“So how do we forge ahead with our plan boss? That silver territory is nearly impenetrable. If you’re found sneaking in, you’ll be caught and killed immediately!”
“I know, that’s why we have spies in every territory, so we don’t have to sneak in to get what we want.”
“Spies? I’m afraid we no longer have any of those there again boss, they’ve all been executed.”
The boss’s eye shook, “all of them???”
He nodded, “yes boss, every single last one of em, they were all found out and sentenced to death by the silver alpha himself. It’d be suicide if we dared to go in there and kidnap someone like we did Samara.”
“But there’s a lot of money at stake that we can’t lose! We have to get that girl no matter what!”
“How do we get her when we can’t go in there?”
“No one says we have to go in there to bring her out, we only have to get someone who’s already inside to help us, and I know just who to call.”
Miranda was in the kitchen that morning after breakfast, supervising the activities of the cooks and servers. This was her first week of carrying out her in-house Luna assignments after three weeks of proper grooming by madame J herself, and she seems to be doing well, so far so good.
“So how’s the third day on the job?” Madame Jane asked her as she met her coming out of the kitchen, her face full of smiles.
Miranda shrugged, “it’s good but…”
“But what dear?”
“I don’t know…. Growing up, I used to spend most of my time on the training ground. The Lotus pack has always had shortage of soldiers so both women and children had to learn to fight and defend themselves. I guess I just missed being out in the sun all the time.”
“Well dear, you don’t have to do that anymore. You are a Luna now, the pride and joy of the pack house. The alpha keeps the land, and you keep the home.”
Knowing how it’s always done across the twelve tribes, “yes I know I…. Oh dear…. ” While speaking with madame Jane, a server passing by with a large tray of leftover food from the dining table accidentally bumped into Miranda, dumping all the food on her body. Some of the plates falling down to the ground with a crash.
“You clumsy oaf!” Madame Jane barked. “Couldn’t you watch where you were going? Now just look at the mess you’ve made!”
Miranda’s entire dress was now stained with leftover food from this morning’s breakfast. Madame Jane could only fear for the girl if Miranda didn’t turn out to be a cool tempered Luna. Quickly, she ordered two cleaners who rushed with a broom and mop to clear up the broken plates from the ground. The servant who’d caused the spill sadly bent her head apologetically, almost crying…
“I…. I’m s-s-sorry…. I…. I didn’t mean to ruin your dress ma’am… I…” she stammered fearfully.
Miranda simply brushed her off with a smile, noticing her unease. “It’s okay dear. I’m sure you didn’t mean to… I’ll just go change into another one…” she said before turning to leave them towards the direction of her bedroom, but the servant girl followed, leaving madame Jane’s glaring eyes and the cleaners who were still working. She called behind Miranda.
“Let me ma’am! Let me help you… Change into another one!!! I’ll even help you wash this one!”
Miranda, upon hearing her, turned back to face her politely, “oh, no…. there’s no need dear. This dress is completely ruined… I’ll just dispose of it when I change.”
“Then let me help you with that! I can help you bathe and change into a fresh one so you’ll be good as new! Please accept my help as my apology to you,” she bowed.
This strange servant girl she’d just met seemed so bent on helping her for no particular reason… Oh! There was a reason… She felt guilty about what she’d done and wanted to make up for it by helping Miranda change into a new dress. That should’ve been all, right?
Although Miranda didn’t usually need help with anything, she figured a little assistance wouldn’t hurt then.
“Dear, what’s your name?” She asked her.
“Leah ma’am. My name is Leah,” the servant girl answered, still with her head bowed.
“Ok Leah. Thank you for offering to help.”
“You are a very beautiful queen ma’am, everyone here simply adores you!”
Moments later, Miranda had taken off her stained clothes and had a fresh bath, thanks to Leah’s assistance, she was now dressed in a new morning sunflower dress, with her former dress now in a disposable bag for Leah to thrash on her way out.
Miranda sat to brush her hair, but Leah beat her to it, quickly rushing to retrieve the brush to help her, as servants like her were always trained never to watch thir bosses do any work for themselves.
Miranda now stared into the mirror as Leah helped to style her hair.
“They do?” Miranda asked in response to her complement.
“Yes ma’am. They do. All of us do! Especially the lower ranking wolves!”
Miranda was a bit surprised, even though she might’ve seen it coming from the way everyone was so friendly to her but still, she was a bit surprised.
“Wow… I… Never knew about this… Thank you all….”
“I should be the one thanking you for letting me serve you personally. I am most honored to meet you today ma’am, and I’m sure the others would have been too.”
“Yes ma’am. The members of the lower town. We’ve always wanted to have a chance to meet our new Luna, but for the fact that she’s always surrounded with so many guards and….” like the girl quickly realized she was speaking out of her place, she shut up then. She was already done combing her hair and put the brush down.
“Thank you once again ma’am,” Leah changed the topic and bowed one last time as she turned to leave.
“Yes ma’am?”
“These people that would like to meet me in person, where are they?”