Book:My beautiful seductress Published:2024-6-4

Aunty Meng was also present and she smiled broadly at Sheila. She had watched David grow to the Man he was now. She was like a second mother to him. She knew that if there’s a person who could make David happy, then it was this lady In Front of her. Ofcourse, she was very much satisfied with David’s choice this time, not like his deceased wife had a problem. It’s just that comparing the two, she was jolly, loving and caring. She was simple and honest.
Alicia sauntered to Sheila, hugging her tightly.
” You know what? I never imagined that a day will come when I’ll see my cousin so humbled in front of everyone. To think that he actually proposed to you, wonders do happen.” Alicia praised.
” Congratulations dearest for taming this dragon, you deserve an award.” She added, smiling pleasantly at Sheila.
” Always remember that you have our full support, grandma and I. Soon you’ll marry my cousin and become one of us, so as earlier as now, let me officially welcome you to the family.” Alicia finished, hugging Sheila tightly who hugged her back.
” Grandma says hi.” Alicia whispered into Sheila’s ears before pulling away, grinning.
” Thanks Alicia.” Sheila finally said.
She was thankful for everything.
It wasn’t easy to find someone from high society who would accept someone poor like her, but Alicia was different. She never judged her and treated her like an equal.
Jordan was the last person to congratulate Sheila. Now, he had another boss, the second boss.
” Congratulations madam.” He said respectfully despite Sheila asking him earlier to be not so formal. But Sheila could understand, now she was not just a girlfriend, she was David’s woman.
David had thrown a Party, an engagement Party. It might have been a last minute proposal but he came prepared. He wanted to give her the best and what more than to let her and her friends and family enjoy the most important day of her life.
Sheila was silently watching the people she called family and friends enjoy themselves. She had a glass of orange juice at hand, sipping it occasionally. David had forbid her from taking any alcohol, he didn’t want to deal with a drunk Sheila on their engagement day.
Fred approached her silently. He had taken a few drinks during the party to soothe his aching heart. He couldn’t understand why she would choose David over him considering that they were childhood sweethearts. Was their bond as children so weak? But he also knows the reason. Who said that distance makes the heart grow fonder, it was the exact opposite in his case.
He left for his studies abroad and during that time, he didn’t not contact her. She had undergone a lot of struggles in that span of period and yet who claimed to love her was not there with her.
Maybe that was where his worth in her life dwindled. But Fred was not willing to let it go. He was not ready to give up. He couldn’t tell that fighting with David over
Sheila was akin to fighting a losing battle but he didn’t want to concede defeat.
Maybe he could convince her otherwise. He could make her see that he was the best man for her.
” Sheila.” He called softly with a smile plastered on his face after he approached her, of course, the smile was fake. He had forced it out.
” Fred!” She casually replied. He was no longer brother Fred but just Fred! Ouch! That hurt.
” Can we talk, privately?” He made his request. He knew that what he was doing was all wrong but he wanted to at least give it a last shot. If things turn his way, he’ll have his beloved woman.
” Suree, this way please.” Sheila said, gesturing to the terrace. The two walked quietly until they reached a very quiet place, away from the music blooming in the hall and the noise. Sheila made sure that they stood at least two metres apart. She was aware of the feelings that Fred harboured towards her after his earlier confession so she preferred to keep her distance. Afterall, she was an engaged woman and the last thing she wanted was David to misunderstand her.
” You can tell me now, I am listening.” Her voice was detached, like the two were not acquaintances but total strangers. Fred could feel his heart strings pulled apart, threatening to split his poor heart into two.
” You no longer hug me like before.” He stated the obvious, surprising Sheila.
Yes, she had an inkling this will be the subject of the talk but she didn’t expect him to be so aggressive with his questions.
” I was young then and unrestrained back then. Now I am an engaged woman so I have to keep a little distance to avoid misunderstandings.” Sheila replied cautiously.
She didn’t want to offend him with her words but at the same time, had to make him realise the difference between then and now.
” But you being engaged doesn’t cut our friendship or does it?” He asked.
” Of Course not, just minimise the interactions.” Sheila replied tactfully.
” Are you happy?” Fred decided to change his tactic. If he wanted to win her over, maybe he could quit the questioning attitude and try to have a harmonious conversation with her.
” What do you mean?” Sheila couldn’t quite understand what his question meant or rather what type of answer he needed.
” David, are you happy with him?” Fred paraphrased his earlier question.
” Yeah, I am happy.” Sheila replied with a happy smile on her face. Even if that question was posed to her while in dreamland, the answer will be automatic. Yes, she was happy! Happy that she finally had a family of her own. Happy that the Man she loved was serious about her.
Happy that she could experience what it felt like to be a mother. What else could she ask for? To Sheila this was what made her happy. This was happiness to her.
Fred gritted his teeth upon seeing the gentle smile she had after hearing the name of David. He couldn’t help but wonder what was so good about that man? He was a widow, with a child and old ofcourse.
He on the contrary was young and handsome, no previous girlfriend nor a child. The only difference between them was in terms of wealth.
He was rich himself, but his assets were less than a quarter of what David owned.
” What do you see in him that I don’t have?” Fred finally decided to handle the matter head on. Maybe his earlier approach wouldn’t bring him the answers he needed.