” I David Brown, take you Sheila Mason, to be my wife. Infront of the alter, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart.” David recited, his eyes never leaving her, not even for a second
With that said, he slipped the wedding ring to her finger.
” I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love and dedication to you. From this say forward, your joy is my Joy. Your problems are mine too, your heart is my heart and your dreams are my dreams.
I promise to be devoted to you above all others, and to find in you, my husband, tbe light that is my home.”
Sheila said her part before slipping the wedding ring into David’s finger.
” Los declaro en nombre de la ley y ante la sociedad unidos en matrimonio”
By the power vested in me by law and before society, I declare you United in matrimony. The priest announced.
“Vous pouvez maintanant embrasser le mariée”
You may now kiss the bride.
After thanking the priest at the cathedral, the two left the church in high spirits. Sheila was still wearing her white gown which David had instructed her to wear for the day.
At first, she was adamant, wondering why she would wear a white dress when they would be spending the day roaming the streets as David had promised her.
Imagine the shock she had when David pulled her inside a church and found a priest waiting to wed them.
Another suprise from her man and she could not be any happier.
The two visited different places. They made their first stop at pont Des arts where couples ” lock” their love at the side of the bridge. You would not say you went to Paris without visiting this bridge which has a long history traced back.
Couples engrave their names on a lock, and throw the keys into the river.
The second stop spot was the chateau de villandry also known as love gardens.
From there, they drove to Miroir Des Quais, a large water mirror where couples gaze at their reflection together.
The last stop point was Saint- Valentin, the village of love in the Loire valley.
When night fell the two went back to their room after having dinner.
Sheila could not control the happiness in her heart. She could not stop smiling.
She talked to Lily back at home.
” Mommy, when are you coming back?” Lily asked in her adorable child-like voice as she blinked her doe like eyes.
After a week of going without her mother, she could not bear it anymore so she gave her mommy a video call.
” Why? You miss me already?” Sheila teased the little girl who blinked her eyes, beads of tears glistening in her eyes.
” Does mommy not miss me?” Instead of answering Sheila’s question, Lily posed another question instead.
With her pitiful act, of course Sheila felt bad for the little one. She could not bear to see her sad.
She turned to look at David who had an unfathomable look on his face.
Ofcourse David was not as naive as his little woman. He knew what that fox of a daughter was doing. Emotionally blackmailing his wife into going home? He would not fall for that trick.
It was so hard to convince her to stay back, now she wants to interrupt his sweet time with his wife? How could he let that happen? He was not done dominating his wife nor did he want his good days to come to a stop so soon.
Sheila, who was expecting David to agree to going home to Lily, panicked.
Knowing David, he would definitely turn down the idea. But this is Lily we are talking about here, Sheila will never want to know that her sweet princess was sad.
Pulling Sheila into his arms, he faced the tablet where his daughter’s fake pitiful face was displayed.
He scoffed inwardly. What a sly fox!
” Princess, don’t you want a sibling anymore?” David asked and immediately the look on Lily’s face changed to that of panic.
” Of course I do.” The little one blurted almost immediately.
David smiled inwardly. He knew just what right buttons to push and have Lily dance to his tune.
” If Mommy comes home now, there will be no little brother or sister, is that what you want?” He baited again and Lily shook her head. Having a young sister or brother is More important to her.
” That’s why mommy can’t come home yet. The little baby has not finished cooking.” David said. He had a calm expression outside but he was grinning inwardly.
‘Want to outsmart me? You wish!’ he thought inwardly.
” It’s okay. I don’t miss mommy so much. I can still wait for Mommy to come home later.” Lily said with a smile.
Sheila, who was pitying the little one a moment ago, could not help but marvel at how fast her mood flipped.
Turning to David, she mouthed a thankyou before briefly kissing him.
Lily, who was watching the PDA, covered her eyes.
” Then, I’ll see you soon baby. Be good and take care.” With that, they ended the call.
Snuggling to David, her thoughts wandered to David’s talk with Lily. It seems like the two are really looking forward to her getting pregnant.
She could not help but blush at the thought.
The two of them have been making love every night. David has made it a routine to Love her in bed until she sleeps from exhaustion.
Not like she is complaining. She loves every bit of their intimacy.
She loves him and he loves her. He has proved it to her from time to time.
Guess having a child is not something she can control but she will pray at the end of their honeymoon, they could hear some good news from the doctor.
She is a married woman with a family, she is finally happy. Counting her blessings, she must say she’s the luckiest woman to ever exist. She has a loving husband, a sweet daughter and friends who support her all through. What else can she ask for?
” I love you.” Sheila mumbled.
David smiled at her words.
” You figured out that now?” He teased.
He knew better than anyone else that she loved him, just as much as he loved her.
Despite the good atmosphere, he could not help but wonder what will happen to them when she finally learns tbe truth about her parents’ death.
Will she blame him? Hate him or even leave him?
Thinking about it, his arms tightened around her.
If there is something he is most afraid of in this world, it’s losing Sheila.
He can bear to lose his company, even his identity as the Heir of the Brown family, but not the little woman in his arms.
Slowly, she has come to be an important part of his life and soul. She is like the very same air he breathes. If the air is taken away, then he will suffocate to death.
” No, I have always loved you.” Sheila replied without hesitation.
That was a fact she could never deny. She loves him.
” I’m happy to hear. I love you too.” David replied, kissing her hair.
” Rest tonight. Tomorrow, we have a plane to catch.” He added.
” Okay, goodnight.” Sheila said before drifting off to slumber.
David stayed awake until her breath evened indicating she was asleep.
” I wonder if you will still Love me the same when you learn about the secret I have been keeping away from you.”
Kissing her hair one last time, he closed his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.