“Let’s get to the back of the pack house. Shall we?” I ask Jim and he shrugs his shoulders, more to his mate called Mirabel and we both get up from sitting. I inspect the dead wolf for the last time before getting the hell out of this room. I slam the door shut and Jim with Mirabel comes behind me.
“To suck enough blood from behind the pack house so we would gain more energy or to invite my mate to come to this pack house and kill Dad?” I ask Jim as we move towards the back of the pack house. I feel a sensation between my body and that’s to tell me my mate is either near or I’m getting more power to bring him near.
Mirabel sighs and thinks of a reasonable answer. And after staring at the clouds for sometimes without saying a word, she tells me. “I think gaining more power would save us. Let’s imagine we have so strong a power connection. I mean the three of us. Once your mate comes to this pack house to kill everyone he sees, he’d spare us.”
“What about the warriors?” Jim asks, and we both halt.
“I’ve got an idea.” I whisper to them since I notice an object approaching. “We have to deceive Dad so he’d be out there and my mate would come upon him and defeat him and everything would be solved. Don’t you think so?”
“I think, yeah.” Jim says but buts me “… but has your mate ever tried to fight your Dad? Like, in your presence?”
I nod my head. Mirabel is a bit shocked.
“And, he didn’t win him, yeah?” Jim asks again, and I nod my head but speak up before he would.
“He didn’t really fight him. They were just arguing…”. I say as I now remember. To make things right, I ensure I don’t add some lies to the truth so everything would remain pure. “… oh, I remember now. He did say that he could not defeat dad because of the cord between us. If I remember, yeah, that’s true.”
“And you think deceiving…” Jim says and then starts to whisper. “… your dad would solve it? You’ve got to disconnect yourself from him.”
“How do I even do that?” I ask, and now I can clearly see Dad coming towards our direction. Since he can’t see us yet, I hasten Jim and Mirabel to let’s move quickly to the back of the pack house. “At least, let’s go burn wolves and get energy.” But they hesitate.
“If Dad meets us here, I’m sure he’d be on the lookout if we’re going to go out still and do some stuff we didn’t tell him we wanted to do.” I tell them. “Don’t you reason it well?”
Jim holds my hands in his as he guides me carefully to the back of the pack house while I find Mirabel right there already. How everything happened is still shocking me till the moment. I honestly don’t know. As far as Dad is not knowledgeable of our plans, I’m fine.
“We’ve got to catch those wolves. They move around here. And ensure they are not the wolves in this kingdom. We would only be revealed. I mean, our secrets. And I mean, if we caught wolves in this pack house.”
“What about we catching a wolf that’s a blue one?” I ask Jim. “What do you say to that too?”
“Just be watchful. One at a time.” Jim replies, and Mirabel chuckles. After few minutes of silence and waiting patiently for wolves to cross through our sides, Jim asks Mirabel why she chuckled.
“Since our wolves can’t be controlled. I mean, they are always ravenous. It can’t be one at a time. It’s only luck.” She says and I won’t lie, I’m a bit discouraged by her words. I would rather she didn’t say that. “I’m not trying to let you down…” She says after scanning my facial expression and current mood.
“Here’s one over there…” I whisper Shallowly to Jim’s ears and he hugs my arms to check the wolf I’m pointing at as well.
“Your human eyes sincerely are very sharp!” He comments, though he doesn’t whisper, he also doesn’t yell or make his voice to be heard. He thinks that’s so until he inspects my vision well and realizes I’m Shifting into my wolf already. I feel another type of body trying to take control of me but I don’t freeze, yell, whimper, or howl. I remain in my body but my eyes are being changed. Switching from the human original eyes to the wolves eyes and then my hands become as thick as a log.
“Do you notice it too?” I show Jim my arms and my eyes and Mirabel comes close to take a look. I want to rebuke her but I hold back the urge. She is shocked again and she wants to go back into the pack house to avoid unforeseen dangers in this place. Then, finally, a wolf crosses this border as Jim grabs it by the neck and takes it down. Immediately he realizes he’s not in his wolf self, he throws his head backwards and I help him hold the wolf still. I beckon to Mirabel to come over and she obediently does.
“I’m shifting already. Ensure its the right wolf, okay?” I tell her and that’s the last thing I can say I know. As my wolf presses itself into my body and marches out my original self. At least, for the meanwhile. I stretch my arms and my legs snap. Everything about me changes and I tend to remain in this form for ever if only I can live in a safe place. With my mate. But he’s not bringing me to the Ghost realm, he could have. He rather wants to come to the human realm to rule with me. But that can’t be done without murdering the Alpha.
As earlier stated and observed, it would be bloody but that’s not the matter. I don’t speak in my wolf from neither do I even listen attentively to another wolf of same kingdom. But I observe we’re three over this wolf. One is me, one is Jim and I perceive the other is Mirabel. I hope she is, and I hope she isn’t. I hope she is because I don’t want it to be Dad or a rogue and I hope she isn’t because I don’t want her to eat out of the flesh she has not confirmed who it is.
But, either way, I think she might have mentioned it but my wolf didn’t give me attention to listen to her. Jim becomes as bloody as ever and the most beautiful thing about this peaceful bloody meal is that none of us howls. No one out of the three of us makes a noise so that Dad would be attracted. In all means we can, we must support my mate to be back here in earth and to show dad that, that’s not how a kingdom should rule. You should not use my own mate to survive in this world. You should not have used him as a sacrifice or something similar to that. He’s my dad but that doesn’t fucking mean I won’t be the one to kill him.
“And the next agenda…” I hear now through my wolf and it seems audible to the three of us. “… Lisa to kill Thompson.” After hearing this, I gulp and throw up. The bones of this wolf in my mouth flush out and I try to remain normal. Maybe I’d have to be in my human form because no matter how you whisper, if you’re in your wolf or other types of paranormal beings, it would always be louder compared to your human selves vibrations.
Jim seems not to recognize me again. He’s being obsessed with the wolf’s meat in his mouth. He eats as though his life depends on it and as though the meat would be cleared away from his front in a matter of seconds. He nudges me to keep eating but I don’t reply. Mirabel doesn’t even care, she’s on the wolf like a werewolf. Well, actually, she is. This wolf has his inside really dug already as his body is now empty. His eyes have been gouged out by Jim while his two ears have been chopped off by Mirabel. I only take my bites From his belly and Jim then asks me to take more bite. I tell him that only his manhood is left but Jim shrugs.
I want to run away since that’s what he would want to force me to do but he holds me and his hands cleave to me so strongly. Only that another stronger hand saves me and to look at the face, I only smell the scent. My mate. He’s around the corner, and watching every of our actions.