Chapter 96: The real game
Alexander’s POV
As I dispatched some of my men to go after Lily, I went back in to do some work. I had barely settled in when a heard a loud knock on my door.
I sighed in frustration and before I could let the person in, the door was already pushed open.
I knew it could only be one person that would dare to do that.
“Mom”. I sighed again, eyeing her.
“My baby!.” She cooed in pitched tone as she made her way further into my office.
“I wonder why you bother knocking.” I said sarcastically.
She smiled sweetly at me as she took a seat in front of me before speaking. “I know right!, but that would be wrong of me to come in without knocking, curtesy even demands so.” She said crossing her legs.
My mother was anything but unfashionable. She looked very elegant and demure in her two piece suit. It was a cropped pink suit with pink pants. I guess suits were her favorites and she never misses a chance to play with colors.
Her hair was straightened neatly and cut short, barely touching her shoulders. Her face was also glowing, I couldn’t tell if she was wearing make up or not but regardless she was stunning. She was my mother after all.
I still wonder why my father did what he did but well… Men are strange.
“That’s why you came in without waiting for me to let you in?”. I asked with raised brows. “One day you would walk in on me naked or when I’m having sex with my wife.” I said with a chuckle.
“Don’t be silly and besides which wife do you speak of?” She said with a look of disgust.
“Mom please, I’m exhausted. I don’t have it in me to do this. You know who I’m talking about.” I sighed and shuffled through some documents on my desk.
She narrowed her eyes at me. “So now you refer to her as your ‘wife’.” She scoffed. “That girl that brings with her so much trouble.” She hissed and shifted on her seat.
“Mom, please!.” I shunned her. “Your paths haven’t even crossed in months, so what trouble do you even speak of!.” I was so exhausted and extremely tired of my mother picking on Lily at every opportunity, for no just cause. She was my wife, and would remain so for as long as I live.
“Don’t act like you don’t know. Just look how exhausted you are because of that girl and her crazy family. You haven’t even left the house for months, because of her!”. She spat out.
“Mom please!, it’s all my decision to do whatever it is I’ve done so far.” I said in a firm tone.
“Whatever makes you sleep.” She rolled her eyes. “As for me, I can’t wait for her to have the baby, so we can get rid of her.” She said with a smile.
“What did you say?” I asked in a raised tone. I couldn’t believe my ears.
“You heard me correctly.” She hissed and rolled her eyes.
“How could you say such a thing mom?.”
“Relax, her presence wouldn’t be missed.” She waved me off.
“She’s my wife mom and she’s not going anywhere, especially not after having my child.” I said in a firm as I returned back to my work.
“Oh my God!”. She cried out, looking around with wide eyes.
So dramatic.!
I rolled my eyes. “What is it mom?.” I sighed dropping the file i was holding to give her my full attention.
“You love that stupid girl.!” She exclaimed, jutting an accusing finger at me, like i was supposed to be afraid and deny it or it was an abomination for me to love her.
“She’s not stupid, don’t call her that!.” I barked out.
“Oh my boy, you’re not supposed to love that girl, she’s not who you think she is.” She said leaning forward.
“Stop it mom. You’re just saying this because you don’t like her!” I said in a dismissive tone.
“She is the daughter of …”
“I don’t want to hear it!.” I cut her off. “You’re just…” I was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing.
I picked it up and placed it to my ear. “What?!” I said coldly into the phone.
“What do you mean?.” I sprang up from my chair as I received a dreadful information. “I’m on my way, keep your eyes on her until I get there.” I barked out to my men on the other end.
“You better not get yourself killed because of that girl.” My mother said in a cold tone.
I ignored her and walked out of my office, rushing into my car.
I just got news that Lily was at her father’s house, for reasons best known to her. But I knew in my heart that it wasn’t safe for her to go there.
I had to get there as soon as possible and protect her and our child.
I got to the familiar surrounding of Lily’s paternal home and parked in front of the house.
I looked around to find the neighborhood empty and quiet, no sign of anyone. Everything looked the same but just old, lonely and deserted.
I had a really bad feeling about this place so o wasted no time in pushing the door open. “Are you sure she stopped here?”. I said to my men as I looked around the empty house.
“Yes, I’m sure”. He responded with a nod.
“Spread out and check everywhere!”. I barked out as I moved further into the house to look for Lily.
“Lily!!”. I called out but there was no response and no sign of her here. The thing was making me nervous.
I was about to go into the kitchen when I heard muffled screams coming from upstairs. “Did you hear that?.” I asked pausing to listen. It was definitely Lily, the thought of her being in danger made my heart beat accelerate.
“Yes boss.” He responded.
“The two of you should keep checking around here.” I pointed to two of men who nodded in response. “Both of you come with me.” I barked out as I practically ran up the stairs.
I followed the sound of her voice but it seemed to be getting further away and I still couldn’t find her. It seemed like she was being dragged away and she was struggling to get free.
I guess Chase had finally gotten to her, I’m sure it’s him.
I continued browsing through rooms, searching for her but to no avail. The sound of a car slamming shut caught my attention and I ran outside to check it out.
“Chase, stop! Let me go!” I heard my baby’s frightened voice screaming out and my heart constricted.
“Get into the car and go after them.!” I yelled out to my men.
I ran as fast as I could to get into my car, but before I could get to them, they had already driven off.
“Fuck!!.” I screamed out in frustration holding my head in my hands.
How could i let Chase take her away. How could I be so stupid.
How could it be that I came with other men and no one could save my wife. How incompetent were they ?.
I looked around to see my men heaving and just staring at me like fools. “How could none of get to her on time!.” I barked at them.
They didn’t respond, only bending their heads and looking sorry. “We’re sorry boss.” One of them said quietly.
“Sorry?”. I screamed out. “How does that help?.” I scoffed. Apologies are irrelevant right now. I did not need that. What I need is my wife and my child safe.
“We’ll find her boss. We well.” He said confidently, shaking his head and others nodded in agreement.
I wish I could be as confident as he is. To be brave and strong knowing that my wife could be dead. I was far from strong or confident now. What I was feeling now was strange, I had never felt like this before. Truthfully i felt intense fear…
I was so afraid that I might not see her again nor our child. I don’t want to know how life would be without her. I would rather not live than to find out.
Hence regardless of however I was afraid, I had to try. Now was not the time to sulk or be weak. I had to be strong.
I have to make sure I do everything within my power to get her and our baby home.
I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at them. “Well standing around won’t get us anywhere.” I said in a cold tone. ” Everyone!, to the warehouse. Get me Pablo and Mitch also. Make sure you do everything to find my wife.” I barked out.
“Yes boss.” They responded and got into their cars, zooming off to the warehouse.
“The real game has begun Chase. You made a huge mistake trying to harm my family. It’s either you kill me first else, at the end I would make sure you beg for death.”