Book:Fated To The Ruthless Alpha King Published:2024-6-5

It took some time almost getting lost and Miranda asking multiple guards and servants for her way around the big packhouse, before she finally found madame Jane in the seamstresses’ quarters, giving orders for new curtain drapes that had to be replaced.
“Madame Jane!”
Miranda’s eyes were reddened, and her make-up smudged as she’d tried cleaning it off with her hand several times, how awfully tired she looked. She hadn’t had a chance to take off her clothes, nor these shoes that were beginning to killing her feet, all because she couldn’t find her things anywhere in her room.
“Oh dear, what’s the matter? The party has ended since, why haven’t you gone to bed? And why are you still wearing that dress?” Madame Jane asked all at once.
“I couldn’t find any one of my clothes madame Jane. They were there when you helped me get ready for the party and when I left with my mate, but when I returned to my room after the party had ended, my clothes, boxes, and all the gifts I received from the silver wolves, including the things alpha Damian bought for me, were all gone! It took me almost an hour to find you here as this place is so big!”
“I’m sorry about your experience dear, you should have given me a call.”
“I left my phone in my room before I left for the party, it wasn’t there anymore when I returned, the room is empty now except for the furnishings. You don’t know how frustrating it’s been for me madame Jane, not to talk of how these shoes are killing my feet!”
“Sorry dear, let me get you a pair of slippers now,” madame Jane left her there for a moment and shortly after returned with a pair of blue comfy slippers that were just about her size, bending to help her replace the heeled stilettoes on her feet.”
“Thank you,” Miranda gasped. “At least one problem’s been solved… now how do I know where all of my clothes vanished to all of a sudden?”
“They must have been taken elsewhere dear. I don’t know where as I’ve been pretty busy but I only know that one person could have given such an order and its none other than the alpha.”
A chill suddenly went down her spine, “my mate…? But… is there something wrong? Why would he clear my room?” She wondered. “Is he sending me away from here???”
“I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that question dear, but there is only one way to find out, and that’s by going to ask him yourself. If he doesn’t want you to sleep there any longer, it’s most likely that he’s prepared another place for you.”
He’s prepared another place for her, which means… it could either be good or bad, she didn’t know which since Damian was such an unpredictable man, but like madame Jane said, there’s only one way to find out, she’d just have to go this room and find out for herself.
She thanked madame Jane and slowly made her way out of the seamstresses’ quarters, heading upstairs to the top floor, which contained the alpha’s chambers, she didn’t know why whenever she came here, fear always seemed to seep out of every opening in her body, why no matter what she did, she was always uncomfortable.
Never forgetting the one-knock rule, she knocked and waited patiently, shortly after, his response came.
“Who is it?” came his voice from inside.
“It’s Miranda.”
“Come inside.”
She slowly opened the door and walked in, heading over to meet him in his bedroom office where he was seated. She stood in front of him, waiting for him to say something, he just continued with his work, not minding the fact that she was even standing there. After long minutes of waiting, she finally decided to break the silence.
“Alpha Damian…”
“Damian…um… I came here because, well…. After the party, I returned to my room and couldn’t seem to find my clothes or any of belongings anymore.”
“I came to ask you because I thought that you might have been the one to have given the order to move my things…”
“Yes, I gave the order to the guards to move your things right after I took you to the party. I don’t want you sleeping there anymore…”
He got up from the chair and went to stand in front of her, so big the table no longer separated them, Miranda bent her face towards the ground, scared to look into those green eyes that were obviously staring at her now, this was surely not the right time to melt into a puddle.
He continued, “from now on mate, this will be your new room. I asked the guards to move your things here. They’ve been neatly arranged in the walk-in closet; you’ll find all your stuff there. I find it absurd for wedded mates to be staying separate from each other, so make yourself comfortable around here, for you’ll be sleeping in my bed now Miranda.”
You’ll be sleeping in my bed now, Miranda….
Why did those words seem to have such an effect on her? An effect that she was somehow ashamed to admit to herself that aroused some form of excitement in her?
It was sure going to take a lot of getting used to for Miranda around here, as even as big as the room was, even with the lukewarm weather, the atmosphere around it seemed so cold. After speaking with her mate, she left him to go to the closet and see that it was just as he’d said; her things had been neatly arranged in the other half of the closet, as the first half contained his belongings. It then occurred to her that this room was built to contain two people, of course, the silver wolves expected that their alpha would one day find a mate, he’d been sleeping here alone for so long.
She wanted to take a shower before going to bed, but she didn’t want to undress; not here at least, so she went into the bathroom, still wearing her party dress, locking herself in before she felt finally safe enough to take off her clothes. There were towels there hanging on the rack for her to use, so she didn’t feel the need for the dress anymore, throwing them into the wash. It was a big bathroom, and she had the options to use either a hot tub, shower, or the large bath tub. She chose the shower, because she always loved the feel of cold water hitting her head directly and swimming down her body, cooling her all around.
She spent a good number of minutes in the shower before she was finally done, stepping out and tying one of the big towels round her body, using another to dry her wet heir, she then nearly slapped herself when she realized she forgot to do something she should have done before locking herself up in here, she forgot to bring in a change of clothes.