Toni had said that she and Alex were like that too, and suggested it was genetic. Since then, she’d been wondering if her mother and birth mother were like that when they were her age. Checking the time, she figured she had enough time to go talk to her mom and ask.
Heading back downstairs, she was half-way down when she realized what she was about to go do, who it was going to be with, and what she was admitting, and started to get a little nervous. She felt like she needed answers, though, and so she took a deep breath and continued down the steps. Steeling her resolve, she went and found her mother, relaxing on her giant bed with a novel in her hands.
“Hey, sweetie,” she said, smiling and looking up from the pages. “You need some food?”
Sam smiled, shaking her head. “I wanted to talk. Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” her mother said. “Anything, you know that.”
Sam nodded. “It might be an uncomfortable conversation,” she warned.
“Are you in some kind of trouble?”
Sam shook her head quickly. “No, no, nothing like that,” she said. “I just… I’ve got to know some things.”
Her mother smiled, patting the bed beside her.
Sam elected to sit a little in front and to the side of her so that she could see her mother’s reactions and facial expressions as she spoke.
“You and dad have always been so open and honest about everything with me and my brothers and sisters,” she said. “You’ve always been so understanding when something happens and I just wanted to make sure you knew, before I ask this question, that you’ve made it easy to do so.”
Her mother smiled. “Well, good. That was the intent. Now… I’m guessing this is about sex?”
Sam smiled, nodding at her ever-surprising mother. “Wait… daddy isn’t here, is he?” she asked, her eyes suddenly wide in alarm.
Her mom snickered, shaking her head. “No honey,” she said.
“Good!” she replied with a sigh of relief. “I don’t think he’s ready to know what I need to say.”
“It’s okay honey. Take your time.”
Sam sighed deeply, nodding. After a few seconds, she felt she needed to just get it over with and took a deep breath.
“Well… recently… Keith and I decided that we were ready to move forward in our relationship and we… had sex.”
Her mother smiled but didn’t look all that surprised.
“You already knew, didn’t you,” Sam guessed, covering her face in embarrassment.
Nodding, her mother shrugged and continued to look at her.
“Oh God,” Sam said, sighing and dropping her head for a second.
“Honey, the walls aren’t nearly as thick as you kids think,” she said. “Your father and I’ve heard almost all of our kids at some point. Dane and Sally, we heard Danny and Hannah every time they thought they were being sneaky, and we hear Toni and Wade as well! Alex never has boys over, so we aren’t sure about her.”
Sam couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of all of the siblings thinking that they were pulling a fast one on their parents and couldn’t have been more wrong. “You can seriously hear us?” she asked.
“We can’t hear what you’re saying, no, at least not you and Keith. Hannah and Danny are loud and crude, and Sally tends to be a bit louder. Toni just doesn’t care who knows, it seems like. At least you and your boyfriend try and be sneaky, but the floorboards and ceiling creak, so we put two and two together. It should come as no surprise that you two woke us up last night, and yes, honey, I’ve heard you doing it before.”
Sam smiled, covering her face for a moment. “Oh my God… this is so embarrassing,” she said.
“It’s a natural thing, Samantha. You’re allowed to have sex, as long as you’re safe. Most everyone in the world wants to do it. But, if you’ve had questions, you could have come to us sooner.”
Sam nodded. “I know. I guess I just… I didn’t want you guys to lose that image of me being this… a good person, you know?”
She didn’t understand why, but a tear fell from the corner of her eye.
“Oh, Sam, you’ll always be that sweet, polite little girl to me and your father. You’ve always been kind and very affectionate, always worried about others. A change of clothes and you growing up and having sex isn’t going to change being our Sam.”
She looked up, smiling, then scooted close and let her mom hug and dote on her a bit.
Sniffling, she wiped her face. “I don’t know why I’m crying,” she said, chuckling.
Her mom was patient, letting her collect herself and then start to talk at her own pace.
“It’s just… something has happened to me recently and I’m concerned that… I might be tempted to do something risky or I dunno… dangerous.”
Her mother raised an eyebrow and looked pointedly at her.
