“There’s been a lot going on back at home. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to check up on you earlier. I should have at least dropped by to see how you were doing.”
“No. That’s fine. I know you’re a busy man. Come in.” She gestured, brushing off his apology.
“So, how are you feeling now?” He asked as he entered the living room to take a seat.
She sighed, sitting near him, “to tell you the truth, I haven’t felt this free in such a long time. My heart feels eased a bit, thanks to the serenity. Thank you very much for your help, Renard.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to keep thanking me all the time, you know.”
“Sorry, I guess it’s become a habit.”
Chuckles, “so now that you are free, I would like for us to talk about what happened.”
She creased her brow. “What do mean by that?”
“What it was that made you leave the packhouse… especially your argument with alpha Damian… The other day, when you walked out of his room.”
Katrina tried to recall… of course, her mind went back to day. Renard was standing outside alpha Damian’s chambers when she’d left there, crying profusely.
“How much of it did you hear?” She asked as she sadly bent her head.
“I heard enough for me to know that you were hurt, pretty bad.”
“Thank you for your concern, Renard… I really appreciate it, but I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it yet…” she was already feeling her eyes beginning to well up as she spoke. “I don’t…. I don’t think I have the heart to keep recalling what happened that day. I just want to forget it all….”
“I’m sorry, Katrina. I didn’t mean to bring this up to hurt you. I only wanted you to know that if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll always be there.”
His words…. Those kind, caring and thoughtful words… it sounded so strange. Her body prompted her to get up from where she was sitting then, her voice getting louder with each word.
“Why are you doing this?” She asked him.
He was shocked by what she said, “Katrina… I don’t understand what you mean.”
Her eyes wandered round the house, “I mean…this… all of this…. Following me, saving me that night… giving me a place to stay, providing for me, caring for me… why? Is there something you want in return? Are you doing this hoping that I’ll fall in love with you???”
There… she’d said it. The one thing that was troubling her mind about Renard. She’d let it all out… The greatest fear she’d had in her heart, falling in love all over again after such a heartbreak.
After feeling the burn of her accusation, he began to answer her question, in a firm tone, “Katrina… right from the very first time I met you, you’ve always looked down on me. You’ve always seen me as someone who’d never take the high road. But the man you love… Damian, even with all his flaws, you worship him, you love and respect him, and then he still treats you like dirt…”
His words brought pain into her eyes. He saw them, he was saying the truth, but for Katrina here, the truth was a bitter pill to swallow.
Upon seeing her reaction, the anger left him as he threw away the remaining words, and replaced them with an apology.
“Katrina… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to say that…”
She wiped her eyes… “no… you’re right. I’m a horrible person. I give…” sniffs, “…Damian who doesn’t even see me as anything all the respect and then you… despite how badly I treated you, you still… you still cared…”
More cries followed her words… as she couldn’t bring herself to say anything else. Renard felt so much compassion, so much pity for her. Her poor wolf has been through so much. He shouldn’t have let his anger get the better side of him. He sat her down then and took her into his arms, patting her softly, wiping her tears with his hands.
“Shhh… it’s okay Katrina, please stop crying. Let’s not talk about this anymore. I don’t like to see you hurt…”
For moments, she sat there in his arms, while he comforted her, no words were exchanged between the two, the only thing interrupting the silence in the air was the sound of their breaths on each other’s skin, until Katrina was no longer crying.
The both of them didn’t know how much time had passed until Renard looked out the window and saw the bright moon shining in the night sky. Looking down at the fine blonde in his arms, she’d fallen asleep. He needs to go out now, as night patrol starts in an hour, but he didn’t want to wake her up.
Gently getting down from the couch, all the effort he put into carefully placing her head without disturbing her sleep was fruitless as she opened her eyes then. He wondered if she was even sleeping at all.
“You’re leaving? Without saying goodbye?”
“I’m sorry. You were sleeping… I didn’t want to wake you…”
She seemed to have been enjoying his company, as from the expression on her face, the sound of him leaving didn’t please her at all.
“I’ll come to check up on you later.”
Sighs, “ok.”
He didn’t know why, but at that moment, looking into her eyes, he finally gave into his desires before leaving, finally brought her closer to his chest, finally captured her lips in his mouth. He knew that she might not welcome this, he knew that by doing this, he was taking the risk of her getting mad at him or even a punch in the face, but at that moment, he didn’t care. The only thing he knew was that he wanted her so badly, so he took the cue his heart gave him.
Surprisingly, she didn’t object, didn’t push him away, but instead, kissed him back.