She took a deep breath, knowing that there was no escaping this one. This would be the first time she’s telling anyone about what happened. Maggie doesn’t know how he’ll react to hearing what she did, she doesn’t know if he’ll believe her innocence or not, but still, she has to try.
“First, let me tell you who I am. I might have told you my name, but that’s just little detail compared to what I carry inside of me.”
He seemed very interested in what she was saying, “go on. I would like to know who you are.”
“I might be a wolf, but I was born with gifts that made me stand out from the rest of my kind. Unlike any other normal omega, I am a seer, alpha Walden.”
“A seer?”
She could tell that he was shocked by her words, this was because her kind of wolves born with special gifts were rare, abnormal would be a better term in fact, because “seer” and “wolf ” do not go together in the same creature, but then, here was Maggie.
She nodded, “yes. I am a seer, soothsayer, whatever word you may like to call it. I read people’s fortunes just by reading what is written on the palm of their hand. When I was born with these powers, my father always warned me to keep them away from the rest of the world. Back when I lived in the silver pack, at times, I would get carried away and reveal my powers to a group of people, my father would always be there to control things because he was a soldier.”
“Why didn’t he want people to know about your powers? I mean, they must have been there for a reason, right?”
“Right. I had always thought that I was blessed with these powers to help people, but then now, I regret not listening to him all those times, because years later, it turned out he was right.”
Walden leaned closer, paying more attention. He could tell that Maggie was about to say something vital, that something bad had happened as a result of the powers she was born with. Maggie continued.
“After I ran away from my home to be with my lover then, I became a Turnal wolf. Shortly after, my lover died and I had no one but my baby to fend for. Without any assistance, things were difficult for me, and then I ran out of savings.
“Prior to moving into the Turnal terrain, I had not told anyone about my powers yet, I didn’t even know if I still had them because I had not used them for so long, until one day, when a silver wolf sneaked into Turnal lands all to seek my divination.”
Even though they were somewhat settled now with the new laws, Walden had always been aware of the constant feuds between the silver and Turnal wolves, and for someone who’d sneaked into the borders just like that, he knew how much danger that meant for the person.
Thankfully, the intruder wasn’t discovered until after she’d left, and then people began to wonder why of all reasons to risk one’s life, it would be my house.
“That’s how your powers were discovered?”
“Yes. When I became a Turnal wolf, I had no intentions of using them anymore because of the problems it caused between me and my father, but then after the intruder, her name was Katrina. After finding out the purpose for which she came, more wolves started coming to seek my services.”
“And then you agreed to use them even after saying you wouldn’t?”
“I was desperate. I had nothing, and they offered me money. It was from the soothsaying business I was able to raise my daughter and give her a life she deserved.”
I know that a mother would do anything for the best interest of her child, Maggie. I do not blame you for the actions you decided to take to help your family.”
“Thank you. I want to know if I should stop or continue with my narration.”
“Of course, you should continue. I want to hear of everything that happened.”
“After my powers were exposed, the exact opposite of what I expected happened. Many wolves started coming to me, even from outside the terrain, seeking divination services. I made a large sum, was able to move to a better house, and I was also able to take care of Emily without assistance from anyone.”
Walden didn’t expect for the story to go this way. It made no sense at all, why would someone then send men to kill an innocent mother who simply made a living to take care of her child? He had to ask.
“It sounded like things were going pretty well for you and Emily. What then happened with those assassins? Did you commit a crime or something? What made you do it if yes?”
So many questions all at once. Maggie let out a sigh she’d been holding. She should calm herself for this moment, as there was no need for Walden to even ask, she would be getting to that soon.
“To every good side of things, there is equally a bad side. My father always used this proverb to refer to my powers whenever he was warning me to be careful. My divination powers were unlike any other, I would tell people their good fortunes and they would pay me handsomely because they knew it would come to pass, it always did. I had so many testimonials from people who had gotten the answers they’d come for, and with that came many more customers. But as there were good fortunes, there were also the bad ones, just like the proverb from my father.”
Walden could tell that this narration of hers was getting deeper by the moment, and with each moment that passed, his interest piqued.
“The deal of the lifetime came when the newly coronated alpha queen of the Turnal pack, alpha Grace heard of me. Alpha Grace was very wealthy just like any other alpha, and was willing to pay me very well if I could read her good fortunes to her.
“When picking customers, I was always very careful as to whom I chose, because I did not want the same thing that had happened with Katrina and some other silver wolves I had read bad fortunes to in the past. I had to be careful. Luckily for me, all the fortunes I read during my divination business were all good ones, I never had any one bad, and I thought that I had gotten control of my powers. I thought that I had learnt not to let out bad things that would happen to people in the future from my mouth. Then came the offer from the alpha queen, but of course, even after thinking I had a hold of my powers, I didn’t want to take my chances with the alpha queen.
“So, I refused her offer because I didn’t want any trouble, but she was persistent. She multiplied the money she wanted to give me so many times, until I was finally coerced. With the amount she offered to me, I would not need to read anyone’s fortunes just to have money in my pocket. The money would be more than enough to take care of me and Emily for the rest of our lives. All I had to do was to read a good fortune to the alpha queen. What could possibly go wrong?” Her eyes began to well as she spoke.
Walden already knew where this was going, but didn’t want to interrupt her. He already knew that things didn’t go as well as Maggie thought they would.
“I thought that nothing would go wrong, as I had not read any bad fortunes in a long time, but my powers… They have a mind of their own, and the bad fortune came at the worst time for me. I tried to control myself after reading what I saw from her hand, but I couldn’t. The words would not stop flowing from my mouth, and then alpha Grace… She heard of her misfortune first from me, before it came to pass.”