Sex Lessons From Grandpa++ 3

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

“We’ve told her that nothing is wrong with her but Jenna thinks that if you talk to her it might help. You know, because you’re older and more experienced.”
I don’t know what to say. Of course, I’d love to hear about Angela’s sex life, but I’m no therapist or doctor. What can I tell her?
“Will you please talk to her, Grandpa?” Sam asks.
“Sure, Sam. When do you want to do it?” I ask wondering why my wife isn’t here to help with this.
“Right away before she changes her mind, okay?” Sam is already getting up and moving towards the door as my mind races to catch up with this weird turn of events.
Okay, what’s the worse that can happen? I get to hear all about Angela’s and maybe Jenna’s sex life. Who knows, this could be better than reading erotic stories on line. I follow Sam as far as the kitchen and grab a diet coke from the fridge before sitting down at the kitchen table.
“So… you think there might be something wrong with you, Angela?” I ask as the three of them settle in around the table.
“Yes sir,” Angela answers quietly. “And um… you can call me Angie, okay?”
“Okay, Angie. Why do you think the problem is with you?” I ask, trying to act like the responsible adult.
“Because unless these other girls are lying, I’m not like them,” she says, hanging her head.
“I’m not lying!” Jenna chimes in with a defiant look and maybe a little bit of a smirk as she looks right at me.
“Just because other girls are experiencing more intense orgasms doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you, Angie.”
“That’s what I told her,” Sam adds.
“Maybe she won’t take your word for it because you’ve only been with a guy that one time and don’t have a steady boyfriend,” Jenna almost whispers to Sam before turning to me. “Tell her Granddad that it is as much what the guy does than what the girl does.” I’m not sure exactly what that means but I try again with Angie.
“Why don’t you just tell me what you and your boyfriend do when you’re together and maybe we can figure this out.” I tell her, unexpectedly anxious to hear all the juicy details.
“We fu… have sex. That’s what we do when we’re together.”
“You can say fuck if it’s more comfortable. I’m not offended,” I answer. “I realize you guys fuck but what else do you do?” Angie is looking everywhere except at me, and I realize that maybe all of us sitting here isn’t such a good idea.
“Would you rather we talk about this in private?” I ask. “We can go into my office.” It’s actually my bedroom but that might have sounded weird.
“NO!” Her head jerks up. “They can stay. I’m just not sure why you need to know exactly what we do or who’s on top?” she says.
“Well… I think I agree with Jenna that if you’re not having an orgasm it might be because your boyfriend isn’t taking enough time.”
“My boyfriend is fine. It’s me that can’t have the orgasm.” Angie is almost in tears and I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into.
“Angie, all I’m saying is that guys usually get off faster than girls. That’s a fact. If the girl isn’t getting off with the sex it can usually be fixed by increasing the foreplay. I don’t know if that’s the problem unless you tell me what you’re doing.”
“I told you he would know all about this stuff,” Jenna says, smiling that same lascivious smile that she gave me when I was checking out her tits.
“Look, maybe this is a conversation that you should have with your mother…”
“No way,” Angie says, vigorously shaking her head. “She thinks I’ll be a virgin until I get married.”
“Well, your doctor then. Have a check up and tell him what you’ve told me.” She’s shaking her head before I even get the sentence out.
“He’s friends with my parents. I wouldn’t trust him to keep it confidential,” she says.
“Well…” I don’t quite know where to go with this. It seems obvious to me that her boyfriend either doesn’t care enough about her needs or isn’t experienced enough to know he’s not satisfying her.
“What do you want to know?” Angie says, sitting up straighter and giving me a full view of her sexy breasts. All three are still in their skimpy bikinis, which adds some nice visual effects to this erotic conversation.
“How about if I just list off some typical foreplay and you tell me if you guys engage in it?” I ask, trying to make her comfortable with the conversation.
“Kissing is probably a yes,” I say, trying to ease into this.
“Yes,” she laughs and I watch Jenna role her eyes. I give her a look and she stops.
“Sucking your nipples?” My eyes drift to her chest and I picture her tempting tits nearly filling my computer screen.
“Uh huh,” she nods.
“Blow jobs?” I ask, shifting in my chair and trying not to be obvious that my cock is enjoying this conversation. Jenna is smiling broadly but Angie is looking down and blushing as she nods her head.
“Does he return the favor?” I ask.
“What?” Angie’s head jerks up and she looks confused by the question.
“Does he eat your pussy?” Jenna blurts out before I can clarify what I meant. “Just tell the man if he goes down on you.” Angie is really blushing now.
“Um… yes. He does.” She says just above a whisper.
“When you blow him does he come in your mouth?” I ask.
“Does that matter, Grandpa?” Sam asks, sticking up for her friend’s embarrassment.
“It goes with my follow up question, Sam.” I answer. “Just nod if it’s yes, Angie.” She nods and I move ahead with where I was going.
“Do you cum when he eats you?” I ask. She shakes her head, no. The look in her eyes tells me she gets the point of the question before the others.
“But it feels good, you know, when he’s licking me,” she offers in her boyfriend’s defense.
“I’m sure it does but if you suck him until he gets off, shouldn’t he eat you until you get off?” All three of them are sitting up paying attention now and I’m wondering if any of them have been eaten to orgasm.
“I never thought of it that way,” she says.
“So… he eats you and then, I’m guessing moves right over you and you guys fuck. Is that right?”
“Usually. Sometimes I suck him again after he eats me. Because, you know, like he won’t be hard enough right away for it to go in me easily,” she seems to be getting more comfortable talking about it.
“I know this is a hard question and it’s pure speculation but when he comes inside you…” I pause to find out her boyfriend’s name before I continue. ” What’s his name?”
“When Rob comes inside you, about how close to orgasm do you think you usually are?”