well.
I settle in, meeting with some account managers, a couple of clients and my boss. Only a few of them do I picture naked and inside of me in some way or another.
Later in the day Jason leans into my area, his cologne wafting in behind him. I like Jason. He and I went to school together, as did his wife Kara.
“Hey Beck,” he says in his nonchalant way, “you okay?”
Fuck. He’s on to me! Maybe he’ll get… into me? Shut up. “Oh, hey Jason. What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. You seem a bit distracted lately, off your game perhaps?” He looks at me with prying eyes.
I have to say something… I know damn well it’s obvious how little I’ve been contributing lately. Accounting feels like the most boring thing in the universe since this all began.
“Sorry Jason,” I begin a half-truth, “I just had a personal… incident, happen is all. I’ve been trying to work through it, I guess.” I look down and fidget with my sweater.
“Oh, uh, okay Beck. Sorry to intrude,” he fumbles, slowly inching away. But then he stops in thought. “You know, if you need an ear just call my cell after work, okay?”
I can tell it’s tough for him to make the offer, but he’s a good guy and I know he means it.
“Thanks Jason,” I say, “maybe I’ll take you up on that.”
It’s 8:30 at night and a couple deep glasses of wine convince me to actually call him. I’m not feeling particularly crazy at the moment, so perhaps it’s a good time. I can really use a friendly shoulder to lean on. Jason’s wife is understanding and a good friend as well, so I feel safe with him.
“Hi Jason,” I say into my cell phone from my living room couch.
“Oh, heeey Becca,” he almost sings, “I’m glad you called. Perfect timing, Kara’s getting the kids ready for bed. So, what’s going on with you?”
Nothing like getting straight to the point.
“Oh… well, to be honest, it’s hard for me to talk about; but if you can keep an open mind I’ll try. I’m just having a really hard time with something.”
“I’m as open as you need Becca. We’ve known each other for a long time, right?”
“True. But this might change our friendship.”
Deadpan he asks, “Have you… killed again?”
“So many people Jason… dead. All of them.”
“See, that’s not so bad,” he continues, “now when the police arrive you just go with them, okay?”
“I will not resist,” I say with a knowing smile, before going silent.
“Did something happen to you?” he asks with genuine concern.
I’m not sure where to start, and really want to talk about work for a while instead of getting into it first thing… but I relent.
“More like happened in front of me,” I reveal.
“Really? Was it scary?”
“Kind of, at first.”
“At first?” the surprise in his voice is apparent.
“Well, let’s just say it made me very nervous,” I peel back another layer. There is no way I’m about to go play-by-play on this for someone I work with.
“Where was it?”
“On the train.”
“Oh my god, and you’re okay? I’ve heard a lot of bad things about the Green Line.”
“All exaggerated,” I admit, “I’ve always been fine on the train, and it wasn’t anything like that.”
“Oh, okay… well, good,” he breathes, “so was it something freaky or what? Did you get… flashed?” he ventures, trying to remain appropriate, even though the two of us had cracked so many inappropriate jokes over the years I’m not sure why.