This time her silence makes me really nervous. I’m not out to destroy a friendship over this, but if they can’t see through the rough spot I’m in and at least be supportive, then the friendship might be less than I think it is. She puts my mind at ease though with a soft and timid voice.
“It’s pretty average, I guess. I keep it neat… and clean, that’s for sure. I feel like I’m too small down there sometimes, but my clitoris sticks out a lot.”
My eyelids lower as her words float between her lips and my ear. My body tunes in, receiving every breath from her mouth like a radio signal.
“Is that so…” I murmur, trying to keep her talking for the love of god while my hand pinches a bare nipple.
“Yeah, it makes sex with Jason really enjoyable because he bumps it a lot, and I get really turned on. I have an orgasm like every time.”
“No kidding…” My fingers massage my own sensitive switch as I listen intently.
“It even pushes into what I’m wearing when I walk. Sometimes, when it’s really sensitive, I have to sit down and take a breath.”
I’m on cloud nine as I picture that feeling, the same feeling washing over my horny, nude body. I have to keep her going.
“Do you play with it when you’re alone?”
“Becca!! You’re naughty!” she reprimands, adding, “but of course I do. Just like you’re doing right now.”
“I love that you know,” I admit freely.
“You’re really on fire, aren’t you?”
“So much Kara, and now I’m thinking about your pussy and your big, sensitive clit.”
“What are you thinking about it?”
“I’m thinking about how I want you to show it to me, and then show me how you play with it. I wish… ”
“What Becca? What do you wish? Tell me.”
“Oh god Kara. Why is this happening? I can’t control it! It takes over and makes me want to tell my good friend how I want to touch her big clit, rubbing and twisting it until she comes. Fuck. I’m horrible, right?”
Again she lets me simmer in my wretchedness while she drags out the silence.
“On the contrary, Rebecca, I’ve been touching it this whole time. You’re getting me kind of excited.”
“I… I am?”
“Mmmmhmmm,” she moans into the phone, “and after I heard the tone of desperation in your voice, I knew for a fact you started before I called.”
“It was that obvious, huh?”
Another aggravating pause.
“Becca, are you naked?”
“… as a jay bird.”
She breathes a hot, sensual breath into the phone. “I had no idea the conversation would be going this way when I called, but… it’s getting really hot all of the sudden.”
“Feeling’s mutual.”
“Touch yourself Rebecca,” she says.
“Waaay ahead of you sister,” I reply with a heated breath.
“Tell me about it,” she suggests, and I know right away she wants to catch up. It’s too bad I’m already miles ahead. I don’t want to offend her, since I can tell she is trying to be a friend and also getting aroused.
“God Kara, I wish I could. I don’t know if I could look you in the eye after something like that,” I admit.
“Okay, how about… I tell you a story instead,” she offers.
“That’s more like it.”
“Okay, here goes. So one day I come home from work, right? It’s a normal evening and I know the kids are at their grandparent’s house for the weekend, so naturally I’m eager to get home.”
“I bet,” I urge her on.
“I see a note on the table that reads, ‘If you’re feeling adventurous, head upstairs.'”
“Oh shit…”
“Now of course I’m excited. I mean really excited because it’s been some time since we’ve had any alone time together. Now I’m only telling you this because you’re one of our closest friends and I trust you, okay?”
“You know me Kara, my lips are sealed. Well, two of them are sealed, the other two are waiting for you to get to the good part.”
“I bet they are. So, I drop my things at the door and wander into the house. I smell a new fragrance in the house, like bath oil, or incense. Anyway, faint music is wafting down the stairs, so I follow it up. It’s dark, with just a faint glow from the dusk outside.
“The music is coming from our bedroom, and the scent is getting stronger. In the room I see the bed has been turned down, but the sheets are neat and clean. Just then I hear a whisper from behind me.”
As Kara tells her story, I let my bare skin experience every word she says as I stretch out across my couch with a hand stuffed between my thighs. The anticipation of each syllable wracks me with pleasure.
“It was Jason, and he orders me to ‘Stop right there.’ I did. He’s behind me, right in my ear. He whispers, ‘Do you trust me?'”
“Oh Kara, that’s hot,” I moan.
“I just nod my head,” she continues, reliving the moment. “The next thing I know my eyes are covered by something soft, and he’s tying it on. I can’t see Becca, not a thing. But I feel him. He rubs my shoulders and moves me into the room. I feel his hands on my neck… down my back… on my hips and up my sides. I’m shivering all over.”
“Me too.”
“I am helping you Becca, or making it worse?”
“My god Kara I’m going crazy, but if you stop now I’ll have to come over there and pull the rest of this story out of you… somehow,” I add with a sly grin and a long finger dragging along my clit.
“Ooh, a threat!” she chuckles and then continues in her original tone. “He strips me, one piece of fabric at a time. My shoulders are out. My thighs are bare. My… breasts… ”
Her pause almost makes me come.
“Oh god Kara, come on.”
“My breasts are free Rebecca. I feel how excited my nipples are, and when he holds them in his hands, so does he. He eases my panties down my legs, and I’m standing there naked. I have nothing on, and no idea what else is going on in that room.