“So, let the healing begin. That way we can all get over it. Carrie, tell Jan you forgive her. Jan, in four months you can promise her you won’t screw him again and everything will be fine. You’ll have a stronger marriage for it, I’m pretty sure that’s in a chapter of the cheating handbook somewhere.”
I stopped to catch my breath.
“Let’s get Todd and George over here too, and do a blanket healing. And Carrie, don’t throw too many stones, or I’ll have to tell an interesting tale about you and a stripper during you last girl’s weekend to Myrtle Beach. Did I mention Becky told tales when she was drunk and we were alone? Tina, you and Sandy need a new circle of friends. Looks like the old one is pretty worn out. We’ve finished our conversation about me and Becky, but it looks like you guys have a lot to talk about, so I’ll be leaving now. Let’s not do this again, ever. Bye.”
Was it a shitty thing to do? Maybe, but it didn’t bother me much. He without sin, and so on.
There was a hell of a row at the table. A lot of yelling and tears, and more than a few slaps. Sandy grabbed Tina and they went to another table. He wasn’t loud, but he had a finger in her face and she was crying pretty hard. Finally Marge, the bartender, told them to either leave or tone it down. They trouped out, all but Tina and Sandy.
She timidly came up to me.
“I’m sorry,” she said, with lowered head and avoided eye contact. Then she gathered her courage and looked up.
“It just that we thought you were the best of us. You guys seemed really happy. I didn’t believe it when you split up, and I figured once you calmed down you’d talk it out and get back together. I’m guessing everyone, especially Becky, didn’t expect your reaction. You’re really through with her, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Tina, I am. You’re wrong, though. You and Sandy are the best of us. Use this as a learning experience. Choose your friends a little more carefully in the future. Go home now. Love each other. And if nothing else, remember me and Becky, and how you can never be sure of anything, especially how a person will react to betrayal. Maybe I’ll see you sometime.”
Sandy apologized again, and they left, holding hands.
Marge nodded towards them as they left.
“They seem a decent couple. The others though, I’m not so sure of. I think the divorce court in your hometown will be a little busier soon.
I nodded, agreeing. Then gave her my keys, thirty dollars for the cab, and switched to whiskey.
I was as surprised as any of them at my reaction. I liked to think I was a pretty decent guy. Still do. Then again, you never know how someone will react to stress and betrayal. The fact that I loved her so deeply made the betrayal even worse.
I wasn’t really attracted to Becky at first. She flirted too much and seemed a little flighty to me. We didn’t date for the first two years I knew her.
She was the best friend of my business partners’ wife. Cindy was the one constantly trying to put us together.
“Give it a rest, Cin. We’re just not attracted to each other.”
“Speak for yourself. I know for a fact she’s interested in you. You’d be good for her.”
Being half buzzed, I smiled and kissed her cheek.
“But, dear Cin, would she be good for me?”
She left it along for about six months, then Allan, my partner, asked me for a favor.
“Jace, I hate to spring it on you this late, but all of us, Cin, Becky, and her date were going to the theater tomorrow. The touring company of Momma Mia. I know how much you love musicals, you closet sissy, and Beck and her boyfriend had a big fight and they broke up. Would you go with us and keep her company?”
I thought about it for a minute.
“Don’t think so, Al. I don’t think I’d enjoy it in the company of a weepy or angry woman. And you’re the one who picked the show, it’s all you’ve talked about for two weeks. Have you picked which dress you’re going to wear? It’s after Labor Day, so the white four inch heels are out. Go with the black five inch ‘come fuck me’ pumps. Maybe Cindy will get excited enough to use that ten inch strapon, you size queen.”
We laughed and went back to work. That evening, Cindy called.
“Please Jace. She’s a mess right now. She could use the company of a decent man.”
“But I don’t need the company of an emotional woman.”
“She’ll behave. I promise. Please please please?”
I sighed.
“All right, but just because I want to see the show. In gratitude, tell Allen you’ll use the strapon if he’s a good girl. He’ll understand.”
“You asshole! Now I have to buy some scented lube on the way home. Cherry, if they have it.”
We laughed for a minute while I tried to get a mental picture. Allan was six four, with a beard. Cindy might be five three.
