At Jomo Kenyatta international airport, the plane started descending. A lady’s voice was heard from the intercom alerting all passengers to prepare for landing.
” Abiria wapendwa, asanteni kwa kuchangua Kenya airways kwa Safari yenu. Tunapotua kwenye uwanja wa kimataifa wa jomo Kenyatta, sisi wa Kenya airways tunawatakia furaha mnapozuru mji huu. Karibuni tena.”
” Dear passengers, thank you for choosing Kenya airways. As we land at Jomo Kenyatta international airport, we wish you a happy stay here. Welcome again.”
Sheila’s eyes widened in surprise. She knew that they were headed somewhere in Africa but she did not know exactly which country.
She had thought that perhaps David would take her to South Africa. Who would have thought that they were coming to Kenya. The very same ancestral country for her adoptive mother.
Tears welled up in her eyes. She had always wanted to visit the country that gave her a wonderful mother, who would have thought that David would fulfil this dream for her?
She was deeply touched and moved.
Sheila chose to say nothing, she did not know what to say. She also figured out that at times like this, there’s actually nothing she could say apart from saying thank you.
That’s what she has been saying since last week.
The plane finally landed and the two held hands while climbing down the stairs.
David had made prior arrangements to have someone pick them at the airport. All he needed to do was walk through the waiting area and the person to welcome them would be waiting for them.
” Wageni wetu wapendwa. Poleni kwa Safari na karibuni Kenya.”
At the waiting area, a computerised voice greeted them.
Although she was no pro in the Swahili language, her mother had taught her the language so she could tell that it was a welcome message for them and the other visitors.
At the waiting Lobby, countless people stood waving waiting banners to the visitors.
It would be easy to recognize the person waiting for them just by checking out the banners.
David and Sheila did not wait for long before a gentleman approached them with a smile on his face.
” Hi, my name is Henry and I will be the one to escort you to the hotel as per the instructions.” The man said, extending his arm to greet the two.
Of course, David being David Ignored him. He had his eyes glued on his woman.
In a situation like this, he would rather admire his wife than entertain a man.
Sheila seeing David’s reaction towards the man, she could only shake her head helplessly.
She could not tell how a man could be so nonchalant about everything.
” Hi Henry, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Sheila greeted, extending her hand to shake Henry’s.
Taking her hand, Henry kissed her knuckles only to shiver involuntarily when the temperature suddenly dropped to negative.
David was fuming Inwardly. How dare another man kiss his little woman? Was the man seeking his own doom?
If they weren’t in the open, he would have strangled the man to death.
” Karibu Kenya, hakuna matata.” Henry said with a smile which Sheila returned with her own.
Welcome to Kenya, a Land of no worries.
” Ahsante.” Sheila replied.
Seeing the two talking in s language be didn’t seem to understand, David could not help the bitterness that crept into his heart.
He brought his woman here to make her happy but why was he starting to regret his decision immediately after landing?
She was happy, that is what’s important but even with that, he could not help but be jealous of the Man who could communicate with his woman in a strange language.
After exchanging pleasantries, Henry led Sheila and David to the waiting vehicle. He took the luggage and stocked it at the boots before taking the wheel.
The hotel booked by the two was not away from the airport.
After leaving the airport, Henry switched on the car’s radio.
A soft voice started playing in the background which Sheila found pleasant .
” Macho yalikuona, moyo ukakuchangua, mdomo ukasema nakupenda.”
My eyes saw you, my heart chose you and my mouth said I Love you.
“Waambie umepona, yalokutesa moyo kusumbua, maumivu yamekwenda”
Tell them you are healed, and the pain is all gone
” We ni zawadi, niliopewa, macho nipepese wapi mi kipofu kwako sioni”
You are a gift, to you I am blind. I only see you.
As the song continued playing, Sheila could not help but nod her head to the enchanting beat.
” What song is that? It’s pleasant to the ears?” She asked Henry who in turn smiled back at her.
” I figured out that this is your honeymoon so I played a romantic song in Swahili. It is a song used to express Love to one’s partner.” Henry replied.
” Let me take this chance to wish you two a happy marriage. You look good together and I know your love for each other will prevail over any setback thrown your way.” Henry added.
Listening to the young man’s words, David’s foul mood immediately dissipated.
Hearing that he and his little woman look good together is enough to make him happy.
His earlier jealousy disappeared without any trace.
” Thankyou for your wishes.” He said, shocking not only Henry but Sheila as well.
She could not help but marvel how fast his mood flips.
Wasn’t he displeased just a while ago? Did getting compliments what he needed from the start?
Ah, what was she expecting from her petty husband.
David took Sheila to many areas starting from visiting different places at the capital City. From there, they rode the train to the coast of Kenya passing through five counties, a desert about a national park.
At the coast, Sheila had her fun enjoying most of the dishes her mother always talked about.
She ate crisp cassavas, biriyani, pilau and coconut rice.
She did not forget to taste the famous chapati with nyama choma.
She also bought countless souvenirs which she would be taking to Lily and the others.
She came across maasai slippers which had beaded decorations.
She bought a pair for herself, one for Sheila and another for Vanessa.
They also visited the five great lakes along the great rift valley and did not forget to tour the famous menengai crater.
They also went hiking to mount Kenya. Their last stop point was maasai Mara before making their way back.
That night, Sheila had Just finished taking her bath when her phone rang.
She picked it only to realise that it was a call from home.
Although David insisted they keep their phones switched off, she has reasoned with him and managed to keep her phone on.
Accepting the call, the news she got had her phone slipping and falling to the ground.
David, who had been watching, rushed to her side. When he heard what happened back home, he too had a shocked expression before he composed himself immediately.
” Pack your things, we are going home.”