Book:Fated To The Ruthless Alpha King Published:2024-6-5

Shit! How could you forget such an important detail? She asked as she scolded herself severally, if only scolding could solve the problem.
After almost an hour of being torn between remaining in the bathroom for the next couple of hours, and leaving to quickly hurry into the closet before Damian saw her, she finally chose the latter, unlocking the door and looking outside to see first if he was still there; he wasn’t, he probably sensed her mood and wanted to give her as much privacy as she needed. Such a gentleman, more than thankful for his actions, she stepped out of the room and went into the closet, finally changing from the towel into her nightclothes. The bathroom would have been her preferred changing room had it been Damian was around but now she enjoyed the plenty freedom she had while it lasted.
After leaving the closet, her sleepiness set in and she went into the room to climb into Damian’s bed which was quite huge and soft, it was strange to her, as this was the first time she’d be sleeping in such comfort; she’d never complained about the simple life she lived though, she’d always been satisfied with her one-man single bed she’d been sleeping in since she was a teenager, her thoughts kept on revolving about her life, all that had happened, and how this marriage came to be. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, remembering those words Damian said to her.
You’ll be sleeping in my bed now, Miranda….
*Yawns, * yes… she’s sleeping in his bed now, and she’s loving every bit of the comfort she’s getting, the way the soft sheets massaged her body, it’s been such a stressful day, and she deserves all of this…
She woke up in the middle of the night, she hadn’t slept for long before she had the sudden urge to pee, probably from drinking too much wine at the party. Half asleep, she got up from the bed and made her way to the bathroom, lifting her dress and taking off her underwear to sit on the toilet seat so she could do her business, after relieving herself, she flushed and went over to the sink to wash her hands.
As soon as she was done, she closed up the sink tap but then realized that she could still hear the water running, the sink was closed, why was water still running? Still in her half-asleep mind, it took a moment for her to understand that the running water wasn’t coming from the sink, but rather from the shower. The shower door was closed, so she just assumed that no one was in there, had she forgotten to turn off the shower after she left???
Most likely, or that she couldn’t remember, she didn’t know the answer, the only thing she knew was that it wasn’t good to be wasting water, especially in a room that did not belong to her, she went over to the shower and decided to enter and turn it off, but as she opened the door, she gathered then that her assumption was wrong; someone WAS in there, and that someone happened to be no other than her mate, alpha Damian. She hadn’t forgotten to turn the water off, but rather, he was the one who turned it back on after she’d slept, he was taking a bath, and he had just been interrupted by his roommate, who did nothing but gape, her eyes were fully open and she was now staring at him naked, his flashy member staring right at her in the face.
Her eyes remained there for a second before she quickly came to her senses and turned them away. “I’m sorry… I-I didn’t know you were there,” she could just imagine how much trouble she’s put herself into as she began turning to make her way out, but he didn’t let her, dragging her by the arm, and pulling her into the cubicle so she hulled against the wall facing him.
“Is there something you want mate? Did you come here on purpose?” He growled softly.
“No… no I swear I didn’t,” as she spoke, the shower water rained on her too, wetting her clothes completely, giving Damian the complete pleasure of viewing the perfect outline of her sexy curves.
“Liar,” he grinned. Oh no! Not those flashy green eyes again!!!
His words made her knees melt to pudding, she had to rely on the wall she was backing for support. It didn’t help that his voice was steady and soft, it didn’t help that he brought his lips closer to her ears, it SO did not help that his words were an endearing mix of tender and guy. His hands securely wrapped around the small of her back and his bare chest pressed against hers, apart from the sounds of dripping water, she could also hear the sound of her own heart beating so loudly and fast against his chest.
He then brough this hand to her hair, “you’re beautiful Miranda, and your body is a perfect wonderland, just waiting for me to explore.” It seemed like he didn’t understand the power his words had on her, and if he did, he knew just well to continue.
“You know, you shouldn’t be running away from something you crave so deeply…”
“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about….”
“Of course, you do, I saw your eyes the day we first kissed, the day you became mine, now that I think about it, you kiss great for a virgin, Miranda.”
He trailed his finger slowly across her lips, teasing her, “your lips were so soft Miranda, so juicy, they didn’t want to stop kissing me that day.”
His hand travelled down to her chest, her stomach, before stopping between her legs, “do you know something else mate? They say a girl’s legs are her best friends, but it’s such a shame… as even the best of friends must part.”
She closed her eyes, feeling as his hands explored between her legs, even with the cold shower, why where his arms so warm, and what form of throbbing sensation was she beginning to feel in her womanly parts?
He seemed to be fully aware of what he was doing to her, and he seemed to enjoy every second of it.
“There’s no need to be shy Miranda, you’ve never felt a man in you before, you don’t know how much of an awesome feeling it is; you screaming my name while I make you cum. If it’s something you’ve experienced before, then you wouldn’t be trying to run away.”
“Damian…” she gasped as he shoved two fingers deep inside of her, before bringing his mouth closer to her, so their lips met…