Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2024-7-10

“Well, call and tell her now. Tell if she’s interested, I’ll call next Thursday.”
“I will, I will. I wasn’t thinking.”
I thought later many times about my next statement, and how true it turned out to be.
“Relax, Cindy. She’s your friend. Of course you want to protect her, help her be happy. I understand. Gotta go.”
She was still talking when I hung up.
I did call Thursday, and she chattered happily. We made a date. She wanted to go to a movie and then back to what she called ‘our’ club. I threw in dinner.
We had a really great time. The movie sucked, one of those vapid tearjerkers some asshole was making a fortune writing, but the dinner and the dancing was great. By the time we left the bar she was firmly under my arm.
I surprised her by not coming in when I dropped her off. She looked disappointed until I explained why.
“I’d love to, honey, but Allan and I are working tomorrow. We’re almost over the hump. This account and another we’re courting will make us pretty secure, so we’re putting all we have into it.”
I think calling her ‘honey’ did the trick. I got a really strong kiss, followed by another. I finally had to break it off.
“Damn, you know how hard it’s going to be working tomorrow thinking about these kisses? If I blow this account, I’m making you support me.”
She giggled prettily.
“You’ll do fine. If you think those were great, wait ’til I bring out the A game.”
“That wasn’t the A game?”
More giggling.
“No. That was a I really like you a lot first date kiss. Keep up what you’re doing, and you’ll get the A game soon. Now go. Conquer the business world. Call me soon.”
She and Cindy surprised us by showing up the next day, bringing a home cooked meal.
“You have to eat, right?” she said, sailing by me. They set the conference table and we ate a feast fit for a king. Afterwards, they cleaned up and packed. I found her on the conference table, bouncing up and down.
“What are you doing?”
“Stress testing the table. I don’t want it to break when we christen it.”
Cindy laughed and joined her.
“Yeah, It’ll hold us. Bye honey.”
Becky got up. “Yeah, bye honey. See you this weekend. We’re going to the lake, grill and swim. You guys need some sun.”

As an ad guy, I know one of the most hard and fast rules is always display your wares to the best of your abilities, while minimizing the weak points.
The girls had both bought new bikinis. Becky had on a modest top, but the bottom was a not quite thong. Cindy on the other hand, had on a modest bottom, but her top was two postage stamps and some wrapping string. I still don’t know why we weren’t thrown out of the state park we were in. I think the fact that the lifeguards and manager on duty were all male had something to do with it.
Allan and I almost burned the steaks because we couldn’t keep our eyes off the girls. They finally laughed and put slinky covers on.
We ate, we played in the water, got into a volleyball game, us against four guys. Every time they got ahead in points Becky would bend over to pick up the ball, or Cindy would jump op and down, making her boobs shake wildly. We won, despite not being very good.
Just before it got dark they dragged us into the water, snuggling into us. That almost naked ass rubbing on me got me hard in seconds. We were kissing, when she pulled back and dove under. She popped back up, grinning. Cindy did the same.
“Sorry,” she said, “We were getting too hot.”
we snuggled and played a little longer. She handed me something. I looked down and found her bottoms in my hand. She grinned as I rubbed down her hip, finding nothing but skin. Her ass felt better than it looked, if that was possible. She turned slightly, and I found out she was just as smooth in the front. She hunched up a little, and soon I had two fingers inside her, stroking slowly.
“Faster,” she whispered. I threw it into high gear, and soon she was moaning and shaking. She lost it, cumming on my hand. When she calmed down, she put her hand in my suit, grabbed my aching cock, and stroked me until I blew so hard some of it actually floated to the top.
I looked around at Cindy and Allan. She was completely naked, her nipples would pop out of the water once in a while as she bounced. I couldn’t see her hands either.
“Honey, will you get my cover?”
“Aren’t you going to put your…”
She put her fingers to my lips.
“No. I intend to stain your upholstery on the way back. Wanna complain?”
“Not in the least. Looks like I need to get Cindy’s cover too. That’s her top, isn’t it, out past the safety line?”
Cindy squeaked when she saw it. Becky teased her, telling her she had to come get her cover, while Allen just grinned. Finally she tossed it to her. Hers was a lot lighter than Becky’s, and it was like wet tee shirt night watching her come out of the water.
I heard a gasp, and looked around. Three teen boys, carrying their gear out, were standing there like deer caught in headlights.
Cindy grinned, stretched, forcing her nipples out, asking Allan for a towel. Not to be outdone, Becky bent over, showing the bottom of her ass cheeks as she picked one up and gave it to her.
“Goodnight, boys. Maybe we’ll see you next week.” they said, as they walked to the car. We followed along, admiring the view and laughing.

