In the forest, transformed into my wolf form I let her keep running, nonstop. Stampeding on the sprouting shrubberies, bringing down withered figs in my anger, I dashed through the thick woods in sheer fury. I particularly liked the wheezing of the wind against my furs, causing it to suspend in the air as I stuck my muzzle ahead bounding to nowhere in my mind.
I like to let out all the steam boiling inside of me. It all boils down to Alonso! Every time, he won’t stop making me mad. When I think things are working between us, there he goes ruining it all! Making me think perhaps he was bipolar.
What manner of man is couldn’t maintain a particular personality for up to a day without showing his true colors? Only him. Or, maybe every member of his family. The thought of what Nadia said earlier crossed my mind and I couldn’t help but think maybe that’s why they are all the way they are. What kind of children was a ruthless man and cold woman expected to give birth to, if not children of likewise personalities? After all, a snake does not give birth to anything less of its nature.
My wolf paws were starting to hurt from running too much. Her pants were becoming erratic, and I could feel how thirsty she was from her drooling. I skidded to a trotting stance and sniffed the air. I faced the lane that led to the stream and began walking in that direction. I felt calmer and more collected now. This was why I liked running when upset, it’s the easiest way to unwind when we get caught up in any emotional turbulence.
When we reached the stream, Muse started gulping water from the plain white waters. It was freezing cold down here and it’s because of the soon emergence of winter. How the seasons fly was so amazing. I can’t wait to grow older and be more powerful. By the next year, I don’t know where I will be or the kind of person I will become. I merely pray for fulfilling days.
Satisfied, she sat on her hinges and looked out to the open, her ears perking up at the loud chirping of birds in the distance flying to their abode. I followed the noise and smiled within. Each time I looked at birds this way, it made me wish I was a bird so I could simply fly to my freedom without any restrictions. What a fat difference.
Suddenly growing bored, I looked around my environment in thought of what to do to fill my time. It was still very early to go back home, and I don’t want to encounter Alonso and have him ruin my day further. Then again, I didn’t want to join Theresa and Paisley for their blasted shopping. I would rather eat my eyes out than help plan the marriage of my mate to another woman. I don’t think I am that strong. Not when I have a choice.
Alfred! I need to call Alfred. I commenced trying to link him up to meet me here. Since Alonso came here, it means the meeting must be over. I need to speak to someone, I was losing my mind. Talking to anyone right now would be the best option. I would have preferred Mary, but I don’t want to disrupt her daily duties and put her in trouble.
“Hey, Fine face,” he groaned, as though sleeping.
“Hey,” I crooned. “Are you busy?”
“Nope! What’s up?”
“I am in the woods and wanted to ask if you can come over?”
“Oh, I was thinking of going to train but since you asked, I will be on my way.”
“Oh, thanks. I’m waiting.”
“Okay.” The link went off. I exhaled and slid to the ground to lay down and enjoy the fresh breeze the stream has to offer.
Everything about being here was a bitter-sweet experience. On one hand, you get to be beguiled and on the other hand, you might suffer a heart attack if you weren’t careful. Alonso’s life was one filled with so much pain that it has to an extent, have maimed him. I know, which was why I am working so hard to understand him better. He is not used to being disobeyed and looked down upon, something I know is why he is not on good terms with his brother. But, I can’t keep acting docile around him if I want to breathe fine or live long.
Maybe a long time ago, I would have. I was a scared wolfless girl who had only been told of how powerful I was but hadn’t even found my wolf, not to mention experienced anything that proves me being powerful. But since I got here I have learned a lot, been exposed to a lot, and spoken to several people. It has helped open me up to possibilities.
Mary once told me that how I lay myself to a man, is how he would treat me. And to be frank, I think she is right. Ever since I began acting defensive around Alonso, was when I found out he was all bark and no bite. Yes, he still does things that infuriate me and does things with that little bitch that drives me crazy. However, I noticed him humiliating me with whips and or spewing degrading invectives on me had stopped to a great extent. This means my rebellion is working!
Muse’s ears stood on alert when we heard a sound come from the south of the woods. What if it was the intruder that came into my room? I stood in an attack stance, bared my fangs, and began growling-so whoever it was, would know that I wasn’t an easy target. I stopped and sniffed the air, the person’s scent was concealed showing he or she knew what they were doing. They were hiding so they can attack when I’m less vigilant. They were very cowardly.
I trotted a distance away from my position toward the palm tree-the one I caught Alfred the other day, I hid in one of the branches and stretched my sense of sight in every direction. Still no one. Where is th-
Out of nowhere, Alfred jumped out, right in front of me. I started, and paused, an angry growl at the tip of my lips. Still enraged with him for pulling such a stunt, I eyed him with venom and growled louder before making my way out. Son of a gun!
“You didn’t hide your scent, Danika, what if I was an enemy?” he linked me.
“Umph! It slipped my mind,” I told him, going back to my former position. “Why did you try to startle me? That’s very petty if you ask me.”
“It’s part of the training. Don’t ever forget these things. They help you when you least expect it. Don’t forget the festive period draws nearer. This period, creatures of different kinds go out of their way to break through boundaries just to claim territories.”
“But why is that? What would any creature apart from our kind want to do with a wolf kingdom?” It amazes me how creatures of the supernatural desire to expand their territories to less expected places.
“Well, let’s just say that’s how we operate. Everyone wants sovereignty over the others. Imagine if a Vampire claims this land. That would mean having unlimited authority over the wolves. Don’t forget there are Hybrids of Wolf and Vampire blood. Are you still confused?”
My muzzle was on his face in an uttermost reflection of his statement. “How do you know these things?”
“Everyone that cares for the safety of their packs knows these things. I am of a royal bloodline, so it comes naturally.”
“Hmm, interesting. I never thought about it in that way,” I confessed, “… maybe because my family didn’t give me the opportunity. The most I’ve known of pack activities are our festivities, most of which I had to sneak to. Nothing else was exposed to me. Not even on the day I clocked eighteen, when I was supposed to be in the pack house shifting with the other pups…” I shrugged, suddenly feeling sad. My paws stretched out on the ground as I looked ahead of the water in despair. I could feel Alfred leering at me from the side in pity. “It was a good thing though. Imagine if I had gone out with them only to discover I couldn’t shift. I would have died in shame. They already hated me, then I disgrace my family like that, the hatred would have tripled.”
He raised one of his paws and placed it on mine. “Don’t be like that, Danika. That was in your former pack. Whatever happened there stays there. You are here now and from the look of things you have the heart of everyone twirled around your fingers.”
I giggled inside, wishing his assertion was true. If only…
“If there is one thing that I learned from shifting late, it’s that everything happens at its right time…” he continued. “Maybe that was part of why my father didn’t see me fit for the throne. I was bothered, yes, but I didn’t beat myself up. I knew when the time comes I would enjoy it. Though I didn’t go through whatever you went through, nonetheless, from a friend to a friend, I will tell you that it happened for a reason. Including all the contempt. ”
I mulled over what he said in silence, deciding he might be right or wrong, both of which I can’t tell for now. Then, I recollected what I wanted to ask him and raked my head on his to share with him, so he doesn’t suspect shit. Then it clicked.
I faced him. “For someone that hates ceremonies, what do you think I can do to avoid getting involved in this Luna ceremony?”