“I don’t know. I get really excited and it feels so good but when he collapses on top of me, I still want to keep going.”
“Fair enough,” I answer and then sit back in my chair considering what to say next.
“What? What are you thinking?” Sam asks.
“I don’t think there is anything wrong with you,” I answer. From what I’ve seen, everything is very right about her but I don’t say that. “I think your boyfriend isn’t experienced enough yet to get you off.” I hold up my hand to stop her interruption. “There are a few things you can do about that.”
“What things?”
“You can talk to him. He probably doesn’t know. Tell him what you need and ask him if he’ll try a few things to help you get off like he does.” She’s shaking her head before I even finish.
“You don’t know him,” she says. “He would feel like I’m putting him down and telling him he’s not a good lover.”
“He’s not,” I say before thinking about it.
“Trust me, that would not go over well,” she says. “You said a few things. What else?”
“I have a feeling you’re not going to like this one any better but you could go out with a guy who knows what he’s doing and verify for yourself that it’s not you.”
“I can’t go out on Rob! He’s my boyfriend.” Her head is swirling between Jenna and Sam like she’s pleading with them to agree with her.
“Maybe Jenna would loan you her boyfriend just for a night so you can experience what she’s getting.” I don’t really think this is a good idea but I say it just to get a rise out of Jenna.
“I got a better idea.” Jenna says, looking right at me with that half smile of hers turning up her cheek bones and making her almond shaped eyes twinkle exotically. “Why don’t you show her, Granddad? You’re experienced and seem to know a lot about female orgasms.”
I don’t have a comeback for that. I’m sure my mouth is hanging open. I just stare at Jenna’s defiant smile as she sits back and folds her arms across her ample chest. Touche. I smile at her like she just made the biggest joke ever but Sam’s not laughing.
“That is a great idea!” Sam says excitedly as she sits forward and tries to gauge my reaction.
“It’s a very bad idea,” I say, not taking my eyes off Jenna.
“Why?” Sam asks.
“Because…” I pause momentarily, as my mind sorts through the myriad of reasons why I won’t be giving Angie any orgasms. “I’m too old, too married and she should be fucking someone her own age.”
“You just made a pretty strong case that guys her own age aren’t able to give her what she needs,” Jenna retorts. “You are obviously not too old to fuck,” she continues while glancing at my crotch. I fight the urge to look down and see if my hard cock is really that obvious. “Besides it’s not like you’re going to marry her or anything. You’ll be like a teacher or mentor or whatever.”
“It’s the whatever that bothers me,” I respond.
“Do I have a say in this?” Angie asks quietly.
“There is nothing to have a say in because I’m not doing it!” I say, pushing my chair back and standing up. I’m about to make a dramatic exit when I notice the three of them staring at my crotch. This time I do look down and sure enough, the front of my shorts are tented straight out in front of me.
“Fine, I’m human. So sue me!” I say and make as dramatic an exit as I can, stomping off to my bedroom.
Flopping down on my bed, I feel really stupid for the way I handled that. But what the fuck was I supposed to do? Why would Jenna even suggest something like that. What would happen if Angie’s parents ever found out? Or my wife? What the fuck is she thinking? And Sam thinking it’s a great idea. What’s that about? I’m staring at the ceiling when there’s a knock on the door jam of the open door.
“Hey,” Angie says. “Can I come in?”
“Sure.” I sit up on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry about all that. I’m sure they mean well,” I say as Angie comes over and sits next to me.
“I understand why you got weirded out,” Angie says with a nervous laugh. “But… um… would you at least think about it?” she asks. She’s sitting right next to me and she turns sideways on the bed so she’s facing me. “I’d really like to know for sure if something is wrong with me.” He eyes are welling up with tears and I instinctively put my arm around her.
“There is nothing wrong with you, sweetheart.” I tell her as I pull her against me. She’s still in her bikini and I wasn’t anticipating the warmth of her bare skin. My heart thumps in my chest as I will my cock not to react.
“You don’t know that for sure,” she says, leaning her head against my shoulder. Damn! Why am I arguing with her? Because she’s an eighteen-year-old girl who just needs a better boyfriend!
“I’m pretty sure,” I say. “And like Jenna said, I have some experience with this.” I try for a lighter tone but instead I’ve spurred her on.
“That’s why you would be so perfect,” she says. “It wouldn’t be like I’d be going out on my boyfriend… well at least, not with anyone at school who would tell everyone about it. And I’d really like to know for sure. Please! Just tell me you’ll think about it.”
With a heavy sigh, I relent. “I will think about it… but that’s all… no promises, okay?”
“Okay!” Angie hugs me tightly and kisses me lightly on the cheek. “Thank you,” she says and gets up to leave.
“Angie,” I call her name as she gets to the door. Her bikini bottom has ridden up between her cheeks and I’m treated to a wonderful view of her near naked ass.
“You need to think about this, too,” I tell her as she stops and turns towards me. She just smiles. “I’m serious, this shouldn’t be a spur of the moment decision.”
“I’ll think about it, Granddad,” she smiles. “It’s probably all I’ll think about.” She disappears into the hallway.