That night will be etched in my memory for the rest of my life. Even now, as hurt and heartbroken as I am, I still get hard thinking about it.
We damn near broke the bed. Seems she’s multiorgasmic, and goes absolutely crazy if you eat her pussy. Her blowjobs would bring tears to your eyes. She could torment you for hours, if she wanted to. By the time she was done you wanted to come so bad it actually hurt.
Her pussy was tight yet yielded easily to my thrusts. I can still feel her muscles massaging the cum out of me.
I had only had anal once before. She didn’t like it so we never did it again. Becky taught me it was all about preparation and anticipation. When we first did it, I thought I would pass out.
In spite of everything else, I never had complaints about the sex, before I found out I was sharing.

We were constantly together. They’d meet us for lunch once or twice a week. One would bring it, while the other went out. We discovered the conference table was really sturdy, the couch not so much. We had to replace it after Allan and Cindy had lunch in one day.
We were heading towards moving in when we hit a bump in the road. I always felt it was a warning I should have heeded.
We got the other account we wanted so badly. It meant enormous hours until we could afford to hire someone. I usually worked more hours than Allan, so he could spend time with Cindy.
Becky and I hadn’t been out in three weeks. She was a beautiful woman and used to getting a lot of attention, and it didn’t sit well. She was bitchy the last two phone calls, despite my apologies.
I looked up one Saturday at five.
“Fuck this,” I thought. I was going to call her, spend some quality time. She wasn’t home. I called Cindy and she said she thought she was out with her friends from work, after bitching me out for not paying more attention to her. I wasn’t in the mood.
“All right, if that’s the way you feel. Tell Allan starting next week he works every hour I do. Sound good?”
She was trying to back pedal when I hung up.
Forty minute later Becky called.
“Where are you?” she asked.
“I couldn’t get hold of you, so I went back to work. Enjoy your night out. I’ll call you tomorrow.” She was still trying to talk when I hung up. Cindy had killed my mood and I wanted to be alone.
I had started back to work when I decide to eat something. There was a little mom and pop operation down the street from the office that had killer hot dogs, so I stopped and ate two piled so high with toppings they were dripping everywhere, with a large order of hand made onion rings. After all, I wouldn’t be kissing anyone tonight, would I? Still grabbed a couple of breath mints on the way out.
I started home when I remembered a club Cindy was telling me about. It was sort of like the one we liked except it leaned towards jazz. She had read about it in the entertainment section and thought it might be a change of pace. Maybe they’d be there. Either way, I could check it out.
It was a nice place, muted lighting, dark wood, with a pub style kitchen and a nice bar. They had a three piece, drums, piano, standup bass. They were pretty good, even If I wasn’t a big fan of jazz.
I remember thinking Becky would like it when I heard her laugh. It made my day. This had been where she had gone with her girlfriends. Sneaky little devil was doing what I was, checking it out.
I started into the lounge area when she walked into view arm in arm with some guy I’d never seen, heading towards the dance floor. It didn’t concern me, we were both often asked to dance by others. We did, but not often.
I looked around the floor and didn’t see any single girls. Huh? I decided to hang back, see what was going on.
I took a small table off to the side, and watched. There was no one else at the table. They danced three more times, the last with his hand firmly on her ass. The kiss at the end and the one at the table sealed it. I hadn’t asked her to be exclusive, but I expected her to be more up front if she was dating others.
I can’t deny it hurt. It did, a lot. I wrote it off as a life lesson and started to leave, before I remembered the remark about being out with the girls. I got the waitress, had her take them a round of drinks in exactly five minutes, giving her a twenty dollar tip.
She had the radar of a good cocktail waitress or bartender.
“There’s not going to be any trouble, is there?”
I assured her, saying I was leaving, they were friends of mine, and I felt foolish not noticing before. The drink was an apology because I had to leave and hadn’t talked to them. She bought it, kind of.
I waited a minute and dialed her number. The band was on break, and I heard it ring from where she was sitting. She looked at it, said something to her companion, and took it.
“Hi, honey. Change your mind?”
She sounded so sincere.
“NO, I’m beat. It’s bed for me. Say hi to the girls for me. Where are you? It sounds awfully quiet.”
The band’s on break, and the girls had to go potty. I’m guarding the drinks.”
The waitress was approaching with their drinks.
They looked over at me and I stepped out of the shadows.
“The Fedora is nice isn’t it? Tell your girlfriend here not to go into the ladies room dressed like that. They may not understand.”
Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she could recover. I was already out the door. I sat in the darkened lot across the street and watched as she ran out the door, looking around wildly. Her date came out and said something, but she shook him off.
The phone started ringing, and I cut it off. I didn’t feel like talking. Her date argued some more and she kept shaking her head no. He finally gave up in disgust and went back inside. I wondered what she was waiting for? Fifteen minutes Cindy roared up in her SUV. She climbed in and started towards my apartment. I went the other way.
Not in the mood for a bunch of drama, I found a motel, paid cash, and knocked out for ten straight hours.