Sam shook her head. “I’m not talking like… hurting someone or drugs. I just…” She sighed, taking a breath and closing her eyes. “I’m so damn horny,” she said flatly.
Claire burst out laughing, then covered her mouth as Sam looked up in surprise. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to laugh.”
Sam realized how ridiculous she sounded and giggled, which caused her mother to laugh as well. Feeling a little better a few moments later, Sam gathered herself together and cleared her throat.
“I’m… not just horny. I’m HORNY,” she said. “It feels like I’m a guy, I think about it so much. It’s almost all I want to do.”
Her mom smiled.
“It’s made me wonder if my real mom was like this,” she said.
“Oh… haha,” her mother said. “Actually honey, my sister and I were both like that. We were such headaches for our parents,” she said. “I can remember some of the things we did that would turn you red if I told you. I’m not talking about like… flashing a stranger or letting someone get a feel, we’re talking… sexual things.”
Sam was shocked to hear her straight-laced mother admit such stuff to her.
“We don’t need to get into details, obviously,” Claire said, “but rest assured, it’s normal. We didn’t understand why either, but the women in our family were just born with a higher sex drive. Your mother and I both went through… several… boyfriends before we settled on your… well… dads. The others just couldn’t keep up with demand, if you follow what I’m saying.”
Sam did, and nodded. “So, I’m not weird for thinking about it all the time? I’m normal for wanting to work in a restaurant that objectifies women, or wanting my boyfriend like… constantly?”
Her mother shook her head. “Heck no you aren’t weird. If anything, it only got worse when we got older,” she said. “Of course, you have to learn to control your impulses. I’m not worried about you though,” she admitted. “You’ve always been able to temper your wants and needs and not overreach for things. Alex too. Toni, though, that’s another story altogether.”
Sam giggled, nodding. For a few more minutes, Sam felt comfortable asking her more specific questions that she’d been curious about. Some were related to her body during an orgasm, and other were more specifically about Keith.
“I don’t know if I should ask you this, but…” she said.
“Trust me, honey,” her mother interrupted. “You aren’t going to shock me.”
“Well, is swallowing… sperm… like… okay?” she asked, not wanting to look up.
Her mother smiled. “It’s not the healthiest diet in the world, but it’s not going to hurt you. It doesn’t taste all that good, of course, but you can get used to it.”
Sam smiled, nodding, then realized what had just been admitted, and tried not to visualize it.
“I’m guessing Keith has asked for that?” her mother asked. She snickered, shaking her head. “Boys are so predictable.”
“Actually…” Sam said… “I uh… I heard Toni and Wade last night and sort-of… snuck into Alex’s closet to see. I saw her doing that.” It was mostly true at least.
“Oh… well, as much as Wade and your sister have sex, I’m sure she’s used to the taste by now.”
“Mom!” Sam said, swatting her hand playfully.
Claire grinned, shrugging. “It’s true.”
“You’re so bad!” Sam said, feeling much better. She leaned in for a hug and then stood, checking the clock. “Keith is coming over to talk,” she said. “We were… talking dirty last night and I think he was bothered by some of the things we were saying.”
“Oh really? Sounds juicy,” her mother said.
Sam rolled her eyes, turning to leave. Pausing at the door, she turned and flashed a smiled. “You know, you and dad are my real parents. I only called Stephanie my real mom because calling her Stephanie is weird.”
Her mother smiled, obviously struck by the sweet sentiment. “Thank you honey. Just make sure that you’re careful. Safe sex and all.”
Sam rolled her eyes, snickering. “Yes, Mom,” she said. “Love you,” she added, heading out of the room.
“Love you more,” came the expected reply. “I’m going to head to the store now, and give you some peace and quiet,” she called.
Sam smiled, then called out. “Thanks Mom! I’ll be safe!”
As luck would have it, Keith was pulling up as she walked past the front door. She went and opened it, waving as he started to walk up, then started to feel better as she saw the smile on his face.
“Hey good lookin’!” he called.
She smiled, hugging him and planting a kiss on his cheek. “How’s my sweetheart?” she asked, taking his hand and walking inside and up the stairs.