Book:His Burning Obsession Published:2024-8-26

He pressed her stomach yet nothing.
“Get the fuck away from her!” I growled and knelt beside Camilla as I took her lifeless hand into mine.
I pressed her stomach thrice and opened her mouth slightly before breathing into her mouth.
But she wasn’t responding, we finally got to the ship and I carried her in a bridal style as we boarded the ship.
I placed her on the deck and laid her straight on her back as my mates started gathering around us.
“OMG! You found her!” I heard someone say with joy as she knelt on the deck, it was Leticia.
I heard annoying whispers behind me as I glared around in range.
“Everyone get the fuck away from here!” I growled making them move back.
I was broken, I couldn’t let another person who was precious to me just walk out of my life just like that.
People do say you never know the value of someone until they almost slip off from your hands, that was my case now.
And I don’t want that to fucking happen…
“Camilla, please come back to me!” I muttered in agony as I squeezed her cold hands.
Leticia whimpered clamping her palms around her mouth as she tried to muffle her sobs.
The men from earlier came back with first aid treatment but I need to get this done myself.
I held her hands and felt her pulse which I think was starting to palpitate.
Without wasting further seconds on her, I started the CPR method on her.
I lifted her Chin with one hand trying to open her airway, and at the same time, I tilted her head back by pushing down on her forehead with my other hand but she wasn’t responsive to it.
“Fuck!” I muttered in anxiety.
I placed the heel of my hand on the center of her chest at the nipple line, then I pressed down at least 2 inches making sure not to press on her rib bones.
I did a chest compression at the rate of 100-120 per minute or more and let her chest rise completely between the pushes.
I opened her mouth tilting her head giving her 2 breaths as I did 30 chest compression.
I followed the process again and again but she didn’t respond.
“OMG! Is she dead?” A girl asked covering her mouth with her hands as she stared in shock.
“Keep on doing it,” Mr. Kent said positively as he held Camilla’s hand as I did the process once more on her.
“It’s not working!” Leticia cried as she stared at Camilla.
“Let’s try another method,” The man with the first aid box said but I was boiling with anger.
Jenny is fucking dead today…
I was about to stand up before I heard someone cough.
I turned around and saw Camilla coughing as I sighed in relief, she vomited all the water she swallowed as she coughed terribly.
“Lucas!” She muttered out as coughed out again.
“OMG! You’re alive! You did it!” Leticia cried happily hugging Camilla tightly.
I stared at her, I didn’t even know how to express how happy I was for her to come back to life.
To come back to me…
“You did it man,” one of the men patted my back.
Everyone started whispering and Ben walked forward hugging me.
“You saved her, you should be a doctor,” He chuckled patting my back but there was no how I could be a doctor because I would be taking over my father’s company.
She coughed once more and stared at me, without thinking I spooned her to myself in front of everyone and carried her in a bridal style.
She wrapped her hands tightly around my neck shivering as her wet clothes clung to her body like a second skin.
Everyone cleared the path as they stared in awe still whispering.
I made my way to the hull and looked for a cabin, I opened the door of the small cabin and placed her gently on the bed as she unwrapped her arms around my neck.
I wanted her to be that way with me, to be so close to me.
I walked over to the closet, looking for clothes or a towel. I finally saw a blue towel neatly packed on the rack as I grabbed it quickly and went over to Camilla who wrapped her hands around herself. I spread the towel and used it to cover her.
“Thank you for saving my life,” She whispered gazing at me as she clutched the towel tightly to herself.
I smiled lightly squatting in front of her till we were of the same level and stroked her damp hair as droplets of water dripped on her body.
“I thought I was going to lose you,” I said softly still frightened as I remembered how demoralized I was staring at her unconscious body as I stared into her blue eyes while she didn’t reply but just gazed into mine.
I leaned closer to her and I could see the uneasiness on her face, my gaze lowered to her lips and I found myself wetting my lips with my tongue.
“No one would ever hurt you again, I promise,” I assured her, and I meant those words, and when I’m done with her, I’m marching off to that maniac of a bitch.
Without thinking, I slammed my lips on her, she caught my lips immediately like she had been starving for them for a while.
I stood up a bit as our lips folded perfectly shooting waves of spark into my body.
I placed my hands on the bed between her sides as she slowly wrapped her hands around my neck.
I kissed her slow and passionately, she tasted like the seas but I love every flavor of her lips and mouth.
She relaxed slowly pulling me closer to her as a moan escaped her lips.
