“She’s awake now. So soon? I’d expected for it to take longer with the state I brought her in.”
“Master Suni was shocked too with the way she recovered. She is back on her feet now and wants to speak with you, sire.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes sire.”
“Tell her that I’ll meet with her shortly.”
“Okay sire.”
Maggie had been waiting. She hadn’t waited for long but yet she’s anxious. She needs to meet with the alpha, this selfless man who saved her life. She would be eternally grateful for his help but she can’t stay here for long. She needs to return to Turnal territory so she can get her daughter and then they can both run to where they’ll be safe.
In her mind, she knows she can’t do this alone. She knows that she’ll be needing the help of this alpha once more, but she doesn’t know if he’ll agree. Either way, it’s not a good idea to rely on that. She needs to start thinking of a plan to get her Emily back without being spotted by her enemies, and she needs to do it now.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone knocking.
It must be him! Oh, thank heavens he came on time, Maggie sighed before responding to the person outside.
“Come in.”
The door opened and then he walked in. Maggie saw his face then and felt her heart skip a beat for a second. This must be the most handsome alpha she’s ever seen. Her heart! What’s going on? She’s never felt this way… At least not until before she met her Jeremy.
“Hello dear,” he disturbed her thoughts again.
She stammered, “oh… Um, hello alpha…” it occurred to her then that she didn’t even know his name. He read her face language then and didn’t need to wonder much about what she was asking for.
“Walden. You can call me Walden.”
“Hello, alpha Walden.”
“Hello dear,” he repeated. “Now that you know my name, I was wondering if you could tell me yours.”
“Oh, of course, how silly of me…” Maggie pinched herself for getting so lost in his eyes. Why was she behaving this way? “My name… My name is Maggie. Omega Maggie.”
“Hello Maggie. How are you feeling now?”
“Very good sire. In fact, I am very fit to head to the roads now.”
He rose his brow. “You were almost killed just a few days ago. Are you in a hurry to go somewhere so suddenly?
“Yes. I told the healer of my situation. I might be safe but my daughter is still in Turnal territory. I don’t know how long she’ll remain undiscovered. Once my enemies find out that I made it out alive and can’t find me, they’ll go after her. I would never be able to forgive myself if something ever were to happen to my daughter because of me.”
Walden nodded his head, understanding what she said, “I see. So where is your daughter now?”
“I left her in my neighbor’s house that day I was headed for the market. It was on my way that I was kidnapped and taken away by those men. I have not seen her since then.”
“My guess is that your daughter might still be in your neighbor’s house, and the host would not have expected you to have been gone for so long.”
“Exactly. If she gets tired of holding onto Emily without a sign of me, she might think I abandoned my daughter or something, and only the goddess knows what she’ll do with her then.”
“This your neighbor, do you trust her as someone you would leave Emily with for long?”
“I don’t know. I was in a hurry to head to the market, and the caretaker I usually hired for my daughter was not available. I was also desperate, and then my neighbor, Tianna who had just moved in, offered to hold onto her while I was gone.”
“So, that’s why you want to head back to the road? Because of Emily?”
She gave him a nod, “yes, now I regret leaving my daughter with someone other than whom I trust, but then I never expected for things to go this way. I thought that I would have been gone for only a short while.”
“I understand, but then still, regardless of what happened. You shouldn’t have done that. Only a short while is more than enough time for someone to do something harmful to your daughter without you being there.”
“Believe me when I say that I regret every bit of what I did. And now every second I remain here is torture for me. Even though I am in safety, every second I remain here without my daughter is torture for me.”
Out of nowhere, Walden suddenly changed the topic. “What happened?”
His question confused her, “I don’t understand, sire.”
“I mean, what happened? Why did those men want to kill you? Who sent them?”
Here we go. Maggie thought of the best way to answer him. “It’s a long story, sire.”
“I’ll make time to listen to it. Tell me everything. If you want me to help you out, you have to tell me the truth and nothing but the truth. Make sure you don’t leave anything out of it.”
For any other reason, Maggie would have felt reluctant to give him the answers he was asking for. But then he’d offered to help her in exchange for the truth she’d buried in her heart. She doesn’t know where to start with the whole story, but she has to try, if not for anything, let it be for Emily.
Only two questions now remained in her heart. Could she trust this man? What would he do when he found out what she did that caused her to be on someone’s death list?
She heard his voice again, like she’d been buried deep in her thoughts.
“I’m waiting, Maggie. I want to know what you did. Tell me everything.”