Sex Lessons From Grandpa++ 5

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

Fuck! Most guys would kill to be in my position — a beautiful young woman wants me to prove she can have orgasms. It’s like the ultimate fantasy. So why am I feeling so desperate? Not desperate, I’m scared shitless. It’s one thing to fantasize about my granddaughter’s friends and jack off to a video of their naked bodies. It’s something else to actually have sex with one of them.
When I finally emerge from my bedroom, they are out on the patio. Music is playing on one of their phones as Sam paints her toenails and Jenna braids Angie’s hair. Such typical behavior makes me smile and I decide we should just have a fun afternoon.
“What do you guys want to do this afternoon?” I ask, walking onto the patio with a cold beer. They turn almost in unison, with big wide grins. “Besides that,” I add and we all laugh.
“How about miniature golf?” Sam asks, looking from me to her companions for support.
“I like that,” Jenna says, “since what we really want to do is off the table.” She smiles that wonderfully lascivious smile again before turning her attention back to Angie’s hair. My cock stirs and I wonder if I’d be as resistant if it were Jenna instead of Angie who wants me to fuck her. Probably, they’re the same age but Jenna just seems more, I don’t know, worldly than the other two, in both looks and actions.
“How about lunch at the pier and then miniature golf?” I ask, getting nods all around. Angie is the only one who hasn’t actually spoken her ascent.
We have a wonderful afternoon. All three are really fun to be with and there is relatively no sexual tension between us. It helps that their shorts outfits are much less revealing than the bikinis I was used to seeing them wear. It is also clear from their playful teasing and the way they finish each other’s sentences that they are very close friends and have been for a long time.
When we get home, I grill burgers and we eat outside. After dinner, they leave to sit on the beach until sunset and I call my wife. She says her sister is doing better but she won’t be home for another week. I assure her that we are doing fine and that she doesn’t need to worry about us. Or does she? I retreat to my bedroom to think.
The question is still looming out there and I haven’t decided what to do about it. After having adamantly declined, I don’t realize until just this moment that I’m actually considering it. She is a beautiful young woman with a problem I am certain I can solve. There is no question that her inexperienced boyfriend is the problem.
I lie down on my bed and try clearing my brain of the image of her sexy body so I can treat the decision objectively. Every time I mentally list the pros and cons the cons outweigh the pros by a huge proportion. The trouble is that my dick stays hard through the whole process, tipping the scales in favor of the pros. Fuck!
I hear Sam and her friends come back inside and the TV burst to life in the living room. I consider initiating another discussion to persuade them how illogical this is but decide avoidance is a better strategy. I stay in my room, trying to read my book. As you can imagine, my mind keeps wandering.
I’m just putting my book on the nightstand and turning off my light when the TV shuts off and I hear them make their way down the hall to their bedrooms. A light knock on my door and Sam sticks her head it.
“Goodnight, Grandpa,” she whispers into the dark room
“No goodnight kiss?” I ask.
“I wasn’t sure you were awake,” she says as she makes her way to my bed and crawls up beside me.
“Just turned the light off,” I answer, kissing the top of her head as she snuggles against me.
“I’m sorry about this morning,” she says. “I didn’t mean to put you in such an awkward position.”
“No, I’m sorry,” I respond. “I shouldn’t have freaked out on you guys. My reaction was inappropriate. I should have stayed and talked it through some more.”
“Only part of your reaction was inappropriate,” she laughs, tickling my ribs. I’m glad she can’t see me blushing in the dark thinking about my tented shorts.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help that,” I say, squirming away from her hand.
“At least we know you weren’t repulsed by the idea,” she laughs again before settling her head back down on my shoulder.”
“Yeah, that was pretty obvious but you know this is wrong, don’t you?” The length of her silence gives me my answer and I realize that the right and wrong argument isn’t going to get any traction.
“It’s just that Angie is so self conscious, you know?” Sam lets out a long sigh and leans up to look in my face. “She thinks because her boyfriend is inept that there is something wrong with her. Now you won’t have sex with her so she thinks there’s something wrong with her. Instead of helping her, we’re just making it worse!” She blurts this all out in one breath and then plops back down. “I just want to help her,” she whispers.
While I’m glad to hear that my granddaughter realizes that there is nothing wrong with Angie, I’m not sure how me fucking her is going to build her self-esteem. I choose my next words very carefully.
“Are there other examples of Angie having low self-esteem?” I ask. Sam thinks for a long time before answering.
“No. I think it’s just with sex,” she finally answers. “She’s very confident in sports and she’s really smart and graduated with honors.” Sam takes a breath before continuing. “I know she doesn’t like her body. She’s always complaining that her breasts are too small and she’s always afraid of losing her boyfriend to someone with a better body. That’s why she won’t talk to him about sex. She’s afraid of losing him.”
It occurs to me that this is probably typical coed dramatics and I wonder if Sam feels the same way.
“You two have similar bodies, you don’t feel that way do you?”
“No, my breasts are a little larger,” she says. “But even if they weren’t I don’t think my body defines who I am and I’ve tried to tell Angie that but…” her voice trails off and we’re silent for a while.
“Will you at least consider helping her, Grandpa? I know you don’t think it’s right but is it right for her to feel rejected? And besides you could show her what a lousy fuck her boyfriend is, right?” She kisses me on the cheek and rolls over to get off the bed.
“You’ve given me a lot to think about Sam,” I answer noncommittally.
“Don’t take too long,” she says. “We’ve only got tomorrow. Remember grandma said that Jenna and Angie’s boyfriends can come down on Friday to join us for the weekend.” I had forgotten that arrangement until just now.
“I’ll have an answer in the morning, Sam.” I assure her, wondering how I’m going to decide. “But don’t get your hopes up.”
“Like my teachers always tell me, don’t over think it,” Sam says with a big smile before leaving me alone with my thoughts.