Book:My happiness to you Published:2024-9-2

Okay, well give me twenty minutes and we’ll go okay ? I said to Jackie.
Sure. I’ll come knock on your door in a bit, she said, before grabbing Rich and pulling him in to the apartment.
Turning towards Noah, I smiled and walked up to him. He smiled back and reached out, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him before whispering in my ear. It seems that my sister’s taken quite a shine to you.
Well I feel the same way about her, I said. She’s really great. Rich too.
They’re both awesome, he agreed, kissing me lightly on the forehead. Well, I guess I’ll see you tonight. Just text us and we’ll come pick you up from wherever you are and we’ll go and do the whole bowling thing.
Looking forward to it, I smiled. Be prepared for an ass kicking though.
Oh really ? He smirked. Game on gorgeous.
Laughing, I kissed him lightly before turning around and walking in to my apartment. It really was true. Jackie had welcomed me with such kindness that I couldn’t have wished for anything more. And I was sad that her and Rich were flying home tomorrow. But then it hit me that I was going to her wedding in a few weeks, something that still amazed me. Smiling to myself, I walked to my room and a thought popped in to my head.
Perfect chance to get my dress, I muttered to myself, my smile turning in to a grin.
*5 hours later*
I shimmied in to what must have been the millionth dress I had tried on that afternoon. Taking a breath, I reached around and did up the zipper. Smoothing it down, I looked in to the mirror and was quite surprised. All the dresses I had tried on so far hadn’t cut it but this dress felt different, like it was the one for me.
Reaching up, I pulled back the curtain and stepped out to find Jackie sitting in the same chair she had been sitting in for the past two and a half hours. What do you think of this one ? I asked, praying that she liked it, tired of trying on dresses.
She looked up from the magazine and a huge grin broke out. I took that as a good sign. She practically launched the magazine over the room and jumped out of her seat, nodding at me vigorously. I think that one’s the winner Lily. It looks great ! She smiled, indicating at me to turn around.
Oh jeez, I muttered, before spinning around quickly, happy that it was finally over.
You know, I’m glad we did this, Jackie smiled warmly, walking over and picking up the magazine and shoving it in to her bag. And now I’ve seen the dress you’re gonna be wearing, I know you’re gonna look awesome in the wedding photos.
I couldn’t help the grin that broke out, just thinking about meeting the rest of Noah’s family. Afterwards, I’d have to introduce him to my aunt Flo and little sister. I knew they’d love him, just like I did. Nodding to myself, I glanced towards Jackie. Can I ask you a very serious question ?
What’s that ? She said, looking a little nervous.
Well, I was wondering if you’d mind if I wore my Converses to the wedding, I grinned sheepishly. I mean I only ask because
But I didn’t finish my sentence before Jackie burst out laughing and wrapped her arms around me for a brief hug. You, Lily Masters, are one of the most unique, strangest and most wonderful girls I’ve ever met. And of course you can wear them, that’s what makes you, you !
I could feel myself blushing as she stepped back. Well you know what ? I laughed. Noah’s lucky to have you as a sister. You really are wonderful.
She smiled at me and blushed too, obviously not expecting the compliment, even though it was completely true. So, shall we go and get the dress then ? Jackie said, I think that’s the one.
Yep. Me too ! I nodded, stepping back in to the changing room and shuffling out of the dress before pulling on my jeans and t-shirt.
Putting the dress over my arm, I walked out and found Jackie waiting by the tills. She nodded over to me and I stepped over, handing the dress to the girl behind the counter. That’ll be $400 please, she said a little unsurely, eyeing my ripped jeans and shirt.
Woah ! Jackie gasped beside me, a startled look on her face. Maybe we should have checked the price beforehand, huh ?
I did, I shrugged, pulling out my card and handing it over to the girl who took it, looking a little surprised.
You can afford this ? Jackie asked, still staring at the price tag.
Well, when my father died he left everything to me, I shrugged, not allowing myself to think about him. So I have enough to see me through.
Oh, Jackie said, looking at me with concern. I’m sorry about your dad.
Trust me, I smiled sadly. Don’t be.
She looked at me strangely as the girl handed the card back to me and covered the dress in the usual cotton cover falling from the hanger. Thankyou, I smiled, taking the dress and card and nodding at Jackie to indicate the exit at the other side. Shall we go.
Yeah, she said, walking beside me. I texted Noah and Rich and they should be here in five minutes. Apparently Noah’s driving so they can get here quicker. They’re both dead excited to go bowling so I’m thinking it’s probably gonna be boys versus girls.
I laughed as I thought about the couple of times I had been in Noah’s car. Ah so Noah’s driving the rust bucket is he ? I smiled at Jackie, as we took a seat on the bench outside. Let’s hope it actually starts. And boys against girls sounds good to me. We’ll kick their butts.
Of course we will, and if we need to, she laughed, We can distract them with our womanly ways.
Around ten minutes later, Noah and Rich pulled up in front of us, the car spluttering as they edged in to a parking space. And as Jackie and I just looked at eachother, we burst out laughing, Noah’s car proving us right ; it really was a rust bucket.
Noah POV :
I pulled in to a space near the bowling place and let out a sigh of relief as I turned off the engine. You did good car, I smiled, patting the dashboard lovingly for a few seconds.
Do you two need a room ? Lily snickered beside me in the passenger seat, trying hard not to laugh.
The same couldn’t be said for Jackie and Dick who burst out laughing from the backseat, the sounds reverberating through the car. Sighing, I turned around and frowned. You can’t laugh, I sulked. I have to give encouragement to it so it knows that it’s appreciated.
You talk as if the car’s an actual living thing, Dick chuckled, slapping the backseat as he rocked back and forth.
I folded my arms and huffed out an annoyed breath as all three of them laughed even harder, while I just sat there, waiting for them to stop. After a minute or two, they didn’t even seem close to stopping, so I opened the door and climbed out of the car. I heard Lily’s door open behind me as I sat on the bonnet.
She stepped around the car and appeared in front of me, leaning down to put her hands on either side of me. Just her being this close got my pulse racing but I tried my hardest not to let it show, so I just looked over her shoulder.
Aw, she grinned, Is college boy in a mood ?
No, I mumbled, still looking over her shoulder. Just enjoying the sunshine.
She laughed softly and I felt her leaning in closer, so her face was only an inch away from mine. The familiar smell of her strawberry shampoo caught my attention, and her breath brushed against my lips.
Damn… I muttered, knowing I had already lost.
Laughing, she leant forward and kissed me lightly. I pushed off from the bonnet and stood up, kissing her back as I smiled aginst her lips. Well we might as well go, I whispered, Unless you want to stand around here makig out for a while.
Well as much as you two may want to do that, Dick laughed behind us. We don’t really want to stand around and watch you guys suck face all afternoon.
Yeah ! Jackie shouted behind us, We wanna go bowling.
Smiling, I pulled away from Lily and spun around, holding my arms out. Well then, lets get this show on the road and show these girls how it’s done, I pointed to Dick. Right man ! They need to see how real men bowl.
Aboslutely, Dick nodded as we all started walking. Girls versus boys sounds great to me.