Chapter 66

Book:Hybrid's Redemption Published:2024-7-14

Today’s breakfast was one full of nerve-wracking and never-ending brooding silence and I knew why. It consisted of only me, the former Luna Queen, and Paisley. The men weren’t present and so there was less drama.
My eyes were pinned to my teacup and only looked up when an Omega had asked if I wanted more tea-to which I had declined, wanting nothing more than to flee the dreary scene. For one who is to become the next Luna Queen, Paisley doesn’t seem to be relaxed around the present Luna Queen as is seen in her frequent shuffling and not uttering a word to her.
The Luna Queen herself didn’t seem to mind our presence. She kept to herself, as usual taking her tea and bacon as gracefully as she could-as if to make sure it doesn’t stain her made-up lips or taint her painted fingernails. When will I be that elegant? Maybe not in this world. I am too haphazard to be molded into that. Bianca would have had a fat chance than me-being that she is already a Bambie even though most of her urbane characters were counterfeit, and was aimed at making people think she was better than me for the Luna position. Same thing.
I ran out of the breakfast room as soon as I finished, straight to the room to prepare and leave for my escape zone, wishing to forget what happened last night, and hopefully, come back with a positive aura-one void of thoughts of kidnappers and throat snappers.
I had changed and was repacking my hair sightlessly when the door opened. I snapped around to see who it was and became distraught when I saw Alonso standing there scrutinizing me, his back to the closed door.
“Where are you going?” he asked calmly, pushing away from the door.
I was still holding my hair, sweat prodding my brow at the bulky nature and length. I was surely going to have to trim this hair. It’s becoming a burden. “I’m going to work… I’m already late.” I averted my gaze, my attention focusing back on my hair. Dang, that! I rushed to the mirror and forced my gaze on it, taking in the stormy hair. It wasn’t that bad, just my stubborn poise to stand in front of the mirror and put it in order, had me suffocating. Well, looking in the mirror isn’t as bad as I supposed. It looked better now.
“This is part of why you have a maid, Danika. Why do you have to do this by yourself? And you ain’t trimming it!”
I halted, my hands still in my hair as I appraised him from the mirror. “Excuse me?”
“I said you ain’t trimming your hair.” He came to my back, yanked at my hand which fell off from it and it came tumbling down my back in heavy waves.
“H- How did you hear that?” I blinked in confusion.
He shrugged. “We are mates, and we have mated. You have my mark, or is it marks? On you. So it’s bound to happen.”
“I thought you…” I swallowed, still not believing it. “… I thought you can’t do that unless you accept me. Like, make me your Luna…” I looked down, entwining my now fidgeting fingers together. Why does he often have to make me feel this way?
“I thought so too. But since the day we mated properly, I have been experiencing certain things when I’m close to you.”
Certain things. “Have you had other symptoms?” I knotted my brows in worry. I can’t have him hearing my thoughts when I couldn’t hear his. That’s not fair, he needed to stop.
“No, for now, I’m only hearing your thoughts and that is only when we are close and I allow it.” His hand came to my shoulders and started kneading them slowly. Anyone could walk in on us? I wanted to move away, yet, my feet were stuck to that position, motionless. This man was giving me a migraine as a result of too much confusion. This minute he is cold to me, and the next he is acting sweet. I thought he held me in contempt.
“Can you turn it off?”
“Yeah,” he said, his eyes were now stone dark. They were not the same color I see him have, like bluish-green when I know he might be fighting to own his body from his wolf. This was different. But then in a flash, it was gone. Like magic. What is going on with my head? I was now seeing things. With every gutsiness left in me, I shrugged him off and moved away. I needed to clear my head away from his close proximity.
I went to the bedside and faced him, surveying the dark eyes now glassy, my image reflecting off them. He seems displeased at what I did but didn’t say anything.
“Turn it off!” I said agitated. I wasn’t going to let him control me from that angle. I have silly thoughts all the time. Imagine him hearing them.
“I will when I want to,” he said, his brows cocked, tilting his head to the corner and squaring his shoulders.
Arrogant bastard!
I pinched my nose to contain my rising irritation. I had work, and he was distracting me. “I have to go.”
“You won’t go anywhere. It’s too risky for you to go anywhere for now.”
I snorted at him. “You didn’t think it was risky for anyone to walk in on us?”
“That’s different. I have to protect you.”
“Like you care!”
He didn’t reply, giving me my answer. I picked up my bag. He backed me to a corner, grabbed the bag, and flung it to the bed. “I told you not to keep testing me, Danika. When I say something, you obey!”
I snorted again at his face, rolled my eyes, and moved to walk off. “You can order your wimpy mate around, not me anymore. You don’t own me!” I snarled, watching raw rage form in him. He was fighting the feral longing to hurt me, I could see it. It was there in his eyes, going from green to blue and back. He hates when I defile him and it delights me. Or, does it turn me on? Why is my pants going wet? I’m becoming a psycho.
Breaking our eyes battle, he huffed murderously and whirled away, giving me his back. “You are to stay back home, Danika. Don’t forget you are to go shopping or whatever you ladies do in preparation for the Luna ceremony,” he finished his assertion by grazing at me with his mouth-watering smirk. Only that this time it made me feel like striking him hard across the cheek. He knew the right strings to pull to bring out the worst in me. Arrogant asshat!
“Is that all you have? To turn me into your Luna’s handmaid?” I crossed my hand on my chest, cocked my head to the side, giving him a keen assessment. “Very poor if you ask me. I will break her neck and feed her blood to my hungry wolf, try me!” Where did that come from? Gad, I’m becoming dangerous! Blood? Ewwww.
If I thought my threat was going to move him, failure. It didn’t. Instead, that look I caught before returned, and this time it was darker and more hostile.
He shook his head, stormed toward me, grabbed my face, and shoved me back until I was flat against the wall behind me. He came on my face. “Don’t test me, Danika… I can bite just as I can suck!” I stared into his new eyes, fear rocking through me even though I maintained my fearless pose.
He might have sensed it or not, but before I would give a comeback, he crashed his lips on mine hungrily. I should have fought him, clawed at his skin with my protruding fingers, sank my elongated teeth into his neck, and killed him if I can, however, the heat between my legs and the incessant needy sensation gnawing at me, connived to overthrow my common sense. Every sense of security flung to the air as I held onto his powerful shoulders and flushed my body against him as our mouths fought for dominance.
When did I become this wanton? I moaned as he thrust his tongue deeper, his canines biting down on my lower lip. I didn’t care for the aftermath of our collision or the fact that my lips might look like blown balloons due to his assault, I just took it, kindly.
When he pushed off me panting energetically like a panther, his lust darkened eyes drilled into mine with a warning on his lips. “Remember that when you try to defile me, Danika.” And poof! He vanished through the door, leaving my reeling brain befuddled with sheer shame.
He just wanted to prove a point- his prominent control over my body. And it worked! I allowed him.
Argh! I stomped my feet and dashed to the closet to change. I need to turn out this one. If he thinks I’m going to lay down in this house and do nothing, then he is absolutely dafter than I thought. This Danika is no longer the Danika he used to know.
Damn him and his stupid rules!
I left my room, the forest, the only place in my mind. If the kidnapper or killer wants me, he can as well meet me in the forest and finish me off once and for all. Of what use am I living in the first place, when my daft mate doesn’t respect or love me?!