“Seriously, dude, thanks.”
“If tonight sucks, I’m gonna take a turn on you with that strapon. Now, let’s get to work.”
We went to dinner first. Becky was subdued but not whiny. I really looked at her for the first time.
She was five seven, slender, small breasted, but she had a world class ass. Her auburn hair went to her shoulders in soft curls. Her face was well proportioned, with brown eyes that sparkled most of the time, and a mouth that seemed to say “Kiss me! Now!”
All together she was a very nice package. The problem was she knew it and used it. I’d seen her work a guy, and the poor bastard never had a chance when she turned on the charm. Then she’d laugh and walk off, leaving him hanging.
We enjoyed the show. The girls were actually singing their favorite song from the show in the parking lot. I looked at Al and grinned. We jumped right in. Soon half the parking lot chimed in for the big finish.
We went for a drink later, at a small club I suggested. I have nothing against dance clubs, but sometimes I actually like to hear myself think, and hold a conversation. It was the weekend, and they had a four piece band. Two keyboards, drums, and a guy that switched from guitar to bass as the song called for. It was old, light melodies, mostly slow. There were actually a few couples dancing on the small floor.
Allan looked at Cindy and she dragged him out on the floor.
“Wanna…” was all I got out before I was on the floor, with a hot woman wrapped around me. It was slow, it was soft, it was comfortable instead of arousing.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“For what?” I asked in surprise.
“For showing me good guys still exist. Cindy told me to behave, so I did. I know you didn’t want to come, but I’m glad you decided to.”
“Me too,” I said, realizing I meant it.
“Whether you know it or not, you’re a hell of a woman, Becky. Tone the flirting down a notch or two, invest in someone worthwhile, and I’m sure you’ll be very happy. And I’m not criticizing you, just making an observation based on watching you for the last few years.”
She actually smiled.
“Thanks, I think. You really think I’m a nice woman?”
My turn to smile.
“When you want to be. Either way, you’ve got the best ass I’ve ever seen. Ever noticed when we’re around each other I’m always a step or two behind you?”
She flushed, then punched me on the arm.
“Again, thanks, I think.”
The song ended and we walked back, talking and smiling. Cindy was sitting there amazed.
“What were you two talking about?”
“How Jace says I’m a good woman most of the time. And what a great ass I have.”
Allan choked on his drink and Cindy laughed. I looked at him.
“What? Don’t tell me you’ve never noticed.”
Cindy looked at him suspiciously.
“What about my ass, honey?”
He was trying to think of something diplomatic to say when I rescued him.
“You do have a nice ass, Cindy, but it’s not even close to hers. If it’s any consolation, you’ve got a killer rack.”
Both women were looking at me like I was crazy for talking to them like this. Allen started laughing.
“Stop, Jace. Quit while your breaking even. Honey you do have a nice ass, and you’ve got Becky beat all to hell in the boob department. But it’s you I love, and that’s all that counts, to me.”
Nice save, Allan, I thought, remembering now what a good salesman he was. Becky just grinned, turned around and shook her butt in his face. I wished many times I’d had a camera that night.
Not to be outdone, Cindy grabbed my head and stuck my face between her boobs, nearly smothering me. We all laughed until we cried, had one more drink and three more dances. The last dance Becky molded to me, rubbing until she felt me get hard. Then backed off, grinning.
“You’re a good guy, Jace, but you’re still a man.”
I got a really good kiss, and she made me promise to call her, soon.
I didn’t call for two weeks.
That Saturday I got a pretty sharp call from Cindy.
“You asshole[she called me that a lot. I hoped it was a term of endearment]. She was starting to think there were good guys in the world, and then you don’t call. Her feelings are hurt pretty bad.”
“Cindy,” I said calmly, when she finally wound down.
“What’s Allan been doing for the last two weeks?”
“You know damn well what he’s been doing. You’ve been keeping him at the office all those ungodly hours getting the Jamison account done.”
“Exactly,” I said softly, “and what was I doing all this time?”
“Guilting Allan because you’re practically living at the office. What’s that… Oh.”
“Yeah, Oh.”
Suddenly she was apologizing.
“I’m sorry, Jace. I didn’t think. I should have told her.”