I pushed her slightly to the bed making the towel slip off her shoulder as she wrapped her legs around my waist shuddering.
We savored each other lips as I seek dominance with my tongue which fondled perfectly with hers.
Our wet body saturated the bed, while my fingers weaved into her dampened locks. I could feel myself get rock hard but Camila was just recovering from a shock and trauma making me not push further, I’m still yet to go receive her forgiveness though…
She gasped loudly while I stopped kissing her, moving slightly away from her.
She gaze at me in fear, as her face turned pale.
“Jenny!” She whispered terrified as she pushed me away standing up.
“Stop!” She shunned me raising her hands at me.
“You should leave me alone,” She said staring at me.
I frowned a bit and took steps closer to her as she moved back.
“Lucas, I want you to stay away from me, I almost died be-because you’re wi-with me,” She stuttered.
“Camilla, I can–”
“Don’t you get it!” She fired loudly making me swallow whatever word I was about to say.
“Jenny did this to me out of the pure hatred she has for me and that’s because you’re getting…” She trailed off while I grabbed her arm and jerked her over to me.
“I will make sure, Jenny pays for this,” I seethed, anger radiating over my body as she stared in bewilderment.
“Leave me alone Lucas, if you want me to forgive you, Stay away from me!” She said in a deadpan tone as she yanked her arm away from me while I stared in shock at her.
She backed away from me while I just stared at her feeling empty before I stormed out of the room.
I got out of the hull as Leticia ran over to me.
“How is she doing?” She asked.
“Where the fuck is Jenny?” I burst as she stepped back frightened at my rage.
I brushed past her as everyone stared at me.
My eyes landed on Susan and Bella who were trying to walk away, I caught up with them and grabbed Bella tightly on the arm.
“Where the fuck is Jenny?” I seethed angrily as she shook in fear.
“I-I don’t kn-know!” She stammered as I boiled in rage.
“What do you mean, you don’t fucking know where she is?” I growled yanking her to the deck as she fell on her butt wincing.
“Leave her alone!” Susan yelled making me divert my attention to her instead of taking my steps to her as she moved back terrified.
“You guys knew about this?” I asked her and she shook her head.
“No, we didn’t,” She shook but stood her ground trying to be brave.
An evil chuckle escaped my mouth as I shot her a death glare.
“Where is she? I won’t ask again,” I growled making her whimper as she took steps backward.
“I’m here!” We heard someone cleared her throat and I turned around to see her.
A wave of anger flowed in me as I marched furiously to her.
“You’re so fucking dead for even showing up,” I roared as I marched towards her as her eyes were bloodshot, her face was red like she got hit and I wondered who it was.
I yanked her to me as she muffled a cry as my nails dug into her skin.
“What did I fucking say about you not going close to Camilla,” I flared, shooting her murderous glare.
“I can’t just bear how you’ve been so intimate with her,” She cried and that even made me angry the more.
“She’s mine, fucking Mine! So you thought you killing her would make me come back to you or what, I never liked you or loved you in the first place, you were the one clinging yourself to me all the fucking time, and you got your damn self used,”
“C’mon Jenny, you’re the bitch and slut here, and let me tell you this, I’ve set eyes on Camilla ever since we started high school,” I spat in her face as she stared at me with widened eyes her tears flowing freely on her face.
I yanked her to the floor as she sobbed I wanted to do more, I wanted to kill her…
I dragged her hair as she winced out clutching her hands around my hand.
I heard murmurs and whispers around me.
“You gonna pay for what you fucking did Jenny, you ought to have known me,” I charged drawing her with her hair as I made my way to the iron handle.
I dragged her up and pushed her to the handle.
“Lu-Lucas!” She stuttered staring at the water in fright.
“I’m gonna throw you in this ocean just the way you fucking did to her,” I growled in her eyes as she trembled in my hold.
Someone yanked me over as Jenny fell on the deck crying.
“C’mon man, you don’t need to that,” Ben said as he turned me to look at him in the face.
“Get the fuck away from me!” I growled dangerously as I tried to make my way to Jenny who was trying to crawl away.
“Lucas, you have to calm down!” He said and I saw Mr. Kent coming towards us.
“I want to kill that bitch,” I hissed out.
“Lucas, I want you to go back into the hull, we’ll handle this, and Miss. Layton will be dealt with and won’t go unpunished,” Mr. Kent came forward trying to stop me.
“I want to fucking hurt her with my own hands,” I fumed hitting my palms on Ben’s chest furiously as he staggered back lightly before I stormed off.
One more sight on her and I would lose my patience…