Book:Fated To The Ruthless Alpha King Published:2024-6-8

“I thought that nothing would go wrong, as I had not read any bad fortunes in a long time, but my powers… They have a mind of their own, and the bad fortune came at the worst time for me. I tried to control myself after reading what I saw from her hand, but I couldn’t. The words would not stop flowing from my mouth, and then alpha Grace… She heard of her misfortune first from me, before it came to pass.”
Walden felt so sorry for her. It must have been hard, having powers you can’t control, being put in such a difficult situation that you have to use those powers by all means.
He was sorry to hear that alpha Grace’s only son and heir to the Turnal throne died from a sickness from which no one knew the source, he was sorry to hear that Maggie was blamed for this boy’s death as a result of foretelling the incident before it happened. Alpha Grace accused her of witchery, and promised to make her pay for what she did.
Because the female alpha didn’t have enough evidence to convict and execute her publicly, she decided to take the lower road, by sending assassins to kill Maggie and dispose her body where no one would ever find it, but thank the stars for Walden’s intervention. Because of him now, Maggie is safe, now it only remained her daughter.
“It’s okay dear,” Walden consoled her as she wiped the last drops of tears from her eyes. He felt some guilt then for making her spit out all the truth of the things that took place, but it was good he did it, for it appeared that Maggie had been bottling up those emotions ever since the incident happened.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “Look at the way I’m crying like a big baby in front of you, when you have enough on your table to deal with being an alpha of such a large terrain.”
“No. Don’t say that. I was the one who wanted you to tell me all that had happened, you can’t blame yourself for getting emotional about the things you said. If it makes you sad, then you have every right to express it the way you should.”
“Thank you. You truly are a good alpha.”
“Now, let’s talk about your daughter. I’m sorry that I won’t be letting you leave this place to go back to the land of the person that almost got you killed.”
“I understand your concern for my safety, sire, but I have to…”
He stopped her, “hold on. Let me finish. I know you want to go to get her back, but it’s too dangerous for you both, especially if the queens guards take sight of you. Apart from that, you still need to rest.”
“So, what do I do?” Maggie sighed. “I thought of that too. I know that returning there might be dangerous but it seems I have no choice. I am all alone, and there’s no one to get her for me.”
“You are no longer alone, Maggie. I promised to help you if you told me the truth, and since you didn’t hold back on anything, then I’ll be keeping my promise.”
“Thank you, sire.” She didn’t know what exactly what she was thanking him for, what mattered was that he had agreed to help her, that she was no longer alone.
“I will be sending some of my men undercover into the Turnal terrain to fetch Emily for you. You will describe your neighbors place in the best way you can to them and then they’ll handle things from there. Hopefully, if things go according to plan, Emily will be safe here with you by tomorrow night.”
She couldn’t resist the urge to go on both her knees then. It was so surreal, where did all this come from? Maggie didn’t know that such kindness could still exist in a person. It’s been a cold world especially since the death of her lover, with the only shining light for her being her daughter, the only reason she could keep going on was Emily.
“You’ve been so good to me, sire. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay you for all you’ve done.”
“I didn’t ask for any reward, did I? Now please, get up.”
It was already night time when their talk ended. Walden thought it best to leave Maggie to rest since time was far spent and she was still on medication. While he left her to sleep, he would ensure to do all he had promised her tonight, he would be sending men undercover to Maggie’s neighborhood, and by early tomorrow morning, he should have gotten some reports from them on the progress made. Things should go according to plan, so long as Maggie and her daughter are not within sight of any danger.
“Why is he doing all this?” Maggie asked her wolf as she placed her head on her pillow.
From the place she came from, one doesn’t show kindheartedness unless for something in return. Is that the case with this alpha? What could he possibly want from her? What could she possibly offer him?
She doesn’t know the answer to all these questions, but that’s not what’s important right now. What’s important was that Emily was coming to be with her in safety. She hopes that Tianna has not told anyone of being in keep of her daughter yet, she hopes that Emily is still safe within her care, and she hopes that her daughter will make it out of Turnal territory unnoticed with the help of alpha Walden’s men.
Sleeping tonight might be very difficult because she has her hopes so high, but she will try to be strong, at least for Emily’s sake.
“Good evening, sire,” Maggie greeted as she entered the alpha’s chambers in the evening of the next day. Walden had sent for her as he’d just gotten some reports from his men. Maggie was anxious which made her palms sweaty as she anticipated what the matter was.
“Good evening, Maggie. How was your day?”
It was not fine at all; she’d spent most of the day sleeping as a result of the heavily induced drugs she was taking. She also felt guilty for the much comfort she was receiving in this place when her daughter was still out there, but still, there was no need for alpha Walden to know about all that.
“My day was fine, sire,” she replied.
“That’s good to know. I wanted to update you on the undercover men I sent. They reached out to me just this evening.”
“Really? What did they say?”
“They arrived safely, and they were able to locate your neighbor’s place. Only the news of your disappearance spread but besides that, everything is okay, your daughter is safe with her, still, there’s a little problem.”
Oh. Maggie’s heart could rest now. Thank the heavens that Emily was still safe with Tianna, but what could the problem be? She began to worry again.
“What’s the problem, sire?”
“Tianna refuses to release your daughter.”